AWS RDS Flashcards
What is RDS service?
It is a managed database service, supporting, MySQL Aroura Postgress Oracal MsSQL MariaDB
When it comes to users, what is the AWS RDS best practice?
We need a single user for each user accessing AWS RDS
I need to ensure my RDS instance is providing the best possible security for my data at rest, what are my options?
By default, encryption is enabled for mist all but not all instance sizes (smaller instance sizes do not have encryption)
When data is encrypted at rest, where are keys managed?
Volumes are encrypted using managed AWS keys.
When encryption is enabled on AWS RDS are logs encrypted?
Yes, logs are encrypted.
When I encrypt an RDS DB and take a snapshot, is the snapshot encrypted?
When encryption is enabled and I take a backup of the RDS database, will the backup be encrypted?
When I encrypt the RDS database, is the read replicas encrypted?
When I encrypt the RDS database, who manages the keys?
When I encrypt the RDS database, are logs encrypted?
When I encrypt the RDS database, can I copy the encrypted snapshot to another region?
No because the keys are only in one region.
What is TDE in RDS?
For RDS MSSql and Oracle databases, the data is encrypted before it is written to the underlying storage device.
With TDE with RDS Oracle, do I need external key management?
Yes a KMS or CloudHSM
With TDE with RDS MSSQL, where is the encryption key stored?
It is managed by RDS after enabling TDE.
If I want to use SSL with RDS, what do I need to do?
Just set up the client to use SSL as RDS has SSL enables on server end by default.
What is MariaDB?
It is a fork of the MySQL DB.
Can I have read replicas for MSSQL and Oracal?
No this is not supported
I need to create a read replica in a seperate region for MariaDB, is this possible?
Yers, read replicas are supported in seperate regions.
When data is replicated to a read replica in a different region is the data replicated using azync data replication?
Yes, async is used.
Can I have multipal read repliicas for a single master instance?
Yes, 100%
If I wnat a small RPO and RTO for a MariaDB RDS instrance how can this be asily acheived?
Using a read replica, the read replica will only be a few seconds behind the master.
How can I scale queries for RDS MariaDB?
You can scale the queries by creating read replicas and pushing queries to the read replicas.
For MariaDB, how many read replicas can I have?
For MariaDB, what is the max size DB you can have?
For MySQL, what is the max size DB you can have?
For MySQL, what is the max read replicas?
For MySQL and MultyAZ what will happen when your main DB fails?
Things will automatically failover to the replica in the other AZ.
For MySQL and MultyAZ, is the backup taken from the main DC or the replica?
From the replica.
For RDS I need to ensure that I can back up the database, do I use native backup tooling?
No, RDS provides automatic backup.
I have a MySQL instance in US East and I need to ensure that I have the lowest RPO and RTO for DR, what are my options?
I can create a replica of the database in another region, this will perform async writes to the replica DB.
For MSSQL can I have read replicas?
I need to scale an MSQL RDS instance, what are my options?
Read replicas are not supported, but you can increase instance size.
I have a MySQL database and I need to make a copy in another region, what is the best method?
Take a snapshot and instruct AWS to copy the same shot to another region for you.
I have an MSSQL database and I need to make a copy in another region, what is the best method?
Take a snapshot and instruct AWS to copy the same shot to another region for you.
For MSQL can I have automatic backups?
When you are copying an RDS snapshot, do you pay for interregion copy?
Yes you pay for the data between regions.
When you copy an RDS snapshot that is encrypted betworrn regions, do you keep the same KMS key?
No, you get an new KMS key in the destination region.
With MSSQL can I have high availability?
Yes, it used mirroring with automatic failover.
When a MySQL db fails in a multi az configuration, what will happen?
The replica will take over all functionas automaticaly.
When you select a MultiAZ instance of RDS, is the standby instance available to use?
What DB’s use MultiAZ Failover
For MultiAZ RDS deployments is the replication synchronous or asynchronous?
synchronous, so once a write happens to the master DB you can be 100% sure it has also happened to the standby.
