B2 - Cell Division And Growth (Y10 - Spring 1) Flashcards


🟠 Denfinitions of DNA, a Cell, a Gene, Chromosomes, and Nucleus


DNA - The Chemical from which chromosomes are made.

Cell - The basic building block of a living organism.

Gene - A small packet of information controlling a characteristic.

Chromosomes - Thread-like structures holding genes.

Nucleus - The part of a cell that contains genetic information.

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🟠 What happens in the Cell Cycle and Mitosis


Body cells divide in a series of stages known as the cell cycle. Cell division in this cycle involves the process of mitosis, and it produces 2 identical cells. As a result, all your normal body cells have the same chromosomes and so the same genetic information. Cell division by mitosis produces additional cells needed for growth and development in multicellular organisms, and for the replacement of worn out damaged cells.

In asexual repeoduction, the cells of the offspring are produced by mitosis from the cells of their parent. This ks why they contain exactly the same genes as their parents with little or no genetic information.

The cell cycle can take anywhere between less than 24 hours, up until sereveral years, this depends on the age of the person, as for a foetus/baby or child this will be quick, but for an adult it will not. The time that this division takes can tell you how fast your mitosis is. (This means as mitosis slows down, the more you seem to age, as it takes longer for new cells to create.) Mitosis is especially improtant when producing new cells and for replaceing dead cells (such as hair folicles, skin, blood, and the lining of your digestive system)

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🟠 The cell cycle in a healthy human roughly follows the pattern of:


Stage 1: Interphase
This is the longest stage in the cycle. The cells grow bigger, while they also increase in their size and mass, and carry out normal cell activities. Most importantly, they replicate their DNA to form two copies of each chromosome ready for cell division. They also increase the number of sub-cellular structures such as mitochondria, ribosomes, and chloroplasts ready for the cell to divide.

Stage 2: Mitosis
In this process, the chomosome line up in the middle of the cell, and then one set of chromosomes is pulled to each end of the dividing cell and the nucleus divides. Now, you essentially have a cell in each half, and all but stage 3 needs to take place.

Stage 3: Cytokenesis
This is the stage during which the cytoplasm and the cell membranes also divide to for, two identical ‘daughter’ cells.

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🟠 When does the Cell Cycle happen/take place


In some parts of an animal or plant, mitotic cell division carries on rapidly all the time. For example, you constantly lose cells from the skin’s surface and make new cells to replace them. In fact, about 300 million of your body cells die every minute, so cell division by mitosis is very important. In a child, mitotic divisions produce new cells gaster than the old ones die. As an adult, cell death and mitosis keep more or less in balance. When you get very old, mitosis slows down and you show the typical signs of ageing.

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🟢 What happens in the Differentiation In Animal Cells


In the early development of animal and plant embryos, the cells are unspecialised. Each one of them (known as a stem cell) can become any type of cell that is needed.

In animals, many types of cells become specialised very early in life. By the time a human baby is born, most of its cells are specialided to carry out a particular job, such as nerve cells, skin cells, or muscle cells. They habe differentiated. Some of their genes habe been switched on and others have been switched off. As a result, different types of specialised cells have differnt sub-cellular structures to carry out specific functions.

Most specialised cells can divide by mitosis, but they can only form the same sort of cell. Muscle cells divide to produce more muscle cells, for example. Some differentiated cells, such as red blood cells and skinncells, cannot divide at all and so adult stem cells replace dead or damaged cells. Nerve cells do not divide omce they have differntiated amd they are not replaced by stem cells. As a result, when nerve cells are damaged they are not usually replaced.

In a matural animal, little or no growth takes place. Cell division is almost entirely resitricted to repair and replacement of damaged cells and each differentiated cell type divides only to mak more of the same cells.

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🟢 What happens in the Differentiation In Plant Cells


In contrast to animal cells, most plant cells are able to differntiate all through their lives. Undifferntiated cells are formed at active regions of the stems and roots, known as the meristems. In these areas, mitosis takes plsce almost continuously. The cells then elongate and grow before they finally differentiate.

Plants kepp growing allthough their lives at these ‘growing points’. The plant cells produced do not differentiate until they sre in their final position in the plant. Even the , the differentiation is not permanent. You can mive a plsnt cell from one part pf a plant to another. Thee it can redifferentiate and become a completely diifere t type of cell. You csnnnot do that with animal cells.

