AW169 Limitations Flashcards
What is the max weight during taxi?
4850 kg
What is Vy of the AW169
Minimum weight for flight / rotors running AW169
3300 kg
Maximum airspeed AEO with TRQ above 100% AW169
IFR Vmini AW169
Maximum speed with one door open and locked AW169
Maximum speed for opening and closing a cabin door AW169
Are you allowed to open a door when the other door is already open and locked in the AW169
Max taxi speed on paved surface in the AW169 and when must you lock the nosewheel?
40 kts GS & 10 kts GS
Maximum speed for rolling takeoff or landing & Emergency on a paved and prepared grass surface AW169
60 kts GS & 50 kts GS
Max taxi speed on prepared grass surface in the AW169 and when must you lock the nosewheel?
20 kts GS & 10 kts GS
Max speed with the Parking Brake on in the AW169
5 kts GS
At what temperature C must the PITOT HEATER be set ON or in AUTO in the AW169?
+4 C
At what temperature C must the PITOT HEATER be set OFF or in AUTO in the AW169?
+5 C
Max crosswind component during CAT-A operations in the AW169
20 kts
What are the slope limitations of the AW169?
Nose up, Nose Down, Left Wing Low and Right Wing low?
10, 7, 10, 10
Max bagage compartment load AW169
250 kg
AW169 AEO Max Continuous PI/TRQ
AW169 AEO Max Take-off 30 min PI/TRQ below 90 KIAS
AW169 AEO Max Transient PI/TRQ
125 (10 sec)
AW169 OEI Max continuous PI/TRQ
AW169 OEI Max 2.5 MIN PI/TRQ
AW169 OEI Max PI Transient
192 (10 sec)
AW169 Power Off Minimum transient NR
AW169 Power Off Minimum continuous NR
AW169 Power Off Maximum continuous NR
AW169 Power Off Maximum transient NR
AW169 Max ITT during start & Transient
750 & 825 (2 sec)
How long do you have to wait in the AW169
After 1st start attempt wait … seconds;
After 2nd start attempt wait … seconds;
After 3rd start attempt wait … minutes.
30 sec,
30 sec,
30 min
What dry motoring cycles can you choose of in the AW169?
- 45 seconds on, ….. minutes off
- 30 seconds on, ….. minutes off
- 15 seconds on, ….. minutes off
10, 5, 2
Maximum rotor speed for rotor brake application in the AW169
Maximum rotor speed for rotor brake application in Emergency in the AW169
Above 40%
Maximum GS for wheel brake application in the AW169
40 kts GS
Total usuabel fuel capacity AW169 is ….. kg & Liter
888kg & 1110 L
Unusable fuel AEO AW169 per tank
What P&W engine is installed in the AW169
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for IAS and Minimum Use Height?
40 KIAS - Vne,
150 ft AGL
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for HDG and Minimum Use Height?
0 KIAS to Vne
150 ft AGL
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for NAV and Minimum Use Height?
40 KIAS - Vne,
150 ft AGL
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for ALT and Minimum Use Height?
0 KIAS to Vne
150 ft AGL
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for VS and Minimum Use Height?
40 KIAS - Vne,
150 ft AGL
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for APP and Minimum Use Height?
40 KIAS - Vne,
160 ft AGL
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for GA and Minimum Use Height?
0 KIAS to 130 KIAS
150 ft AGL in cruise
30 ft AGL in hover / low speed
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for ALTA and Minimum Use Height?
40 KIAS - Vne,
200 ft AGL
AFCS - What is the Engagement range in the AW169 for RHT and Minimum Use Height?
0 KIAS to 130 KIAS
150 ft AGL in cruise
30 ft AGL in hover / low speed
AFCS - Max selectable GS and engagement Limit in the AW169 for HOV & MUH
60 kts GS forward
40 kts GS lateral
< 80 KIAS
30 ft AGL
What is the max certified CAT 1 ILS approach glideslope angle
7 degrees
Draw the Wind/Ground/Airspeed Azimuth Envelope for
Hover IGE Controllability for the AW169
Vne 350-010 degrees
50 kts 10-120 degrees
50 kts 240-350 degrees
35 kts 120-150 degrees (tailwind)
35 kts 210-240 degrees (tailwind)
25 kts 150-210 degrees (tailwind)
Windspeed Limitations for engine and
rotor starting / stopping AW169
355-005 degrees 50 kts
all other directions 40 kts
What is the maximum Generator Load during the Power Assurance check of the AW169? And what can you do if it is above the limit?
Switch the generator of the tested engine off during the check.
What are the AW169 3 Hydraulic fluid level intervals incase of a hydraulic leak?
75%, 55%, 40%
Below which hydraulic fluid temperature must you fly attentive?
What is the max IAS with both sliding doors open and locked?
100 KIAS
VNE Ph 6?
VNE Ph 6 extended landing gear?
VNE Power Off
152 kts (-8kts from normal)
135 kts
125 kts