For MultiAZ deployments of RDS, is the database in other regions?
No, they are all in the same region but the master and standby are in separate Availability Zones.
When using MultiAZ RDS deployments, are backups performed from the master or standby? and why?
They are performed from the standby because that enables the master to be unaffected and serve traffic.
When using MultiAZ RDS deployments, can I use the standby for read-only traffic?
No, this stand buy is only for failover.
Can I convert an existing single instance of RDS into a MultiAZ deployment?
When using MultiAZ deployment and compared to a single instance is the write latency increased?
Yes, but an only very small amount.
When using MultiAZ how long does it take to failover to a standby instance?
60 - 120 sec.
I am using MultiAZ RDS instance and a failover just happened, what does my application have to do to establish a new connection?
My application has to do a new DNS resolve as AWS changes the DNS entry to point to the standby instance IP. Failing to lookup the DB instance will cause your application to try to connect to the old IP of the failed master.
I have a JAVA application that caches DNS lookups for database connections, this application is connected to a MultiAZ RDS database, a failover happens, do you see an issue?
Yes, as the DNS entry is cached, the application may use the old cashed DNS lookup and this will be wrong as AWS during the failover will have updated the DNS record to point to the standby instance.
What can cause a RDS instance failover?
- An Availability Zone outage
- The primary DB instance fails
- The DB instance’s server type is changed
- The operating system of the DB instance is undergoing software patching
- A manual failover of the DB instance was initiated using Reboot with failover
I need to know when an RDS instance fails over, how can I achieve this?
RDS uses NSN to notify you of events.
How can I stop the RDS DB been easily deleted?
Enable database protection
For RDS, what is a subnet group?
It is a group of subnets that RDS will place instances of the database in?
I need to get notified of events that occur in my RDS instance, how can I achieve this?
RDS has events subscriptions where you can select to send events to and ARN, email or SNS
How can I easily see RDS events from the console?
In RDS section there are Events that enables you to see all events.
For Oracle how can I import data?
Use Oracle DB pump to import from,
-Oracle EC2 to RDS Oracle DB instance
-Oracle to another Oracle instance
On-prem DB to RDS Oracle
Dose Oracal support cross region replication?
For small Oracle DB how can I import data?
Oracle SQL developer
How can I backup data from on-prem to AWS S3 for Oracle?
For AWS based Oracle servers how do I perform a backup?
Use AWS native snapshot
For Oracle EC2 how would I backup?
What is RMAN?
It is oracle remover manager, used for backup and recovery.
I need to backup my MySQL DB, what options do I have?
You can use the native AWS incremental backup.
Are RDS backups turned on by default?
When RDS is backing up you RDS DB, what is it doing?
A incremental volume snapshot
How long can I set the incremental backups of RDS?
How often are backups preformed?
Once a day
What is the default retention period?
Deffault 7 but can be upto 35 days
I have added some data to my DB about 1hr ago thta messed up my data, what options do I have?
Use point in time restore or restore from a backup, that backup is only taken one a day and while you have a running DB you can do a point in time restore from any time.
I am about to preform some sensitive data maintenance thta cust cause issues whit my DB, what can I do to ensure I can role back?
Preform a snapshot of the database.
I have a database and I need to share a copy with another account, what is the best way to do this?
Take a snapshot and you can share the snapshot with another account as sharing of snapshots is supported.
I need to create a DB in another region, I can do it offline, what options do I have?
I can create a snapshot of the database and copy to another region can create a new database from the snapshot.
When you are creating a new RDS DB, how many subnets do you need for a production MultiAZ RDS Instance?
You need two and they have to be added to a subnet group for the creation of the RDS instance.
Do I need a licence for RDS MySQL?
How do I scale an RDS MySQL database?
I can not vertically scale the database but I can scale horrazantally
I am starting to run out of storage in my RDS instance, what options do I have?
I can increase the storage size through the console, CLI or API.
I am increasing the RDS storage through the console, will this action take the database down?
I notice that I am reaching the max for the instance CPU and RAM, what options do I have?
I can increase the instance size to get more CPU and RAM.