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🟢 How Plants are Cloned


Producing identical offspring is known as cloning. Huge numbers of identical plant clones can be produced from a tiny piece of leaf tissue. This is because, in the right conditions, a plant cell will become unspecialised and undergo mitosis many times. Each of these undifferntiated cell produce more cells by mitosis. Given different conditions, thede will then differentisted to form tissues such as xylem, phloem, photosynthetic cells, and root hair cells that are needed to form a tiny new plant. The new plant will be identical to the original parent. It is difficult to clome animals because, as you have seen, most animal cells differentiate permanently early in embryo development. The cells cannot change back. As a result, artificial animal clones van only be made by cloning embryos in some way, although, adult cells can be used to make an embryo.

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🟠 Why Stem Cells Are Needed (How People Suffer Without)


An egg and sperm cell fuse to form a zygote, a single new cell. That cell divides and becomes a hollow ball of cells - the embryo. The inner cells of this ball are the embryonic stem cell that differntiate to form all of the specialised cells of your body. Even when you are an adult, some of your stem cells remain. An adult stem cell is an undifferentiated cell of an organism that can give rise to many more cells of the same type. Certain other types of cell can also arise from stem cells by differentiaton (your bone marrow is a good source of adult stem cells).

Scientists now think there may be a tiny number of stem cells in most of the different tissues in your body, including your blood, brain, muscle, and liver. Many of your differentiated cells can divide in order to replace themselves, however, some tissues can’t do this and stem cells can stay in these tissues for years, only needed if the cells are injured or affected by disease. Then they start dividing to replace the different types of damaged cell.

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🟠 Why Stem Cells Are Needed (How People Suffer Without)


Many people suffer and even die because parts of their body stop working properly. For example, spinal injuries can cause paralysis because the spinal nerves cannot repair themselves. Also, people with type 1 diabetes have to inject themselves with insulin every day because soecialised cells in their pancreas do not work. Millions of people would benefit if we could replace damaged or diseased parts of the body.

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🟠 How Were Stem Cell Discovered And Are Used Today


In 1998, there was a breakthrough, as teo scientists managed to culture human embryonic stem cells, which are capable for forming other types of cell. Scientists hope that embryonic stem cells can be encouraged to grow into almost any different type of cell needed in the body. Already, scientists have used nerve cells grown from embryonic stem cells to restore some movement to the legs of paralysed rats in 2010, the first trials testing the safety of injecting cells grown from embryonic stem cells into the spinal chords of paralysed human patients were carried out. The scientists and doctors hope it will not be long before they can use stem cells to help people who have been paralysed to walk again.

In 2014, doctors transplanted embryonic stem cells into the eyes of people going blind as a result of macular degeneration. It was a small study to check the safety of the technique but all of the patients found they could see better. Larger trials are now taking place. Scientists are also using different types of stem cells to try and grow cells that are sensitive to blood sugar levels and produce the hormone of insulin to help treat people with disbetes.

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🟠 What can Stem Cells In Plants be used for


The stem cells from the plant meristems can be used to make clones of the mature parent plant very quickly and economically. This is importnat as it gives us a way of producing large numbers of rare plants reliably and safely. Plant cloning also gives us a way of producing large populations of identical plants for research. This is important as scientists can change variables and observe the effects on genetically identical individuals.

Cloning large numbers of identical plants from the stem cells in plant meristems is also widely used in horticulture peoducing large numbers of plants such as orchids for sale. In agriculture, it is used to produced large numbers of identicsl crop plants with special features, such as disease resistance. For example, every bannana you eat is produced by a cloned plant.

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🟠 Risks ans Concrns sureounding Embryonic Stem Cells


Progress in developing therapies using embryonic stem cell has been relatively slow, difficult, expensive, and hard to control. However, it is easy to forget that scientists have only been working with them for around 20 years. The signals that control cell differentiation are still not completely understood. Not suprisingly it is proving difficult to persuade embryonic stem cells to differentiate into the type of cells needed to treat patients.

Embryonic stem cells divide and grow rapidly. This is partly why they are potentially useful but there is some concern that embyonic stem cells might cause cancer if they are used to treat people. This has sometimes been a problem when they have been used to treat mice and in early human treatment for autoimmune diseases.

