B6.032 Prework 3: Lumbosacral plexus and peripheral nerves Flashcards
lumbar plexus roots
major branches off of lumbar plexus
lateral femoral cutaneous
innervation of lumbar plexus
motor and sensory contributions to the anterior and medial compartments of the leg
sacral plexus roots
major branches off of sacral plexus
superior gluteal
inferior gluteal
sciatic (peroneal + tibial)
superior gluteal nerve
gluteal minimus, medius muscles
hip adductor
inferior gluteal nerve
gluteal maximum
hip extendor
innervation of sacral plexus
motor and sensory contributions to gluteal and parts of pelvic region, posterior thigh, most of lower leg, and entire foot
sciatic nerve roots
longest and largest in the body
clinical implication of sciatic nerve
tight piriformis muscle can cause compression of sciatic nerve and give posterior leg symptoms of pain and paresthesia
mimics symptoms of sacral nerve root compression
innervation of sciatic nerve
biceps femoris
adductor magnus
branches of sciatic nerve
tibial nerve
common peroneal nerve
innervation of tibial nerve
gastrocnemius plantaris soleus popliteus tibialis posterior flexor digitorum longus flexor hallucis longus *ankle and toe flexion*
innervation of sural nerve
sensation to posterior lateral aspect of the lower 1/3 leg and lateral foot
medial and lateral plantar nerve
motor and sensory innervation to the plantar foot
what is the peroneal nerve
common fibular nerve
travels to upper lateral portion of the lower leg and wraps around the fibular head
clinical implication of peroneal nerve
common peroneal neuropathy > foot drop
innervation of peroneal nerve
ankle dorsiflexion
toe extension
innervation of superficial peroneal nerve
peroneus longus and brevis
sensory distribution to anterior lateral lower leg and dorsum of foot
innervation of deep peroneal nerve
innervates tibialis anterior, ext dig longus, peroneus tertius
clinical implication of gluteal innervation
superior gluteal nerve injury leads to opposite pelvis drop
Trendelenburg gait
lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy
from wearing heavy tool belts and compressing lateral inguinal area
sensory loss to lateral thigh
saphenous nerve entrapment
from medial knee surgery/injury
pain medial distal knee
sural nerve entrapment
recurrent ankle problems
pain posterior lateral lower 1/3 leg or lateral foot