Axial Skeleton Muscle Origin Insertion Flashcards
What is the origin and insertion for
Origin: Manubrium & Medial Clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid Process & Superior Nuchal Line
What is the origin and insertion for
Origin: Superior Fascia of Deltoid & Pectoral Regions
Insertion: Inferior Border of Mandible
What is the origin and insertion of Scalenus Posterior
Origin: C5-C6 Transverse Process
Insertion: 2nd Rib
What is the origin and insertion of
Scalenus Medius?
Origin: C2-C7 Transverse Process
Insertion: 1st Rib
What is the origin and insertion of
Scalenus Anterior:
Origin: C3-C6 Transverse Process
Insertion: 1st Rib
What are the Infrahyoid Muscles?
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Thyrohyoid
- Omohyoid
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Manubrium
Insertion: Hyoid Bone
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Manubrium
Insertion: Thyroid Cartilage
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Thyroid Cartilage
Insertion: Hyoid Bone
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Superior Border of Scapula
Insertion: Hyoid Bone
What are the muscles of the face?
- Frontalis
- Orbicularis Oculi
- Orbicularis Oris
- Buccinator
- Zygomaticus
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Epicranial Aponeurosis
Insertion: Skin of eyebrow and Forehead
What is the origin and insertion of
Obicularis Oculi
Origin: Medial Orbit- Frontal and Maxillary bones
Insertion: Skin around Orbit
What is the origin and insertion of
Orbicularis Oris?
Origin: Fibers from several Facial Muscles
Insertion: Skin & Mucous membrane of lips
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Posterior Maxilla & Mandible
Insertion: Angle of Mouth
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Zygomatic Bone
Insertion: Angle of Mouth
What are the muscles of Mastication?
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Medial Pterygoid
- Lateral Pterygoid
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Temporal Fossa–Temporal, Frontal, Parietal bones
Insertion: Coronoid Process Mandible
What is the origin and insertion of
Origin: Zygomatic Arch
Insertion: Outer surface of angle & Ramus of Mandible
What is the origin and insertion of
Medial Pterygoid
Origin: Lateral Pterygoid Plate & Maxilla
Insertion: Inner Surface of Angle & Ramus of Mandible
What is the origin and insertion of
Lateral Pterygoid
Origin: Lateral Pterygoid plate & Greater wing of Sphenoid
Insertion: Neck of Mandible & Articular Disk
What are the Suboccipital Muscles?
- Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
- Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
- Obliquus Capitis Superior
- Obliquus Capitis Inferior