I am increasing the size of an instance, will this tale the DB offline?
Yes as the OS has to be reset/
I need to have redundancy for my RDS database, what options do I have?
You can deploy the database in more than one AZ, this will give you a replica for the main instance, and in the event of a failover, it will take 60 to 120 seconds for failover to happen.
When failover happens for an RDS instance, is it the IP that gets mapped over to the new instance?
No, AWS chnages the DSN name, this means thet you need to be looking at the TTL to ensure you do a DNS lookup to gte the new IP.
I need to scale my MySQL/Maria DB, what are my options?
For reads you can have read replicas. You would still be limited to inserts, updates and deletes.
Is aurora MySQL compatable?
Yes it supports MySQL and Postgress
Is aurorapostgress compatable?
Yes it supports MySQL and Postgress
Is aurora a hot standby or a cluster?
It’s not a hot stand, it a cluster but there is only one write node the other are read nodes.
What is a RDS parameter group?
It is a container of parameters thet applies to more or more databases.
When you change a parameter in the parameter group, what effect will it have on an instance?
for static parameters the database needs to restart for the parameter to be loaded. For dynamic parameters thet will be applied to the DB automaticaly.
How much faster is aurora DB?
- 9x faster for MySQL
- 3x faster for Postgress
I am selecting a database for a new application, I need to have continious backup to s3, what are my options?
Use aurora as it can continous backup to s3.
I am designing an application and database and need at least 15 read replicas, what options do I have?
Use aurora as it supports upto 15 read replicas.
I am designing an application and selecting a database, I need a database with multipal masters, what options do I have?
I am designing an application with database, I wnat to keep my costs low and require a mySQL compatable database, I have varable workload, some times zero for long periods, what options do I have?
Aurora serverless as it can scale to noting where i am onnly paying for storage.
With aurora serverless, what am i paying for?
You are paying for,
- compute time used
- storage
- IOPs used
How often are automatic backups taken?
One a day and retained for 35 days.
As backups are only taken once a day, dose this means thta I can only restore to the backup point as was taken once a day?
No, when you pick a point in time, to restore, AWS will restore to the previous taken backup and tensd play the transaction logs forwared to get to the point you wnat to restore to.
When you pict a point in time ot restore the RDS DB to , how is AWS geteting to any point in time?
They replay the logs from the backup.
I need to backup my database, with retention time of 6mts, what options do i have?
You will have to manual snapshot the database.
I need to make a copy of the database to another region, what options do i have?
I cna take a snapshot and use the copy functionality to copy it to another regiona.
I need to ensure regional DR for my database, what options do I have?
I an use a read replica in another region.
I can take a snapshot and copy to another region and restore when needed.
What is a cross region read replica?
This si where you have the master in one region and the read replica in another region. Dat is async copied between regions.
What is the database port for MySQL?
When I have cross region replication of a database, is there lag?
Yes 100% dure to distance as 1ms havery 90miles.
Can I promote a read replica (both AZ and croiss region to be a master?
Yes 100%.
I have a single instance RDS DB, I am concerned about maintanbce update from both amazon and own operations teams causing outages, what options do i have to ensure DB is not down during maintabnce?
You should upgrade the database to be a MultiAZ database, this way when maintance is happening the DB will failover.
For AWS RDS Aurora DB, what DB engines are supported?
Is AWS RDS Aurora DB 100% MySQL and Postgres compatible?
Yes 100%
For Aurora, what is the max size of the database we can have?
I have a MySQL database and reached its max size and performance, what is an easy option to improve on size and performance?
Move to the 100% compatible Aurora where speed is 5 times faster for MySQL and 3 times faster for Postgres, while the storage increase to 64TB.
With Aurora what is the max number of reading replicas?
15, it moves form 5 in MySQL and Postgres to 15.
With Aurora how many times is my data replicated?
6 times across 3 AZ with two copies in each AZ.
Is Aurora 100% compatible with MySQL and Postgre?
Mostly, we can say it is, we should test to be sure. Also, check to make sure version is available if migrating.
