B3 - Infection and Response Flashcards
Microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
What do pathogens cause?
Communicable diseases (they can spread around easily)
Can both plants and animals be affected by pathogens?
Give 4 different types of pathogens
Bacteria, viruses, protists, fungi
Very small cells (1/00th the size of your body cells) which can produce rapidly inside your body
They make you fell ill by producing toxins that damage your cells and tissues
Extremely small (1/100th the size of a bacterium)
They can reproduce rapidly inside your body
They have to live inside a living organism to replicate themselves using the cells’ machinery to produce many copies of themselves. Then it bursts and releases new viruses. Cell damage makes you feel ill
All protists are called eukaryotes and most of them a re single-celled
Some protists are parasites which live on or inside other organisms which can cause them damage
Some fungi are single-celled and others have a body which is made up of hyphae. These hyphae can grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of the plant, causing diseases. The hyphae can produce spores which can be spread to other plants and animals
Give some ways pathogens can be spread
Direct Contact
Give the 3 viral diseases
How are measles spread?
Droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough
Symptoms of measles
Red skin rash and show signs of a fever
Why can measles be very serious
If their are complications e.g. pneumonia and encephalitis
How can measles be prevented?
When most people are young, they are vaccinated against it
How is HIV spread?
Sexual contact or exchanging bodily fluids e.g. share needles
HIV symptoms
HIV initially causes flu-like systems for a week
How can HIV be controlled?
Antiretrovial drugs which can stop the virus replicating in the body
What does the HIV virus do?
It attacks the immune cells
What is late stage HIV infection or AIDS?
When the body’s immune system is badly damaged and it can’t cope with other infections or cancers
TMV symptoms on plants
Causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves of the plants
What does TMV do?
Affects the growth of the plant as they plant cannot carry out photosynthesis
Give an example of a fungal disease
Rose black spot
Rose black spot symptoms on plants
Purple or black spots which can turn yellow and drop off
How is rose black spot spread?
Water or the wind
How can plants be treated from rose black spot?
Fungicides and by stripping the plant of its affected leaves
Give an example of a protists disease
How is malaria transported?
Through a mosquito (vector) in which they feed on an infected animal and feeds on an uninfected animal
How does malaria get from the mosquito to the organism?
It infects it by inserting the protists into the animal’s blood vessel
Malaria symptoms
Repeating episodes of fever