B6.3 (1) Flashcards
b6.3.1 - b6.3.4
what are monoclonal antibodies?
identical antibodies that have been produced from the same hybridomas cell (fused white blood cell + cancer cell) -
how are monoclonal antibodies produced?
- genetically modifies mice are injected with the required antigen
- mice produce immune response (antibodies to specific antigen)
- antibody-producing b-cells/ lymphocytes are collected
- then fused with cancerous cells
- hybridoma cell reproduces rapidly + formed clones
- clones produce required antibody (proteins are called monoclonal antibodies)
monoclonal antibodies:
- they are highly s……
- they bind to a…….. of t……. c…….
- all highly specific (designed to target only one type of cell)
- bind to antigens of target cell
state 3 ways monoclonal antibodies can be used
- detecting antigens in pregnancy testing
- detection of diseases (like prostate cancer)
- treating diseases (targeting cancer cells)
define disease
a condition caused by any part of the body not functioning properly
what is the relationship between good health and disease?
good health is being free of disease
define a pathogen
a disease-causing microorganism
state the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases (and give an example of each one)
communicable - can be spread (ie. chickenpox)
non-communicable - cannot be spread (cancer, asthma, scurvy, strokes)
-> either developed by themselves or are inherited
what are communicable diseases transmitted by?
describe the interaction between HIV and tuberculosis
- HIV lowers the immune system
- so is easier for pathogens to cause disease
- therefore, patients often develop TB as they are more susceptible to infectious diseases
describe the interaction between HPV and cervical cancer
state what HPV is
HPV is a sexually transmitted disease
- HPV virus in cells can trigger cancer/cell changes in the cervix
how are communicable diseases spread between animals? (4)
- cut in the skin (insect bites)
- contaminated water/food
- respiratory system (droplets)
- skin on skin contact
- exchange of bodily fluids
how are communicable diseases spread between plants? (4)
- vectors (insects and humans)
- contaminated soil
- sap of infected to healthy plant (contact between plants)
- wind (fugal spores)
how does viral replication work? (5)
1) virus attacks cell
2) virus inserts genes
3) virus tells nucleus to copy genes
4) new virus made
5) cell bursts, new virus realised + cell is destroyed
what causes symptoms such as rashes, fevers and sores once a pathogen enters?
toxins produced by pathogens when reproducing
how do viruses cause disease?
1) attacks cell + inserts genes
2) uses cell to replicate its genes/DNA
3) new viruses are made
4) cell bursts + new virus is released
what is AIDS?
a name for a group of diseases which cause a lowered immunity within the body
how do scientists monitor a disease outbreak?
study the ‘incidence’ of a disease
- rate in which new cases occur in a population over a period of time
how can the spread of communicable diseases be prevented in humans? (8)
- cover mouth when coughing/sneezing
- do not touch infected ppl
- use condoms in sex (prevent STIs)
- do not share needles
- wash hands before eating
- cook food properly
- drink clean water
- protect from animal bites (insect repellant)
what is an incubation period?
and what happens during it
time delay between harmful organisms entering body and you feeling unwell
- pathogens reproduce rapidly during it
why should you use insect repellant to protect from communicable diseases?
prevent diseases from insects acting as vectors
how can the spread of communicable diseases be prevented in plants? (4)
- burn diseased plant material
- chemical dips on farms
- spray plants with fungicides (prevent fungal infections)
- do not plant other plants in infected soil
what is the use of chemical dips in farms?
kills pathogens on footwear (prevent transfer from one plant to another)
how to prevent the spread of communicable diseases in animals - farm? (4)
- treat animals with drugs (antibiotics)
- vaccinate them
- slaughter whole herd (if communicable)
- don’t move livestock
why must a whole herd be slaughtered to prevent the spread of a communicable disease?
as they live very close together and farmers cannot risk others becoming infected
how are diseases detected?
- DNA analysed
- monoclonal antibodies act as markers and bind to antigen
- visually (naked eye)
- microscopy
describe one common viral infection for the following:
a) animal
b) plants
a) HIV - invades white blood cells + reproduces inside cells
b) Tobacco Mosaic Virus
- hijacks plant cell + prevent chloroplasts from forming
- forms ‘mosaic’ pattern on leaves
- lowes quality + quantity of crop produced
describe one common bacterial infection for the following:
a) animal
b) plants
a) Tuberculosis
- inhaled
- specialised immune cells form nodules around TB and trap them
- when immune system becomes weaker (e.g: AIDS) TB break out of nodules and target lungs + spread around body (dormant TB -> active)
b) Crown Gall Disease
- enters through wound
- causes increase in growth hormones produced
- results in tumours (galls) at stem/roots
what is food poisoning?
- growth of bacteria in food
and the toxins they produce
what is the problem with tumors on plants?
cut off flow of sap + causes stunted growth/death
describe one common fungal disease for the following
a) animal
b) plants
a) athlete’s foot
- causes cracked/itchy skin and a rash
- contagious
b) barley powdery mildew
- fungus spores in wind
- stops chlorophyll production
- white powdery spots on leaves/stems
- reduces crop yield
how are fungus infections stopped in plants?
cure of TMV?
- no cure
- remove infected plants
- equipment washed between planting
- plant plants which are resistant to TMV in soil
how does HIV relate to AIDS?
AIDS is final stage of HIV
HIV weakens immune system
why is HIV so dangerous?
- invades white blood cells
- so they cannot defend against any pathogen
- human may die of simple diseases
give an example of a sexually transmitted disease (gonorrhoea)
(describe 3 facts)
- and how it is cured
- bacterial infection
- burning pain when peeing
- vaginal discharge