There is a risk that adult stem cells might be infected with viruses, and si could transfer the infections to patients. If stem cells from and adult are used to treat another unrelated person, they may trigger an immune response. The patient may need to take immunisuppressant drugs to stop their body rejecting the new cells. Scientists hope embryonic stem cell will solve this problem. This body of a mother does not reject the embryo, so they hope that embryonic stem cells will not be rejected by the patient.

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🟠 Ethical Dilemmas with Stem Cells and some Public Opinions


Many Embryonic stem cells come from aborted embryos. Other come from spare embryos from fertitly treatment, donated because they will not otherwise used. Some people question the use of a potential human being as a source of cells, even to cure others. Some people feel that, as the embryo cannot give permission, using it as a violation of its numan rights. The religious beliefs of other mean they cannot accept any interference with the proces of human reproduction.

Some people feel that a great deal of money and time is being wasted on stem cell research that would be better spent on research into other areas of medicine. Yet in spite of all these concerns, there is a lot of investment into stem cell reserch as many scientists and doctors are convinved stem cells have the potential to benefit many people.

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🟠 Positive new Stem Cell Information coming out of New Research


Scientists have founds embryonic stem cells in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies and even in the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus as it grows. Using these instead of cells from spare embryos may help to overcome some of the ethical concerns about their use.

Scientists are also finding ways of growing adult stem cell, although so far they have only managed to develop them into a limited range of cell types. Adult stem been used successfully to treat some forms of heart disease and to grow some new organs such as tracheas (windpipes).

The area of stem cell research known as theraputic cloning has much potential but is proving very difficult. It involves using cells from an adult to produce a cloned early embryo of themselves. This would provide a source of perfectly matched embryonic stem cells. In theory, organs for the original donor. The new organs would bot be rejected by the body because they have been made from the body’s own cells have the same genes.

Scientists habe discovered stem cells in some of the tubes that connect the liver and the pancreas to the small intestine. They hsve managed to make these cells turn into the special insulin-producing cells in the pancreas that sre so important for controlling blood sugar. These are the cells that are missing or destroyed in people with type 1 diabetes. Scientists have transplanged these modified stem cells into diabetic mice, which wokeed to control the blood sugar levels. The next stage is to work tkwards the same success in human.

Stem cell research in the UK is being carried out for the following possible therapies:

  • Spinal cord after injuries
  • Diabetes
  • Heart after damage in a heart attack
  • Eyesight in the blind
  • Damaged bone cartilage
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🟠 How can Stem Cells help Eyesight in the Blind


Stem cells can help blind people and help help cure the blindness altogether. The stem cells are though to be able to regrow any retinal cells that may remain in the eye, and therefore will help it regrow and regenerate, to allow the sight.

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🟠 How can Stem Cells help Heart problems following a Heart Attack


It is now widely accepted that stem cell can and usually do help the heart, especially heart problem following a heart attack. This is because the stem cells help the heart to regain muscle in order to give it the strength and size to be able to allow the heart to do it’s job.


🟠 How can Stem Cells help Spinal Cord Injuries


Having stem cells transferred from one human to another can possibly help people with spinal chord injuries. The stem cells, as they are unspecialised, can become part of an organ or tissue. In this case, it would hopefully help the spine to regenerate and for the nerves and muscles around it to restrengthen and regrow as well.


🟠 How can Stem Cells help Diabetes


It is also possible for people to have stem cell transplants to help combat diabetes instead of having daily insulin injections, as these new stem cell almost re-set the immune system and then it stops attacking the pancreas, and the person’s insulin levels should regulate.


🟠 How can Stem Cells help Damaged Bone and Cartilage


Damaged bone and cartilage could possibly be fixed by human skeletal stem cell, as they are unspecialised cells that are able to bit on the ends of bones and to regenerate and generate more bone tissue, meaning it has potential to fix this problem.


🟠 Embryonic Stem Cell

(-Where is it found (location)?

  • Describe its Function
  • Can it be used to produce plant clones?)

Where is it found (location):
Embryonic stem cells come from embryos at a developmental stage before the time that implantation would normally occur. These cells form three to around five days after an egg cell has been fertilised.

