B12 Crit Flashcards
Explain the importance of kidneys in homeostasis
Kidneys remove urea and other toxins so levels do not build up and
poison cells,
and balance levels of water and mineral ions in body fluids to prevent
osmotic damage to cells
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of a kidney transplant instead of a dialysis machine
- no need for regular dialysis, no need for controlled diet, can live normal
life. - Have to take immunosuppressant drugs for life, may reject kidney,
limited transplant lifespan.
Explain why controlling the conditions in your body is important
- Optimal cell function requires correct temperature so enzymes work
optimally, - Correct concentration of water and mineral ions in blood so osmosis
doesn’t cause cell damage, - Glucose for respiration to provide ATP,
- Removal of waste products as build-up can change pH or poison
Why do more people die when conditions are hot?
[5 (FIVE??) marks]
“people lose lots of water by sweating, become dehydrated and can’t
sweat more to cool down; exercise in high temperatures causes heating
from respiration in muscles; temperature regulation less efficient in
small children and the elderly; high humidity prevents cooling by
sweating, increasing body temperature”
better safe than sorry
Explain two biological reasons why most doctors think that a kidney transplant is a
better method of treatment than dialysis.
Do not refer to cost or convenience.
changes in concentrations / levels of substances / urea are minimised (so) less / no chance of causing damage to body cells / tissues not repeatedly puncturing skin
or blood not in contact with machine (so) less / no chance of infection or less / no chance of blood clots or no need to take anti-clotting drugs