B.18 iPSCs Autism Flashcards
Pluripotent Stem Cells
-cell with capacity to differentiate into tissues of three germ layers, endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm
Multipotent Stem Cells
- cell with capacity to diffirentiate into limited range of cell types, most common stem cells in adult tissue (bone marrow stem cells)
Totipotent Stem Cells
-able to generate extra embryonic tissue as well as three germ layers
Mouse Developmental Pluripotency
> 2cell stage > 4 cell stage > Blastula >Blastocyst > implantation
- derived from zygotes which divides by cleavage plain devision- generate a ball of cells and builds Blastocyst
- Blastocusts is build of ectoderm and inner cell mass (epiblast which containes pluripotent stem cells)
- mouse embryonic stem cells can be generated by isloating the cell mas and growing it in cell culture
- Epiblast stem cells are also pluripontent but primed and derived from post implantation epiblast
- epiblast stem cells do not have a germline competency!
- Human Pluripotent stem cells similar to mouse and derived from blastocyst mass, probably no germline comptetency
Naive vs Primed
Epiblast Cells of pre implantation blastocysts
Epiblast cells post implantation
Somatic Cell Nuclear transfer
> somatic cell from body >remove nucleus >implant nucleus into denucleated egg =egg is able to reprogramm somatic nucleus -> if reimplanted live animals can be derived (frog, sheep)
-Takahashi and Yamanaka Factors: possible to convert adult cells into an ES like state without eggs -> luripotent stem cells can be directly generated from fibroblast cultures by the addition of only a few defined factors.
- requires downregulation of pluripotency gene
-24 factors had been identified to reverse differentiation (Yamanaka) - when these where introduced iPS morphology appeared
-4 crucial factors identified
-10 factors shown to be more efficient than all 24
-germline compentecnty of those cells discovered when introduced back into blastocyst (mice)
Application in disease modeling
- pre-clinical studies/ cellular phenotyping
- cellular therapies
ASD definition
- developmental disorder
- typical onset around 30 months of age
- verbal communication issues
- interaction problems
- limited imitation of others
- lack of shared play
- absent or non verbal communication
ASD genetic info
- highly heterogenous
- no single gene mutation
- high heritability (between 60 and 90 %)
- identifiable genetic causes around 25%- like chromosomal rearrangement and copy number variants
- SHANK3 most common single gene identified but accounts for very small proprtion of cases
Why iPSCs in ASD
- ASD genetically determined -> abnormalities can be captured in cells
- early age of onset in ASD -> iPSCs also early developmental stage
- ASD results from embryonic neurodevelopmental events
- human cells- can study early human development -> not possible in mice
Theories Of Pathenogenesis in ASD 1.
deregulated neurogenisis:
- this is a robust clinical observation
indicators for this are: enlarged head circumference due to enlarged brain probably due to excess neuron production)
-correlates with neocortical disorganisation in ASD patients
Can be studied in rosettes using iPSCs
- rosettes are developmental signiture or neuroprogenitors in stem cell culture of embryonic stem cells
Theories Of Pathogenisis in ASD 2
defect in glutamatergic system
-> synapses can be generated in culture with functional electrical activity
- Compare healthy to patient specific
i. e.: patient derived iPSCs generate defective neuron which can be compared to healthy controls
- > downside is different genetic backround for sample and control
2.genome editing
-take iPSCs from affected individual and correct it
OR knock in mutation into control sample
-> it cannot be certain that individual with knock in would have gotten diease
Models Pro and Cons
Patient specific iPSCs vs unrelated controls:
-disease validity
-technically easier to generate
-chromosomal abnormalities can be studied more easily
-influence of genetic background
-copy number variances can entail more than one gene
Genome Edited PSCs vs isogenic controls:
- no issue with genetic background
-‘cleaner’ genetic alterations can be studied
-disease validity when creating mutation in control line