B4 - Circulatory System (Y10 - Autumn 2) Flashcards
π’ What is a Septum Defect?
A septum defect can mean that there is a hole in the wall between the left and right hand side of the heart is there, meaning oxygenated blood can mix with un-oxygenated and vice versa, making the heart less efficient. This can lead to an abnormal heartbeat, a stroke, or even heart failure
π’ What is a Stent used for?
When Coronary arteries become narrow (due to a buildup of fatty material on the lining) it means blood flow through the arteries is reduced, meaning the heart gets a smaller supply of blood, meaning less oxygen and less glucose. This can cause heart pains, heart attacks, and even death. One way to solve this problem of this coronary disease by using a stent. This is a metal mesh that is placed in the artery, with a tiny balloon inside of it being inflated to open up the blood vessel and the sent at the same time. After the vessel has beenwidened, the balloon is deflated and removed, while the stent remains where it is, holding the vessel open, meaning blood can now flow through the artery freely. Many stents also release drugs to stop the blood from them to stop the blood clotting. Another way for this to be treated is by using bypass surgery where other parts of veins are put into it instead, however this is high cost and high risk. (Stents only treat this one area, and do not help any of the underlying issues).
π’ What are Statins
Nowadays, more and more doctors are prescribing statins to anyone at risk from cardiovascular disease. They reduce blood cholesterol levels and this slows down the rate at which fatty material is deposited in the coronary arteries.
π’ How are Leaky Valves treated?
Heart valves are almost constantly exposed to very high amounts of pressure a lot of the time, which is why it is not uncommon for valves to start to leak, become still, and not open fully over time - which makes the heart less efficient. If this is not discovered or treated, it can affect people by making them breathless and eventually kill them. The good news is that doctors can operate and fully replace heart valves. You can get mechanical valves made of titanium and polymers which last a long time, but this does mean you will have to regularly take medicine to ensure there is no blood clotting. You can also get valve donors from humans and animals such as pigs and cattle, but only last for around 12-15 years.
π’ What is an Artificial Pacemaker used for?
A group of cells in your right atrium control when you heart beats and helps it to keep a steady, regular and sustainable beat. If the natural pacemaker stops working properly, your heart can go out of sync and your heat can start to beat too quickly/slowly, causing serious problems in the amount of oxygen transferred around the body and how fast the blood is pumped. These problems can be solved by using an artificial pacemaker, which is a device used to correct your irregular heart rate. It sends strong electrical pulses which corrects and maintains a better, more regular beat. Some of these artificial pacemakers weigh as light as 20g-50g, and can even be designed so that it knows when to send more pulses when you exercise.(If you do get a pacemaker, you will need regular check-ups for life - a small price to pay)
π’ When is an Artificial Heart used?
Sometimes an artificial pacemaker is simply not enough to restore a personβs health in some bad situations, so when a heart fails completely, a donor heart/heart and lungs and be transplanted in. However, with a heart transplant, you need to find a heart with the right tissue match, meaning some people may die before one is found. Some scientists have used temporary hearts that can support natural health until it can be properly replaced with a real one, with a small risk of getting a fatal blood clot. These hearts need a lot of machinery for them to work, with the patient having to stay in hospital until a real heart can be transplanted, however Matthew Green was the first person to go home with an artificial heart in a backpack, which lasted for two years until his proper transplant, just showing how far artificial hearts have come.
π’ Can a Stent be be put in without a general Anaesthetic?
A stent can be put in without a general anaesthetic.
π’ Why is the Circulatory System needed?
The Circulatory System is needed to transport oxygen around the body. This transport system is needed because diffusion alone isnβt adequate, due to the low Surface Area to Volume ratio.
β What is Blood made from?
Blood is made up of Plasma, White Blood Cells, platelets and Red Blood Cells, the average person carries around 4.7 litres-5 litres of blood.
β What is Plasma and how much of it is in the Blood? (+ What it transports)
Plasma: 55% of the Blood.
Your blood plasma is a yellow liquid, and itβs job is to transport all of your blood cells, and some other substances around the body, and it is largely made up of water.
The Plasma Transports:
- Waste carbon dioxide produced by the cells is carried to the lungs.
