Axial Muscles Flashcards
Origin Insertion Action
origin of frontalis
epicranial aponeurosis
insertion of frontalis
skin of forehead
action of frontalis
furrow brow
origin of occipitalis
superior nuchal line
insertion of occipitalis
epicranial aponeurosis
action of occipitalis
tense scalp
origin of orbicularis oculi
medial orbital margin
insertion of orbicularis oculi
action of orbicularis oculi
close eyelids
origin of orbicularis oris
surrounding lips
insertion of orbicularis oris
lips at corner of mouth
action of orbicularis oris
close lips
origin of depressor anguli oris
body of mandible
insertion of depressor anguli oris
lips at corner of mouth
action of depressor anguli oris
origin of depressor labii inferioris
body of mandible
insertion of depressor labii inferioris
lower lip
action of depressor labii inferioris
depress lower lip
origin of levator labii superioris
maxilla (infraorbital margin)
insertion of levator labii superioris
upper lip
action of levator labii superioris
elevate upper lip
origin of zygomaticus major
temporal process of zygomatic bone
insertion of zygomaticus major
lips at corner of mouth
action of zygomaticus major
origin of zygomaticus minor
zygomatic bone (medial to temporal process)
insertion of zygomaticus minor
lips at corner of mouth
action of zygomaticus minor
origin of buccinator
maxilla and mandible
insertion of buccinator
orbicularis oris
action of buccinator
compress cheeks
origin of inferior rectus
insertion of inferior rectus
inferior surface of eye
action of inferior rectus
eye looks down
origin of medial rectus
insertion of medial rectus
medial surface of eye
action of medial rectus
rotate eye medially (adduct)
origin of superior rectus
insertion of superior rectus
superior surface of eye
action of superior rectus
eye looks up
origin of lateral rectus
insertion of lateral rectus
lateral surface of eye
action of lateral rectus
rotate eye laterally (abduct)
origin of inferior oblique
insertion of inferior oblique
Inferior lateral surface of eye
action of inferior oblique
eye rolls (inferior toward midline), look up and lateral
origin of superior oblique
insertion of superior oblique
superior lateral surface of eye
action of superior oblique
eye rolls (superior toward midline), look down and lateral
origin of masseter
zygomatic arch
insertion of masseter
ramus of mandible
action of masseter
elevate mandible
origin of temporalis
temporal line
insertion of temporalis
coronoid process of mandible
action of temporalis
elevate mandible
origin of lateral pterygoid
pterygoid process of sphenoid
insertion of lateral pterygoid
action of lateral pterygoid
depress mandible
origin of medial pterygoid
pterygoid process of sphenoid
insertion of medial pterygoid
action of medial pterygoid
elevate mandible
origin of genioglossus
body of mandible
insertion of genioglossus
action of genioglossus
protract tongue
origin of hyoglossus
insertion of hyoglossus
action of hyoglossus
depress tongue
origin of styloglossus
styloid process of temporal bone
insertion of styloglossus
action of styloglossus
retract tongue
origin of sternocleidomastoid: sternal head
origin of sternocleidomastoid: clavicular head
sternal (medial) end of clavicle
insertion of sternocleidomastoid
mastoid process of temporal bone
action of sternocleidomastoid
rotate or flex neck
origin of omohyoid
superior scapula and clavicle
insertion of omohyoid
action of omohyoid
depress hyoid and larynx
origin of digastric: superior (posterior) belly
mastoid process of temporal bone
origin of digastric: inferior (anterior) belly
body of mandible
insertion of digastric
action of digastric
elevate hyoid or depress mandible
origin of sternohyoid
insertion of sternohyoid
action of sternohyoid
depress hyoid and larynx
origin of sternothyroid
insertion of sternothyroid
thyroid cartilage of larynx
action of sternothyroid
depress larynx
origin of stylohyoid
styloid process of temporal bone
insertion of stylohyoid
action of stylohyoid
elevate hyoid and larynx
origin of splenius capitis
cervical and thoracic spinous processes
insertion of splenius capitis
mastoid process of temporal and nuchal lines of occipital
action of splenius capitis
extend neck
origin of scalenes
cervical transverse processes
insertion of scalenes
ribs 1-2
action of scalenes
elevate ribs
origin of diaphragm
xiphoid, ribs, lumbar vertebrae
insertion of diaphragm
central tendon
action of diaphragm
expand thoracic cavity
origin of external intercostals
inferior border of rib
insertion of external intercostals
superior border of rib
action of external intercostals
elevate ribs
origin of internal intercostals
superior border of rib
insertion of internal intercostals
inferior border of rib
action of internal intercostals
depress ribs
origin of rectus abdominis
pubic symphysis
insertion of rectus abdominis
xiphoid and costal cartilage
action of rectus abdominis
flex vertebral column
origin of external abdominal oblique
ribs 5-12
insertion of external abdominal oblique
iliac crest and linea alba
action of external abdominal oblique
flex or rotate vertebral column
origin of internal abdominal oblique
iliac crest and lumbar spinous processes
insertion of internal abdominal oblique
costal cartilage and linea alba
action of internal abdominal oblique
flex or rotate vertebral column
origin of transversus abdominis
ribs 7-12, liac crest, thoracic and lumbar spinous processes (thoracolumbar fascia)
insertion of transversus abdominis
linea alba and pubis
action of transversus abdominis
compress abdomen