Avians Flashcards
What are the 9 major components of a preventative medicine program for poultry?
- Start with good genetics
- Start with healthy poultry
- Maintain good biosecurity
- Maintain a healthy environment
- Provide good nutrition
- Maintain a healthy gut
- Maintain a healthy immune system
- Use therapeutic wisely
- Vaccinate when indicated
What are the dos and donts of acquiring healthy poultry?
Do: buy from NPIP certified sources
Dont: bird swamps, buying from nice neighbors, feed and seed stor holiday birds (risk of salmonellosis)
What are the basic objectives of the NPIP?
Voluntary state-federal cooperative testing and certification program comitted to testing to ensure freedom from:
* Pollorum
* Fowl thypoid (S. gallinarum)
* Salmonella enterica svr enteriditis
* Mycoplasmosis
* Avian Influenza (H5/H7)
What are the 7 good bioescurity practices for poultry?
- Keep your distance - isolate birds from visitors and other birds
- Keep it clean to prevent infectious agents from spreading (change clothes, clean boots, tools, and equiptment
- Don’t hual disease around - always clean vehicles, crates, equiptment
- Don’t borrow disease from neighbor
- Quarantine new birds for 40-45 days
- Know the warning signs of infectious disease
- Get a diagnosis
What is the proper order of care for poultry?
- Healthy young
- Health old
- Quarantined
- Sick
How do you control coccidiosis in poultry?
- Coccidiostats in shuttle programs in feed
- Alternate drugs to reduce the development of resistance
- Ionophores (considered antibiotics), chemical coccidiostats (not antibiotics, can use in organic)
- Provide prebiotics, probiotics, botanical and essential oils
What are the 4 major methods for vaccination of poultry
- In-ovo using iovoject
- Subcutaneous carousel (hatchery)
- Spray cabinet (hatchery) or in house
- Per os (water) most common, live vx
IM, eye drop, SQ neck, wing-web
What are the 7 reasons for vaccine failure?
- Immunocompromised or subclinically diseased
- Inactivation prior due to thawing, sunlight, expiration
- Inactivation during due to disinfectants, chlorine
- Delivery system malfunction
- Suboptimal dosage - dilution to save money
- Improper application - extra label
- Evolution of the target organism
What are the 6 categories of innate behavior in birds?
- Migration
- Communal behaviors
- Territoriality
- Courtship and mating
- Nest building
- Egg incubation and rearing of young
How is pecking order established and maintained in a population?
- Can be established by age, size, and color.
- Dominance is displayed by position - alpha and beta are higher up
What happens if pecking order is disrupted?
- Maintenance is critical to the well-being of the population
- Alterations in pecking order can be extremely stressful
Describe the rearing needs of altricial species.
Altritial chicks must be reared by their parents until they fledge.
Describe rearing needs of precocial chicks.
Precocial chicks are able to find food for themselves but they are typically protected by their parent(s)
Describe the rearing needs of parasitic species
Have other parents rear their young - typically accompanied by siblicide
What are abnormal behaviors in birds?
- Increased agitated vocalizations
- Decreased vocalizations
- Ruffled feathers
- Decreased food and water intake
- Solitary rather than social
- Unable to stand/fly
- Somnolence when undistirbed
- Will often often rouse when disturbed and try to appear normal