How can I migrate from MySQL to Aurora?
You can use MySQL dump and mysqlimport to export and import databases. You can also use,
When you create an Aurora cluster, how my instances do you get?
You get 2 instances in different AZ
For Aurora cluster how can I scale out reads?
You just use console, CLI, API to create another read replica.
For aurora cluster I have a application that needs to read infromation from the aurora cluster, the application is in a seperate region, how cna I do this?
Set up a read replica in another region.
For aurora is there multipal writers in a cluster?
No, there is still only one writer, this is you scalability limit.
For MySQL I need to create a read replica, do I need to set the read replica up my self in the other region and conect?
No just use the Console to create read replica, you will be asked what region you want it in.
I have MySQL DB on RDS and I wnat to migrate it to Aurora, what options do i have?
AWS RDS MySQL has a mugration to take a MySQL dat and create a new aurora cluster our of it.
If I replicate a DB, is it the same as migrating the database?
No, replication is ongoing e3vent, migration is a one-off event.
I want to replicate the RDS instance in AWS to an on-prem instance, is the possible?
Yes, to migrate data from Amazon RDS for MySQL to an on-premises database server, create a read replica on AWS, and then change the MySQL instance from the AWS read replica to the on-premises server.
What is a Multi-AZ DB?
It is where RDS is deployed into multiple zones for availability. For MySQL, this will be a Master (primary) and failover replica (standby).
What are the processes AWS takes over as a managed service in relation to Databases and RDS?
- Provisioning
- Patching
- Backup
- Recovery
- Failure Detection
- Repair
For Oracle, can I use AWS licencing?
No, you have to BYOL
For MSSQL, do I have top BYOL?
No, AWS has a deal done with MS and licence is included in the cost of running the Database for you?
What type of storage can i have when creating an anRDS database?
- Provisioned IOPS
- General purpose SSD
What is a Max IOPS available for provisioned IOPS for RDS
Can I log on the RDS OS with SSH?
No RDS is a managed service and you have no access to the OS. You can only access the DB.
What is a database instance,
It is a database environment in the AWS, it is one or more VM running your Database.
What is the database type in RDS?
It is one for the following, MySQL MaraiDB MSSQL Postgres Oracle Aurora
What is the database instance class?
It is the size of the instance, the CPU, mem capacity.
For example db.m4.large, this is like m4.large VM.
What is the primary host?
It is the database instance that handles the read and write traffic.
What is the secondry host?
Is this the host witch is not actively handling w/e traffic., it is going to be the failover instance.
Can i BYOL for MSSQL?
Ni, at one time you were able but now it is included in the cost.
What type of data exchange is between primary and secobnndy databases, snc or async?
For RDS was is the GP2 specs,
Max 16TB of storage
3 IOPS per GB
Burst to 3L IOPS
For RDS was is the IO1 specs,
Max 16TB
Max 40K IOPS (20LK for SQL)
What is a parameter group?
Thye are a set of optopns you can edit the affect the enginer of you database.
What contributs tgo RDS cost?
- Instance hours (region, instance type, database engine and licence.
- Storage (EBS or Aurora storage) (GPS.IO1, Magnetic) (Allocation)
- Backup storage (No charge upto 100% of total DB storager)
- Data transfer
When resizing a DB thet is MultiAZ, how is the sizing completed by AWS?
Secondry firsts then the master.
I wnat to scale my EBS, what should i do about down time?
No worry, EBS can be scaled with no downtime.
I have a requirement where there will be masive amunt of reads to the DB, more then a single instance, how can I ensure we can scale our RDS DB?
We cna provision read replicas, up to 5 for MySQL.
In multiAz, what host is backups taken from?
How long will it take to preform a multiaz failover?
1 - 2 min
What type of data is bets stored in RDS SQL databases?
Structured relational data.
What are the anti-patterns for RDS?
Blob objects = S3
Automated Scalability = DynamoDB
Named /Value Pair = DynamoDB
Data thet is not structured very good - DynamoDB
If database is not supported (DB2, HANA) = EC2
Complete control over the database = EC2
Do MySQL support replication?
