Bacteria Structure Test Flashcards 3
To study for the bacteria test.
How can you kill viruses?
What is responsible for the sicknesses in your body, such as strep throat, or the common cold?
Are viruses cells?
Are viruses living things?
Why are viruses classified as non-living?
They lack the 7 characteristics of life.
All living things are made up of…
Are viruses prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
Trick question - they’re none.
What is a bacteriophage?
A virus that tends to attack bacteria.
Do viruses have a DNA, an RNA, or can they have both (not together, just in general)?
They can have both.
What is a capsid?
A protein coat for the viruses that contain and protect the genetic information.
Some viruses have other structures, with some carrying (1), and some containing (2).
- Enzymes
- An outer envelope.
Additions to the virus, like enzymes, and outer envelopes, can help the virus with…
Virus replication.
Viruses can’t replicate without a…
Usually, the main problem with hosts in viruses is…
Virus replication.
Viruses tend to be very (what) for the host they are going to infect?
Anything that is alive can be a…
What type of blood cells usually take care of viruses?
White blood cells.
Getting infected with HIV can make you vulnerable to…
Other infections.
HIV destroys (1) that fights (2).
- Immune system cells.
- HIV and other viruses.
What if the shape of a virus’s protein doesn’t fit with shape of the protein receptors on the cell surface?
It can’t infect the cell.
Why can’t viruses be treated with medication?
Viruses mutate, so the mutated forms of the virus might need different medications.
Some viruses can play a useful role in…
Gene therapy.
Viruses attach to other substances with…
Their tails.
Do viruses carry out life activities?
Viruses only reproduce in…
A cell.
In a cell, how do viruses reproduce themselves?
Injecting their DNA.
What is the first step of a normal virus life cycle?
The virus attaches to the cell with its tail.
What is the second step of the normal virus life cycle?
The virus injects its DNA into the cell.
What is the third step of the normal virus life cycle?
The virus takes over cell DNA and forces cell to replicate virus.
What is the fourth step of the normal virus life cycle?
The virus has completely taken over the cell’s DNA.
What is the 5th step of the virus life cycle?
The cell rips apart, spreading the virus.
What is the first step of the hidden virus life cycle?
The virus attaches to the cell with its tail.
What is the second step of the hidden virus life cycle?
The virus injects its DNA into the cell.
What is the third step of the hidden virus life cycle?
The virus interprets DNA into the bacterial DNA.
What is the fourth step of the hidden virus life cycle?
Binary Fission (the cell replicates).
What is the fifth step of the hidden virus life cycle?
The virus tells all the cells to make its proteins.
What is the sixth step of the hidden virus life cycle?
The cell rips apart, spreading the virus.
Another word for a living thing is an…
All living things must do what for a species to survive?
Living things regulating its internal environment is known as…
Anything that grows/has grown on plants is… (living or nonliving)