- Urea formed in your liver from the breakdown of excess proteins is carried to your kidneys where it is removed from your blood ti form urine
- The small, soluble products of digestion pass into the plasma from your small intestine and are transported to the individual cells
β What are Red Blood Cells and how much of it is in the Blood?(+ RBC Adaptions)
Red Blood Cells: 45% of the Blood.
There are 5-6 million red blood cells per mm^3, meaning there are more red blood cells than any other type of blood cell in the body. These cells pick up the oxygen from the air in your lungs and carry it to the cells where they are needed, while their adaptations make them very efficient.
RBC Adaptions:
- They are biconcave discs. Being concave (pushed in) on both sides, gives them and increased surface area to volume ratio for diffusion
- They are packed with a red pigment called haemoglobin that binds to oxygen
- They have no nucleus, making more space for haemoglobin
β What are White Blood Cells and how much of it is in the Blood?
White Blood Cells: <1% of the Blood.
White blood cells are much bigger than red blood cells, and there are also fewer. They have a nucleus, which it part of the bodyβs defence system against harmful microorganisms. Some white blood cells (lymphocytes) form antibodies against these, while some other form antitoxins against poisons made by microorganisms. Yet others (phagocytes) engulf and ingest invading bacteria and viruses.
β What are Platelets and how much of it is in the Blood?
Platelets: <1% of the Blood.
These are small fragments of cells which have no nucleus. They are very important in helping the blood to clot at the site of the wound. Blood-clotting is a series of enzyme-controlled reactions that result in converting fibrinogen in fibrin. This produces a network of protein fibres that capture lots of red blood cells and more platelets to form a clot to stop you bleeding to death, which eventually forms a scab, which protects the new skin and stops bacteria entering the wound.
π’ What 3 main Vessels is the Blood transported by?
- Arteries
- Veins
- Capillaries
π’ Why is a Double Circulation System Important?
A double circulation system like our is vital in warm-blooded, active animals such as humans. It makes our circulatory system very efficient. Fully oxygenated blood returns to the heart from the lungs. This blood can then be sent off to different parts of the body at high pressure, so more areas of your body can receive fully oxygenated blood quickly.
π’ What is meant by a Closed Double System? (for the Heart)
Closed - The blood remains inside the pathways and tracks that are made for it, like the blood vessels (such as your arteries, veins, capillaries e.c.t)
Double System - This means that there are two parts of the system, the part that is oxygenated, and the other part that is de-oxygenated.
(One for the body, one for the lungs - one part is oxygenated, one part is not - it goes through the heart twice in one complete circuit)
π’ What are your Arteries? (Properties and Function)
Thick Walls, Small Lumen, Thick layer of muscle and elastic fibres
Your arteries carry blood away from your heart to the organs of your body. (This blood is usually bright-red oxygenated blood.) The arteries stretch as the blood is forced through them at high pressure, which is why you can feel, your pulse, because your arteries are near to the skinβs surface. Because the blood in the arteries is being transported at such high pressures, it is necessary for them to have such thick walls and elastic fibres.
π’ What are your Veins? (Properties and Function)
Relatively Thin Walls, Large Lumen, Often have Valves
The veins carry blood away from the organs towards your heart. This blood is usually low in oxygen and therefore a purple-red colour. They have much thinner walls than arteries, but do have valves to prevent the back-flow of blood, meaning it is let to go towards the heart, but blocked if it wants to go out. The blood is squeezed towards the heart by the action if the skeletal muscles.
π’ What are your Capillaries? (Properties and Function)
Wall are a Single Cell Thick, Is a Tiny Vessel with a narrow Lumen
The capillaries form a huge network of tiny vessels linking the arteries and the veins. Capillaries are narrow with very thin walls, which makes substances like oxygen and glucose to diffused easily out of the blood and into cells, while the substances produced by the cells like carbon dioxide can easily pass into the blood through these thin single cells walls.
π’ What does the Heart do?
The structure of the human heart is perfectly adapted for pumping blood to your lungs and your body. The two sides of the heart fill and empty at the same time, giving a strong, coordinated heartbeat. Blood enters the top chambers of your heart, which are called the atria. The blood coming into the right atrium from the vena cava is deoxygenated blood from your body. The blood coming into the left atrium in the pulmonary vein is oxygenated blood from your lungs. The atria contract together and force the blood down into the ventricles, and the valves close to stop the blood flowing out. The ventricles contract and then force the blood out of the heart.