No, you must use InnoDB.
When should I use sync vs async replication?
As distance grows so does latency, this affects sync in that the master has to with for the other DB location to receive the data and ACK it is wrote to disk, this takes to long if latency is long and caused the matter to s perform poorly. When latency is high then
Do a MultiAz deployment use sync or async replication?
Do a read replica use sync or async replication?
What use cases can I use read replicas for?
Horizontal scaling of reads
DR, where i can promote the read replica
What is an RDS subnet group?
It is a group of subnets that RDS will use when provisioning your RDS database.
When you deploy RDS MySQL in multi-az, what will get deployed?
You will get a master and a slave node, synchronous replication is used to keep the slave up to date.
When you deploy RDS MySQL in multi-az, how will failover happen?
When the master fails the slave automatically becomes the master and the RDS will update the DNS name with the new IP of the slave promoted to master. You have to have your app update its DNS if it fails to make a connection as the IP will have changed.
When you deploy RDS in multi-az, how can I use the slave DB to provide read access for scaling?
You can, RDS-MySQL does not allow the slave to be used for reads, the only purpose of the slave is to receive the synchronous writes from the master.
What storage types options do I have in RDS MySQL?
You have the option to use GP2 SSD or IO1 provisioned ips
Is data encryption enabled by default?
Yes, AWS managed keys, there is an option to use customer-managed keys.
Do I need to enable backups for RDS?
By default, automatic backups are enabled for 7daya and can be up to 35 days retentions time.
How are automatic backups taken of RDS AWS MySQL?
Automatic backups take a snapshot and also the transaction logs, using both you can recover from any point in time, this is done by restoring the snapshot and replaying back the logs from the chosen backup data/time.
Can I also create a snapshot of the AWS MySQL?
Yes, this is also available, but it does not do anything with transaction logs.
I have taken a snapshot, will it also enable you to recover using the snapshot transactions logs?
No, as a snapshot will not also separately snapshot the transaction logs. You will only have the snapshot to recover from.
Can I use reserved instances for RDS?
When I need to restore an RDS MySQL instance and I recovering to the same instance?
No, recovery is to a separate database instance.
Can I create a read replica in a different region for AWS RDS MySQL?
Can I create a read replica in the same region for AWS RDS MySQL?
For read replicas for AWS RDS MySQL what is the replication type, sync or async?
Is the comms for AWS RDS MySQL read replica encrypted?
I need to perform thousands of reports again a single AWS RDS MySQL, how cna I architect and make changes to ensure I can create the reports?
You can create read replicas and run the reports again the replicas.
For AWS RDS MySQL, can I scale both read and write operations, if so how?
You cna not scale writes, writes only happen again a single master, you can scale reads through creating read replicas.
I wnat to take a hot copy of the AWS RDS MySQL database to a separate region and then make it a master for a new application, how is this possible?
You create a read replica in a separate region and once synced, promote it to be a master.
I wnat to create a DR for the RDS AWS MySQL in a separate region, how cna I do this?
You cna use a read replica and in the event of a DR, promote the read replica to be a master.
What is a parameter group?
These are a set of options that would normally have been available in the MySQL config files.
What happens to the backups when you delete an RDS MySQL?
The DB is deleted but the backups are not, keep in mind that the retention period will still apply for the backups so after it expires so too does the backups.
When it comes to AWS RDS MySQL, what monitoring integrations are provided?
AWS integrated with CloudWatch metrics and also CloudWatch Logs.
What does the aurora DB architecture look like?
The aurora DB architecture uses a shared clustered storage volume that is spread across 3 AZ’s. Only one master in the cluster and read replicas. The master does all the writes to the storage clustered volumes and the replicas do the read form the storage volumes. The replicas are not the same read replicas with async commas as MySQL, they just read from the storage data volumes and the master writes to the data volumes.
I am using Aurora and I wnat to access the read replicas, how can I do this?
Aurora makes the read replicas available as a single endpoint that you can access.
What happens when the master node fails in Aurora?
