B1- Staying Healthy Flashcards
What are non infectious diseases and what causes them?
A disease that can’t be caught from another person.
Causes are, poor diet,organ malfunction, genetic inheritance, cell mutation making them cancerous
How are cancer tumours formed?
Cells grow out of control
What are ways to reduce the likelihood of getting cancer
Don’t smoke- chemicals cause lung and throat cancer
Don’t drink excess alcohol- liver cancer
About sunburn- skin cells damaged by the sun can cause cancer.
Eat a healthy diet- a high fibre diet can reduce risk of bowel cancer.
What are the two types of tumours and what do they mean?
Benign- a tumour that grows in one place (least dangerous)
Malignant- cells that break of and secondary tumours start to grow( most dangerous )
The chance of survival also depends on age and how early the cancer is diagnosed
What are infectious diseases, what causes them and what do these do
They are Spread from one person to another. Caused by pathogens which are microorganisms that attack and invade the body.
What are examples of infectious diseases?
Fungi, viruses,bacteria, Protozoa.
E.g, athletes foot is caused by fungus, flu is caused by a virus, cholera is caused by bacteria and malaria is caused by protozoan
What is an example of a vector and what disease do they spread
Mosquitos, spread malaria
What are the stages of malaria spreading
1- the vector sucks the humans blood
2- if there are malaria parasites in the blood, they mate and move from the gut to the salivary glands.
3- the mosquito bites another person and passes the parasites into their bloodstream.
4- the parAsites move to the liver where they mature and reproduce.
5- the new generation of malaria parasites migrate to the blood and replicate in red blood cells, bursting them open and causes malaria, sometimes resulting in death
How can the risk of malaria be reduced ?
Sleeping under mosquito nets.
Using insect repellants.
Killing mosquitos with insecticide.
What are they bodies defences against pathogens.
The skin acts as a barrier against microorganisms.
The blood clots in wounds prevent microorganisms entering the blood stream
The respiratory system is lined with cells that produce a sticky, liquid mucus trapping microorganisms.
The stomach produces HCL which kills microorganisms
What fights of pathogens and what happens if they fail?
White blood cells and the pathogens produce toxins if the white blood cells don’t destroy them.
What are the two ways in which white blood cells deal with pathogens?
By engulfing and digesting Pathogens they find in the blood stream
By making antibodies to attack pathogens, they recognise antigens on the surface of the pathogen and the anti bodies kill them
What is the name of what white blood cells provide the body with
Natural / active immunity which protect the body for years against disease.
What are the stages of immunisation.
1- the person is injected with a weak or dead strain of the pathogen which is harmless
2- the pathogens trigger the production of antibodies by the white blood cells.
3- after the pathogen has been dealt with the White blood cells stay in the body so if the pathogen comes back it deals with it very quickly .
What are the benefits of immunisation
Protection against fatal or disability cause. Diseases.
Large scale vaccination reduces the chance of the disease spreading