- The right ventricle forces deoxygenated blood to the lungs in the pulmonary artery
- The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood around the body in a big artery called the aorta
The valves then close so blood doesnβt flow back into the heart.
π’ Where does the Right Side pump to with what kind of blood?
The right side pumps de-oxygenated blood under low pressure to the lungs, meaning this part of the heart doesnβt need thick muscular walls, as not as much force is needed to get to blood to the lungs.
π’ Where does the Left Side pump to with what kind of blood?
The left side pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body, meaning this part of the heart does need thick muscular walls, as a lot force is needed to get to blood to all the places in the body.
π’ Why is does the Left side have more muscle than the right side in the heart?
The muscle wall of the left ventricle is noticeably thicker than the wall of the right ventricle. This allows the left ventricle to develop the pressure needed to force the blood through the arterial system all over your body. The blood leaving the right ventricle moves through the pulmonary arteries to your lungs, where high pressures would damage the delicate capillary network where the gas exchange takes place.
π’ Function of the Pulmonary Vein
The Pulmonary Vein brings oxygenated blood from the lungs
π’ Function of the Left Atrium
The left atrium receives blood full of oxygen from the lungs and then empties the blood into the left ventricle, with blood passing through the valve.
π’ Function of the Left Ventricle
The left ventricle pumps the oxygen rich blood through the aorta out to the rest of the body, at a higher pressure than the right ventricle.
π’ Function of the Heat Wall
The Heart wall is a thick wall of muscle that protects the heart, with the muscle considerably thicker around the left ventricle, as more force needs to be generated there to pump the blood.
π’ Function of the Coronary Artery
The Coronary artery is used to give the right amount of blood to the heart for the heart to work. (The heart needs a good supply of blood as it never stops beating)
π’ Function of the Heart Valves
The Heart Valves are in place to allow the blood through the heart in the right direction, but to stop the blood going in the wrong direction/ from going backwards (backflow).
π’ Function of the Aorta
Carries the high pressure oxygenated blood around the rest of the body.
π’ Function of the Pulmonary Artery
The pulmonary artery takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs for it to be oxygenated.
π’ Function of the Vena Cava
The Vena Cava brings deoxygenated blood into the heart and the right atrium.
π’ Function of the Right Atrium
The right atrium receives blood low in oxygen from the body and then empties the blood into the right ventricle.
π’ Function of the Right Ventricle
The right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery, at a low pressure than the left ventricle.
π’ Process of Breathing In and Out
3 - Atmospheric air at higher pressure than chest so air is drawn into the lungs
2 - Increased volume means lower pressure in the chest
1 - As ribs move up and out and diaphragm flattens the volume of the chest gets bigger
(Breathing In)
1 - Pressure in chest higher than outside so air is forced out if the lungs
2 - Decreased volume means increased pressure in the chest
3 - As ribs fall and diaphragm moves up, the volume of the chest gets smaller
(Breathing Out)
π’ Parts Of The Heart
Left Side:
- Pulmonary Vein
- Left Atrium
- Left Ventricle
- Aorta
Right Side:
- Vena Cava
- Right Atrium
- Right Ventricle
- Pulmonary Artery
Other Parts:
- Coronary Artery
- Heart Wall
- Heart Valves
π’ Parts of the Gas Exchange System
- Nose
- Mouth
- Intercostal Muscles
- Ribs
- Heart
- Bronchioles
- Alveoli
- Abdomen
- Diaphragm
- Bronchi
- Trachea (Windpipe)
π’ What is the Trachea?
The trachea serves as passage for air, moistens and warms it while it passes into the lungs.
π’ What is the Bronchus? (Plural Bronchi)
The bronchi are the airways that lead from the trachea into the lungs and then branch off into progressively smaller structures until they reach the alveoli.
π’ What is the Bronchiole?
The bronchioles carry oxygen rich air into the lungs and carry carbon dioxide rich air out of the lungs.
π’ What is the Alveolus (Plural Alveoli)
The alveoli are where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of breathing in and breathing out. Oxygen breathed in from the air passes through the alveoli and into the blood which then travels to all the cells throughout the body.