It will automatically failover to one of the replicas
I am creating an Aurora cluster, how do you define how much storage you need?
You do not, Aurora is a pay as you use model, you only pay for the storage you are using.
What is the Aurora supported Database types?
Postgres and MySQL.
What is the max Aurora storage available to a cluster?
Can I use an aurora replica in a seperate region?
No now the aurora replica, you can create a Cross region replica (this is using the old sync method)
What is Aurora backtrack?
You cna restore the database to a previous point in time without creating a new DB instance.
How are backups taken on Aurora?
Aurora does not have backups like MySQL, Aurora is continuously backup data and you can restore to any point in the 35days retention period.
For AWS RDS multi-az deployment of MySQL, can I use the slave instance for reading and writing?
For AWS RDS multi-az deployment of MySQL, what is the purpose of the slave instance?
It is to receive synchronous database update traffic from the master nodes and in the event of the failure of the master node, the slave gets promoted to master and the cname is updated to point to this node.
How is backup performed for AWS RDS MySQL?
Automatic backups are performed during a window, you can choose the window, this backup is a snapshot and also the transaction log, having both enables you to restore from any point during the backup period.
I require access to the traditional MySQL logs, like audit log, error log. General log, Slow query log is it possible to get these logs and how?
Yes, when you are setting up the database you can have these logs exported to CloudWatch.
I have been asked to help reduce the cost for several RDS MySQL instances, I know these instances run consistently for a long period and will be needed for the next 3years, how cna I reduce cost?
You could change the on-demand instance to reserved instance and pay upfront to get a large discount.
Where are both automated backups and snapshots of AWS RDS MySQL stored?
For Aurora do you have to have three AZ’s?
No, you can have as little as a single node, you can add replicas in other availability zones as needed, these will be read-only replicas.
For aurora there is no master and slave, what are the instance types?
Primary and replicas (no read replicas)
What is an aurora endpoint?
It is an endpoint that is used to access the readers or writer nodes. The endpoint groups together all the reader nodes under one accessible endpoint, this is a group of read instances under a single endpoint. You cna also access each instance by its separate endpoint.
Can you create custom endpoints?
Yes, you create a new endpoint, give it a name and select the instances to be accessed through it.
Can I povision a Aurora replica in a seperate region?
No, but you can create a read replica in another region, this used the older async method. Replicas can only be provisioned in the same region, the reason for this is the share cluster volume storage that needs to be available to the database instances.
In Aurora, how many copies of your data are kept and where are they located?
6 copies and across the AZ on the shared cluster files systems used for the Aurora DB.
What is a self-managed database?
This is a database that you create on an EC2 instance and manage 100% your self.
Do I need root level access to the instance of my database instance, is RDS a good choice?
No, RDS does not give you instance root access
How is a clone of Aurora performed?
Because of the clustered file system, AWS is able to make a clone of the database, this is not a copy, its a marker for any new writes again the existing data, it’s extremely fast and it is happening at the clustered FS.
I have a requirement where I run reports again the Aurora replicas, I do not wnat to have a fixed set of replicas as my demand for reports fluctuates, what is my best option?
You cna use autoscaling on the replicas.
I require a DR solution for Aurora, where we can failover to another region, which is my best option.
Aurora has a global database, this is a read replica in another region.
For Aurora, what am I doing when I access Aurora serverless Data API?
I am using Aurora Serverless HTTP data plain interface for accessing the database, this is an option available to the legacy SQL interface.
With Aurora serverless can I still use traditional connection?
My org requires that all data be encrypted at rest, I am using RDS with encryption, will the read replicas be encrypted also?
A Read Replica of an Amazon RDS encrypted instance is also encrypted using the same key as the master instance when both are in the same AWS Region. If the master and Read Replica are in different AWS Regions, you encrypt using the encryption key for that AWS Region.
How can I scale my master database for reads?
You can create read replicas?
Are read replicas async or sync replication?
I have MYSQL server in EU and another in Asia, each day in the US a large combined report is run from the data in the EU, Asia and also an MYSQL in the US. How is best to architect this solution?
