B5.1 Flashcards
Gamete: an organisms reproductive cells. Also referred to as sex cells. Female gametes are called ova/egg cells. Male gametes are called sperm. They are also haploid cells (cell that contains a single set of chromosomes)
Chromosome: Thread-like structures located inside the nucleus. They are thin, long strands of DNA with many hundreds, even thousands, of genes.
Gene: A gene is a segment of DNA that describes how to make a certain protein. It is also code for the phenotype and basic unit of heredity passed from a parent to child.
Allele: Alleles are different versions or variations of the same gene. For example, the gene for eye colour has an allele for blue eye colour and an allele for brown eye colour
Dominant: Dominance is the phenomenon in genetics when one allele (variant) of a gene on one copy of a chromosome obscures or overrides the impact of another allele (variant) of the same gene on the other copy of the chromosome
Recessive: Recessive, as related to genetics, refers to the relationship between an observed trait and the two inherited versions of a gene related to that trait.
Homozygous: Homozygous, as related to genetics, refers to having inherited the same versions (alleles) of a genomic marker from each biological parent
Heterozygous: Heterozygous refers to having different alleles for a particular traitFor example, a genotype that is “Tt”would be heterozygous, where the capital “T” could represent the trait of “tall” and the lowercase “t” could represent the trait of short.
Genotype: Genotypes determine which characteristics an individual will express, for example: whether they have freckles or not, if they are lactose intolerant, if they have hair on their knuckles or if their eyes will be blue, brown or another colour
Phenotype:Phenotypes also include observable characteristics that can be measured in the laboratory, such as levels of hormones or blood cells. Examples of phenotypes include height, wing length, and hair colour