Back/Spine Flashcards
Increased thoracic curve
Scapula are protracted
Define Scheuermann’s Disease
Affects adolescent males which is not only painful but may also cause progressive thoracic or lumbar kyphosis
Forward Head Posture
Used to keep the eyes level through kyphosis
Cervical spine is extended out
Swayback Posture
Anterior shifting of the entire pelvis that results in hip extension
Increased curve in the lumbar spine
Lateral curvature of the spine
Spine makes an S shape
Flat back posture
Decreased lumbar curve and an increase in posterior pelvic tilt and in hip flexion
Characterized by kyphosis that results from wedge fractures of 5 degrees or greater
Point tenderness over the spinous processes
Hamstrings are really tight
Scheuermann’s Disease
Sharp shooting pain that follows the nerve pathway along the posterior and medial thigh
SLR intensifies pain
Sharp centrally located pain Weakness in lower limb Symptoms are worse in morning Pain may reappear after paitent sits and resumes activities Back bending helps with pain
Herniated lumbar disk
Caused from movements that hyper extend the spine
Degeneration of the vertabrae and a defect in tha pars interarticularis
More common among boys
Persistant mild to moderate back pain
Feels need to change positions frequently
Hesitation in forward bending
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis
Inner layer of spinal disks
Nucleus Pulposus
Outer layer of spinal disks
Annulus fibrosis
Where are no disks located in the spine