Create a read replica of the EU and Asia masters in the US so the data is async copied and can easily be queried in the US.
Wikipedia has a small number of writes to large number of reads, it has millions of customers so there is large read load. How would you architect using MYSQL?
MYSQL master in a multi-AZ configuration for availability. Read replicas for read load.
I wnat to create a DR solution for my existing MYSQL database in the eu-west-1 (Ireland). How can I do this?
I can create a read replica in eu-west-3 (Paris). Data is still in the EU. RDS has the ability when creating a read replica to allow you to select the region. If required you can promote the read replica database to be a master database.
What do I need dot to ensure when using read replicas?
Backups are turned on
How may read replicas can I have?
Up to 5 for SQL and 15 for aurora.
Can I promote a read replica to be a master?
When using Multi-AZ and we get a failover will the RDS endpoint change?
No, the endpoint will stay the same, but you have to have reconnected logic in your SQL code.
What are the types of failures you can get on a Multi-AZ RDS deployment that causes it to failover?
- Compute: host server failure
- Network: Loss of connectivity to primary
- Storage: storage failure.
How can we force the failover of a Multi-AZ for the test?
Reboot the current primary
I wnat to receive a notification by email if the RDS instances failed over. How can I do this?
Using EDS events and RDS event subscriptions, you have option to get notified by email, SNS or SMS. You cna select the type of events you wnat to get notified on.
For Multi-AZ and Read replica what are the sync types
- Multi-AZ in sync
- Read replica is async
I am creating my first RDS MYSQL, what do I need from a subnet perspective?
You need to set up a subnet group, this is a group of subnets your instance will use.
For MYSQL what si the deployment model, as in what is deployed and where for a multi-az deployment?
A master and a slave are deployed in two separate AZs in your VPC, the master sync replicated to the slave. There is a single endpoint URL thet is used to connect with the MYDQL instance currently active and in the event of a failure of the node, this endpoint CNAME will move to the other node, where it becomes the master node.
I need to use the MYSQL slave for queries, what is the process?
You cna not use the slave, there is no access, you have to use the master.
I am using MSSQL, what licence options do I have?
- On-demand
What are the storage types available to RDS?
- General Purpose (SSD)
- Provisioned IOPS
I wnat to be able to scale the RDS storage independently of the storage size, what is my best option?
Provisioned IOPS enables you to scale the storage independently of the size of the storage.
I need high-performance storage with small volume size, what storage option should I use?
- Provisioned IOPS
My orgnization requires encryption on all data at rest and in transit, what options do I have?
The protocol used by the DB engines is encrypted for traffic in transit and we can enable encryption for data stored.
When using encryption can I use my own key for encryption?
Yes, you can upload your own CMK to KMS and select it to be used for encryption by RDS. You also can use AWS own managed KMS keys.
I am using encryption with my RDS instance and I do not what to manage the keys, what is my best option?
Use AWS KMS managed keys this way the key rotation is taken care of by AWS KMS and you do not have to get into the key rotation.
My orgnization requires thet you back up RDS, how can I do this?
You can select to have RDS perform a daily backup
I am about to perform maintenance on the SQL, what options do I have to protect the data and ensure I can recover if needed?
You have daily backups but you can also take a snapshot and it will give you the most recent DB changes.
If I snapshot an encrypted volume, will the snapshot be encrypted?
For backups what is the default, mon and max retention periods?
- Default is 7 days
- Min is zero for disabling backup
- Max is 35 days
I want backups to hepping between 1am and 6am, is this possible?
Yes 100% there is an option to set the backup window
How can we get deeper monitoring of RDS?
RDS is integrated with CloudWatch
I wnat to get access to the traditional SQL logs, how cna I do this?
You have the option to store the traditional SQL logs to CloudWatch Logs. Logs you can get are,
- Audit log
- Error Log
- General Log
- Slow query log
Can I have maintenance performed by AWS in a maintenance window?
Yes 100%
What options do I have for instance types regarding payment?
