Axillary Artery Flashcards
Axillary artery is the continuation of which artery
Subclavian artery
It continues as what artery
Brachial artery
Extent of axillary artery
It extends from lateral border of first rib to the lower or inferior border of trees major where it continues as brachial artery
What muscle crosses the axillary artery and divides it into 3 parts
Pectoralis minor
Describe the parts
First part is superior to the muscle
Second part is posterior to the muscle
Third part is inferior to the muscle
Axillary artery is enclosed in
Axillary sheath
Axillary artery passes under what muscle to enter the axilla
Pectoralis major
How many branches does the axillary artery give off
One branch arises from
First part
2 branches arise from
2nd part
3 branches arise from
3rd part
Branch of first part is
Superior thoracic artery
Branches of 2nd part
Lateral thoracic
Thoracoacromial has four terminal branches list them
Pectoral branch
Deltoid branch
Acromial branch
Clavicular branch
Which branch emerges at upper border of pectoralis minor and pierce clavipectoral fascia
What artery is large in females and give of lateral mammary branches to the breast
Lateral thoracic
Branches from 3rd part include
Subscapular artery
Anterior circumflex humeral
Posterior circumflex humeral
What branch of axillary artery is the largest
Circumflex scapular artery is a branch of
Subscapular artery and it is larger than it
Of the two circumflex humeral arteries which one is the largest
The first part of the axillary artery has relations list them
It has anterior relations
Medial and Lateral
Ant relations of first part
Superficial fascia , platysma and supraclavicular nerves
Deep fascia
P major clavicular part
Clavipectoral fascia with cephalic vein , lateral pectoral nerve and thoracoacromial artery
Post relations of first part
First intercostal space with external intercostal muscle
1st and 2nd digitations of serratus anterior
Nerve to serratus anterior
Medial cord of brachial plexus with it’s medial pectoral branch
Lat relations of first part
Lateral and posterior cords of brachial plexus
Med relations of first part
Axillary vein
Ant relations of second part
Superficial fascia
Deep fascia
Pectoralis major and minor
Post relations of 2nd part
Post cord of BP
Lat relations of 2nd part
Lat cord of BP
Med relations of 2nd part
Med cord of brachial plexus
Medial pectoral nerve
Axillary vein
Ant relations of 3rd part
Superficial fascia
Deep fascia
Pect major
Median root of Median nerve
Post relations of 3rd part
Radial N
Axillary nerve in upper part
Subscapularis in upper part
Tendons of latissimus dorsi and teres major in lower part
Lat relations of 3rd part
Musculocutaneous nerve in upper part
Lateral root of median nerve in upper part
Trunk of median nerve in lower part
Med relations of 3rd part
Axillary vein
Med cutaneous nerve of arm
Med cutaneous nerve of forearm
Where can axillary artery pulsations be felt
Lower part of lateral wall of axilla