Aviation Security Flashcards
Where is the Witness Statement Form found?
In the Ships Library.
“What PA will crew hear in a red warning situation in-
“This is the Captain, Purser to the Flight Deck”.
Where is the restraint kit located?
Under the Purser jump seat.
“Which checklist is to be used by cabin crew during Red
Warning in-flight?”
Emirates in-flight Cabin Search Checklist.
Once a passenger has been restrained, under what circumstances must they be released in-flight?
Emergency situation, during the cabin preparation phase of a planned emergency landing unless the captain instructs otherwise or in the event of serious medical emergency.
What actions could cabin crew take when an intoxicated passenger displays “red” behaviors/signs of the Traffic Light Guide?
Deny, communicate, offload.
“When should the Formal Warning be issued to a
“When all attempts of conflict resolution have failed, if a passenger is
continuously disruptive and before taking any direct action against a
“When are crew required to search only 10% of seat
“When a Licensed Service Provider is contracted to conduct the Pre Flight
Security search.”
“Who is responsible for monitoring Engineers/Caterers if
they are on board during the pre-flight security search?”
The cabin crew member whose area of responsibility they are in.
During a transit stop with a change of crew, state the security responsibilities of the embarking and disembarking crew?
Disembarking cabin crew are responsible for conducting the head count. Embarking crew are responsible for conducting the pre-flight security search and baggage ID.
“What are the cabin crew’s initial reactions during the
intimidation stage of hijacking?”
Remain calm, comply and co-operate, avoid rapid or unusual movement.
How must cabin crew conduct a search of 10% of the unsealed life jacket compartments?
A Random physical search is conducted by removing the life jacket from the pouch (compartment).
What is the SOP for accessing the Flight Deck?
Ensure the area outside the Flight Deck is cleared of passengers. If the toilets show “vacant” check inside to verify. Request for access to the Flight Deck using the keypad.
Who moves a suspicious device to the LRBL?
A volunteer crew member.
What are the cabin crew required to do, should an individual refuse to show their ID when requesting access to the Aircraft?
Challenge, report, and follow the individual.
What must you do should an item other than Standard aircraft equipment, be discovered during the pre-flight security search?
Do not touch or move the item. Immediately inform the SFS / Purser.
After an endangering passenger has been restrained, where will they be taken?
To the nearest available seat.
Who is allowed access to the Flight Deck?
Only operating Flight Deck crew and cabin crew.
“How many rows forward must passengers be moved from
the LRBL?”
At least 4 rows.
Under the rules of restraint, what is the minimum number of crew required for restraint?