- On-demand
- Reserved
- But no spot instance
Where are RDS backups stored?
Where are RDS snapshots stored?
I am restoring my RDS database from a snapshot, how is this done?
You can not restore to the same database, you have to restore to a new database.
How do we access an MYSQL database?
You use the database CNAME.
When using a read replica is the data in transit between master and slave secure?
I am using MySQL, how can I create 10 read replicas when you are limited to 5?
You cna use tiered read replicas, where you create replicas of replicas, this will add a mall added amount of latency.
I have two regions and currently, I have an RDS instance with and application. I wnat to create a separate standalone copy of the app and RDS instance in a separate region, how cna I do this?
You can create a read replica in the new region and when 1000% synced promote it to be a standalone master database.
Can the read replica have different versions than the master?
When you delete the database, what happens to the backups?
They get retained but will expire after the retention period.
I have a database thet is preforming poor and CPU is always near 100%, what cna I do to fix this?
You cna resize the SQL instance, this is a supported option in AWS RDS.
How can I control who cna create and change RDS databases?
You can use IAM, keep in mind this is creating and changing the RDS and not the database its self.
What is Aurora?
Aurora is a MySQL compatible SQL, created by AWS and is a clustered SQL, cluster only has one write node other are read. There is a shared file system between all the nodes.
For aurora, what performance improvement do you get/
%x for MySQL and 3x for Postgres.
What engines are supported on aurora?
- Postgres
What is aurora architecture?
It is a clustered database
I wnat to be able to roll the aurora database back in time 4 hrs, how cna I do this?
Use the backtrack feature, backtrack can be set up to 72hrs
I would like to be able to have two nodes to read from and one thet I can read and write a form, what DB engine is the best option and why?
Aurora is the best option, with Aurora the replica nodes you can use to read from. So you need just 3 nodes for the solution a Mater and two Replica nodes. Compared to MYSQL, where you have a Master, Slave and two replica nodes to read from, you can not read from the slave.
What is a reader endpoint?
This is the endpoint for all the replica nodes in the cluster. You cna use this endpoint to connect to for reading. You also get an endpoint for the master to read and write.
Should I be concerned about the provisioning storage up front for aurora?
No, there is no up from storage provisioning, you just pay for what you use up to 64TB.
With Aurora is it possible to have a replica in another region?
No, but you can have a cross-region replica, this is the async type read replica as used bu MYSQL.
When MySQL backups your database, how is it doing it?
It is taking a snapshot during the maintenance window.
How does point-in -time-recovery work?
Every 5min DB engine uploads the transaction logs to S3
Using Aurora how can I make a copy of the database?
You cna create a clone, this is quick as it creates a copy of the storage in the storage cluster.
How are backups performed on aurora?
Backups are different than MYSQL, Aurora backups are continuous and you cna restore to any point in time during the 35 days of backup available.
I have a sales system using MySQL and at Christmas time we get huge number of reads and then the rest of the year we get little reads, how best should I architect this solution?
Aurora is MySQL compatible and has an autoscaling group for replicas.
In aurora what si the max number of replicas, you can have?
Explain Aurora Global?
Two aurora databases clusters in two separate regions and where they are connected at the storage cluster layer. Only one region will be the write region, the other region will be read-only.
I have created a serverless architecture for my web application, it uses a single page application on the frontend with API Gateway and Lambda on the backend I wnat to use a relational database, what is my best option and why?
Aurora serverless is a good option, it has an HTTP API you call when you wnat to query the SQL. The HTTP API is not like traditional connection, you get to send a query and get the result without needing to maintain connectivity. You do not need to maintain any infrastructure.
I want the high-level of security, where my RS encryption keys are meeting the high level of security, what options do I have?
You cna use the CloudHSM for key management.
Does RS provide automatic out of the box backup?
Yes, 100%. RS provides the ability to have you RS data backed up, this happens every 6-8 hrs or hewn you get a 5GB data change. Retention is settable for 1 - 35 days.
How can I lower cost in RDS?
Opt to use reserved instances for RDS that is running for very long periods.