B6.011 Polyarthralgias Flashcards
etiologies that lead to joint pain
polyarthritis viral arthritis post-infectious/ reactive arthritis fibromyalgia bursitis/tendinitis soft tissue abnormalities hypothyroidism neuropathic pain metabolic bone disease depression
what % of pts with inflammatory arthritis are diagnosed with RA?
60% have RA or spondyloarthropathy
what happens to pts with inflammatory arthritis who do not have RA?
prognosis usually good
half underwent remission without pharmacologic therapy
what are the most alarming symptoms associated with arthritis?
acute presentation hot/swollen joints constitutional symptoms (fever, weight loss, malaise)
what symptom may be associated with compartment syndrome
joint pain greater than expected from physical findings
how is pain of RA and OA mediated?
peripheral sensitization
how is neuropathic pain mediated?
abnormal action potentials produced by the damaged nerve axons
findings consistent with SLE
painful, tender joints
migratory arthritis
malar rash
Abs associated with SLE
description of feeling of neuropathic pain
pain is burning
numbness and paresthesia
intensifies at night
synovitis < 6 weeks
viral arthritis
synovitis > 6 weeks
systemic rheumatic disease
what pathologies commonly involve inability to bear weight on lower extremities
septic arthritis
crystal induced arthritis
which pathology presents with early abnormalities of the sacroiliac joints
ankylosing spondylitis
MRI most sensitive
symptoms of synovitis
soft tissue swelling
joint effusion
loss of motion
what does presence of synovitis indicate
increases likelihood of an inflammatory arthritic or systemic rheumatic disease