π’ What makes up the Thorax?
- Intercostal Muscles
- Ribs
- Lungs
- Heart
- Bronchioles
- Alveoli
π’ What is the Capillary Network surrounding the Alveoli?
The alveoli and capillaries both have very thin walls, which allow the oxygen to pass from the alveoli to the blood. The capillaries then connect to the veins, which bring the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.
π’ The Adaptations of the Alveoli
The clusters of alveoli provide a very high surface area, which is very important for achieving the most effective diffusion of oxygen and Carbon dioxide. The Alveoli have a rich blood supply from the capillaries, meaning a concentration gradient is maintained in both directions. Because the blood from the lungs is low in oxygen, the gas exchange takes place down the steepest concentration gradients possible, making the exchange rapid and also effective. The layer of cells between the air in the lungs and the blood in the capillaries is only a single cell thin, which allows diffusion to take place as quickly and as simply as possible, as carbon dioxide goes in, with the oxygen coming out and going into the red blood cells to make them oxygenated
(If all of the alveoli in your lungs were spread out flat, they would have a surface area equivalent to 10-15 table tennis tables, or the size of a tennis court).
π’ Where is the Gas Exchange System found and itβs Function
Your lungs are found in your chest (or thorax) and are protected by your ribcage. They are separated from the digestive organs beneath (in your abdomen) by the diaphragm. The job of your ventilation system is to move air in and out of your lungs, which provide an efficient surface for gas exchange in the alveoli. Ventilating the lungs is brought about by the contraction and relaxation of the intercostal muscles between the ribs and the diaphragm, changing the pressure inside the chest cavity so air is forced in or out of the lungs as a result of differences in pressure.
π’ Percentages of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen that is Inhaled and Exhaled
(Gas: % Inhaled | % Exhaled)
Oxygen: 21% Inhaled | 17% Exhaled
Carbon Dioxide: 0.04% Inhaled | 4% Exhaled
Nitrogen: 78% Inhaled | 78% Exhaled
π’ Epidermal Tissues Definition
These tissues cover the surfaces and protect plants. These cells often secrete a waxy substance that waterproofs the surface of the leaf.
π’ Palisade Mesophyll Definition
Contains lots of chloroplasts, which carry out photosynthesis.
π’ Spongy Mesophyll Definition
Tissue contains some chloroplasts for photosynthesis but also has big air spaces and a large surface afea go make diffusion of gases easier
π’ Xylem Definition
The xylem tissue is the other transport tissue in plants. It carries water and mineral ions from the soil around the plant to the stem and the leaves. Mature xylem cells are dead.
In woody plants like trees, the xykem makes up the bulk of the wood and the phloem is found in a ring just underneath the bark. This makes young trees particularly vunerable to damage by animals - if a complete ring kf bark is eaten, transport jn the phloem stops and the tree will die.
π’ Phloem Definition
The phloem tissue transpirts the sugars made by photosynthesis from the leaves to the rest kf the plant. This includes transport to the growing areas of the stems and roots where the dissolved sugars are needed for making new plants cells. Food is also transported to the storage organs where it provides an energy store for the winter.
Phloem is a living tissue - the phloem cells are alive. The movement of dissolved sugars from the leaves to the rest of the plant is called translocation.
π’ Meristem Definition
The meristem tissue at the growing tips of the roots and shoots is made up of rapidly dividing plant cells that can grown and differentiate into all the other cell types needed.
π’ Why flowering plants need a Transport System?
- Multicellular and often large: Small Surface Area to Volume ratio.
- They need to be able to move water and inorganic ions
- They need to be able to transport organic nutrients from leaves (e.g glucose made in photosynthesis)
Gas transport is by diffusion in and out of stomata in leaves ( there are some in the stem of plants as well)
Plants can do this because they do not have much metabolic demand, meaning transport water, food and energy makes this easier
π’ What is Transpiration?
Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the leaves (mostly from open stomata on the lower epidermis of leaves).
The stomata have to be open for the entry of CO2. Over 90% of the water taken in by the roots is lost in transpiration, the rest is used for chemical reactions and the creation of glucose.