Describe its Function:
The function of an embryonic stem cell is to be able to develop into more specialised cells. Given the right combination of signals, they can grow into neurons, muscles, bone or blood.

Can it be used to produce plant clones:
As far as I know, the Embryonic stem cell cannot be used to produce any kind of plant clones, but can be used to produce some human cell clones though.


🟠 Adult Stem Cell

(-Where is it found (location)?

  • Describe its Function
  • Can it be used to produce plant clones?)

Where is it found (location):
An Adult stem cell are ‘undifferentiated’ cells found throughout the body and can multiply by cell division to replace dying cells in the body.

Describe its Function:
The function of an adult stem cell is to be able to create new cells of certain types to replace the old ones that are dying.

Can it be used to produce plant clones:
The adult stem cell cannot be specifically used to clone plants, but can be used for certain and animals and humans.


🟠 Meristem Tissue

(-Where is it found (location)?

  • Describe its Function
  • Can it be used to produce plant clones?)

Where is it found (location):
The Meristem tissue cells are recognised by their location in the plant, as they can be found in a variety of places. They can be found in the apical, lateral or between the stem where the leaves are attached.

Describe its Function:
The function of the meristem tissue cells are to help the plant grow in length and/or height. The secondary tissue cells help lateral growth and girth.

Can it be used to produce plant clones:
The Meristem tissue cells can be used to clone plants, as these are the cells that help the plant it was originally in to grow anyway.


🟠 Evaluate the use of Stem cells from embryos or from adult bone marrow for treating human diseases


It is thought and proven in some areas that the use of stem cell from embryos and adult bone marrow can be effective and help in such a way that their lives are changed for the better. This is because these stem cells can be used to treat some human diseases. In some situation the stem cells are efficient and effective and they help us develop more scientific knowledge for the future every time adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells are transferred to different environments. There are also negatives of this too, as the cost of carrying out this procedure is very high, and some stem cell treatment is relatively unproven, meaning operations can get rejected. Furthermore, there is also a lot of ethical debate over weather embryo stem cells should be used, as they have the same right to life as humans on earth, but if you are using a fertilised embryo cell, then you are technically taking it’s life away before it has started. Overall, there are many pros and cons to the stem cell treatment, and it can be used to improve people’s lives greatly, but also can come at a cost and risk, but I think it is an area in which needs a lot more researching and testing before it can really be considered as one of the top methods of treatment.


🟢 Red Blood Cells

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
To transport oxygen from the lungs to the areas, parts and tissues where it is needed.

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
Red Blood cells contain haemoglobin, which can combine with oxygen, as well as them being a sickle shape and small and flexible to be able to fit through narrow vessels. 

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
If a Red Blood cell doesn’t work or function properly, then it will not be able to transport as much oxygen around the body as efficiently. This then means the tissues may be get enough oxygen and the organs will suffer.


🟢 Nerve Cells

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
Nerve Cells are part of the Nervous System that is meant to process and transmit information to the brain.

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
Nerve cells are adapted in ways to allow them to perform better, for example, the axon is insulated by a fatty sheath, which increases the speed of the nerve impulses to the other nerves.

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
When Nerve cells do not work properly, then it can lead to conditions like having a stroke, as this is because the communication between the nerve cell and maybe the brain just break down.


🟢 Sperm Cells

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
The main job of a Sperm cell is for it be able to pass on the necessary biological information to the egg cell and to fertilise it.

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
Sperm Cells are adapted so that they can carry out their function better, so they have a head and a tail which helps them to travel more quickly towards the egg cell.

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
When Sperm cells don’t work properly then, they will be less able or unable to be able to travel far enough to get to the egg cell, or it is able to do this but doesn’t hold the correct genetic information that it should.


🟢 Muscle Cells

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
The Muscle cell has proteins that slide over each other to make a muscle contraction. The muscles main job is to provide the body with movement

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
Muscle Cells contain protein filaments (which contain actin and myosin) that slide past each other, making a contraction that changes the shape and length.

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
If your muscle cells don’t work properly you could be unable to grow and build muscle, or worse, you could be unable to use your muscles at all. This could lead to paralysis, or not being able to operate parts of your body.


🟢 Root Hair Cell

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
The Root Hair Cell helps the roots take up water and dissolved mineral ions more efficiently from the soil.

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
These cells are usually found near the xylem tissue, and they have greatly increased surface area for water to move into it, they have a large permanent vacuole that speeds up the water and they have mitochondria that transfer the energy needed.

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
When Root Hair Cells do not work properly, it will make it a lot harder for the plant to be able to take in as much water, as well as other mineral ions. This means the plant will loose lots of water and could end up in the plant dying due to this.


🟢 Photosynthetic Cell

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
The Photosynthetic Cell is one of the main cells that carries out photosynthesis in the plant, and as a result are importnat for making food for the plant.

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
They contain specialised green structures called chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll, which are the things that trap light for photosynthesis. They are also put in layers in the leaves and on the stem of the plant so they can absorb as much as possible. They also have a permanent vacuole to keep the cell ridged.

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
When a Photosynthetic Cell does not work properly, then the process of photosynthesis is made a lot more difficult for the plant to go through. In some cases, the plant would struggle to carry on producing as much energy, and this could affect the plant’s growth and health.


🟢 Xylem Cell

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
The job of the xylem cells is to be able to transport all of the water and mineral ions that were taken into the plant via the roots and be able to carry it throughout the plant.

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
These cells are alive when they are first formed, but the chemical lignin builds up in the cell walls. The cells will die and leave long hollow tubes that allow the water and mineral ions to move more easily. The spirals and rings of lignin in the xylem cells make them strong and help withstand the pressure of the water moving up the plant.

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
When a Xylem Cell doesn’t work properly then then the flow/transportation of water throughout the plant could be affected. This s because the xylem cells are what allow the water to move more freely up to where it is needed, but this doesn’t happen, then parts of the plants could start to suffer.


🟢 Phloem Cell

(-Function/Job of the Cell

  • Special features (adaptations) of the cells
  • What happens when they don’t work properly?)

Function/Job of the Cell:
The job of the phloem cells is to be able to transport all of the food that has been made by the plant through photosynthesis, around the plant.

Special features (adaptations) of the cells:
The cell wall between the cells break down to make special sieve plates, which allow water carrying dissolved food to move freely through the tubes to where it's needed. The phloem cells loose a lot of their structures, but have companion cells that help to keep them alive.

What happens when they don’t work properly?):
When a Phloem Cell doesn’t work properly, then will may affect the movement and transportation of food and sugars around the plant. This could affect the plant in a negative way, as some parts may find it harder to receive this food and energy and could suffer.


🟠 What Therapeutic Cloning


Therapeutic cloning has much potential but us proving very difficult. It involves using cells from an adulg to peoduce a cloned early embryo of themselves. This would provide a source of perfectly matched embryonic stem cells. In theory, these could then be used for medical treatments such as growing new organs for the original donor. The new organs would not be rejected by the body because they jabe been made from the body’s own cells and have the same genes.


🟠 Steps of now is an early human embryo made into different tissues to help someone

  • Starts with the early human embryo
  • Stem cell is then removed
  • Stem cells are cultured to get lots of them
  • The stem cells are then made differentiate into different types of tissues (e.g spinal chord, heart, kidney, insulin-producing cells)
  • Then these organs and tossues are transplanted into tbe patient to try and cure them

🟠 What are the 3 Stages of the Cell Cycle


Stage 1: - Interphase

Stage 2: Mitosis

Stage 3: Cytokenesis


🟠 What happens in Stage 1 of the Cell Cycle (Interphase)


This is the longest stage in the cycle. The cells grow bigger, while they also increase in their size and mass, and carry out normal cell activities. Most importantly, they replicate their DNA to form two copies of each chromosome ready for cell division. They also increase the number of sub-cellular structures such as mitochondria, ribosomes, and chloroplasts ready for the cell to divide


🟠 What happens in Stage 2 of the Cell Cycle (Mitosis)


In this process, the chomosome line up in the middle of the cell, and then one set of chromosomes is pulled to each end of the dividing cell and the nucleus divides. Now, you essentially have a cell in each half, and all but stage 3 needs to take place.


🟠 What happens in Stage 3 of the Cell Cycle (Cytokenesis)


This is the stage during which the cytoplasm and the cell membranes also divide to for, two identical ‘daughter’ cells.