π’ How can Transpiration Rates Be Measured?
A potometer can be used to show how the uptake of water by a plant changes in different conditions. This gives you a good idea of the amount of water lost by the plant in transpiration. Almost all if the water taken up by a a plant is lost in transpiration, but a small amount is used in the metabolism, for example photosynthesis.
π’ The Effect of the Environment on Transpiration
Anything that increases the rate of photosynthesis will increase the rate of transpiration, because more stomata open up to let in carbin dioxide. When stomata are open, the rate at which water je lost by evaporation and diffusion increases. Therefore, an increase in light intensity will increase the rate of transpiration.
π’ How do Plants Control Water Loss?
Many plants have adaptions that help them to photosynthesise as much as possible while losing as little water as possible.
Most leaves have a waxy, waterproof layer (waxy cuticle) to orevent uncontrolled water loss. In very hot environments, the cuticle may be very thick and shiny. Most of the stomata are found on the underside of the keaves. This protects them from the direct light and energy of the Sun.
π’ What happens if a plant does lose too much water?
If the plant does begin to lose water faster than it is replaced by the roots, then it could result in some drastic measures:
- The whole plant may wilt. Wliting is a protection mechanism against further water loss. The leaves all collapse and hang down. This greatly reduces the surface area avalisble for water loss by evaportation
- The stomata will close, which stops photosynthesis and risks overheating. However, this prevents most water loss and any further wilting.
(The plant remains wilted until the temoerature drops, the sun goes in, or it rains).
π’ How is a βMeasure the Rate of Transpirationβ Experiemnet Set Up?
A βMeasure The Transpiration Experimentβ involves:
- A beaker, which has a tube connected to which which has a ruler, along with an air bubble in order to measure the water lost.
- This tube of water will be connceted up to a water reservoir above to replace the lost water.
- The water loss is measured by a potometer, and the shoot is connected to this tube of water.
π’ How Do You Measure Transpiration Rates?
- You measure how much the air bubble has moved along the ruler and then record the distance that it has travelled.
- Then you find the area of the cyclinder/pipe the water is in and do pi x radius^2 x the distance the air bubble has travelled.
- By finding this out, we have the volume of water that has been taken in by the plant, and then you divide this number by the number of minutes that it has taken for the plant to absorb this volume of water
- Once you do that, you have the average volume of water cosumed per minute by the plant, and if you assume that all the water taken up is lost in transpiration, then that is your transpiration rate.
π’ Flowchart Describing the path of water takes through Transpiration
- Water evaporates from the leaf cells into the air spaces in the spongy mesophyll
- The water has now changed state into water vapour
- The concentration of water vapour in the air spaces increases
- Water vapour diffuses through the stomata in the air
π What is an Independant Variable?
An Independent Variable is the variable that is altered during a scientific experiment.
π What is a Dependant Variable?
A Dependant Variable is the variable being tested or measured during a scientific experiment.
π What is a Control Variable?
A Control Variable is the variable that is kept the same during a scientific experiment.
π Why is it important to repeat an experiment more than one?
It is important to repeat each measurement more than once, because it means that if any anomalies were to somehow occur, then you would be able to identify correct it when taking multiple measurements.
π’ How does Temperature affect Transpiration?
As temperture increases, the transpiration rate will also increase. This is because temperature affects transpiration, as it will not only lead to increased evaporation, but will mean that the water particles will be more kinetically energised, leading it more water vapour escaping from the stomata.
π’ How does Humidity affect Transpiration?
As the humidity increases, the transpiration rate will then decrease. The reasoning behind this is that there is not as steep of a gradient when comparing the concentration of water vapour inside of the plant, to the outside of the plant. This will mean less diffusion, and therefore less water loss as a result.
π’ How does Air Movements affect Transpiration?
As air movements increase, the transpiration rate will also increase. This is mainly down to the fact that there will be a steeper gradient between the volume of water vapour inside of the plant, compared to the volume of water vapour outside of the plant, meaning there will be a higher rate of diffusion and therefore in transpiration. This will be because the wetter air will be repeatedly replaced with drier air as the wind blows on and on.
π’ What 4 Factors Affect Transpiration
Remember :
H - Humdity
A - Air Movements
L - Light Intensity
T - Temperature