avian ecology and conservation Flashcards
MacArthur’s warblers
demonstrated niche partitioning by showing that many warblers seemingly occupy the same niche but actually have minor foraging differences in which parts of the tree they use and slightly different nesting times; differentiation depends on the number of different species
equilibrium theory of island biogeography
experiments in which islands were entirely wiped out and new growth and migrants were observed; found that the number of species on an island is where extinction and immigration intersect; larger and closer islands have more species than smaller further islands; also applies to forest fragmentation
Darwin’s finches and the Grants
finches are descended from a common ancestor that radiated to fill new niches; even when a bottleneck effect occurs leaving primarily a single bill type, bill type will eventually spread back out to refill those niches
ecological trap
environment organisms are attracted to that does not actually fill their needs
stopover sights
vast expanses of inhospitable land with small patches of suitable habitat in which birds can stop to fuel, rest, rebuild muscle, and rebuild the digestive system while migrating
lacey act
limits market hunting by making it illegal to hunt birds in one state and sell them in another
migratory bird treaty act
made it illegal to take or sell migratory bird nests, eggs, or feathers
ways humans have harmed birds
habitat destruction, exploitations, hunting, the pet trade, reduction in food supple, disturbance
leading causes of avian mortality in the US
window kills: > 1 billion
car collisions: > 50 million
tower/power line collisions: 134-225 million
cats: > 532 million
habitat alteration
conversion of rainforest to non shade coffee plantations removes high vegetation that neotropical migrants live and feed in
pesticides that built up via bioaccumulation in fish and other food sources for large birds causing it to get into egg shells and weaken them resulting in hatchling mortalities; quickly banned resulting in success stories for species like bald eagles
peregrine fund
raised money to build nesting sites for peregrine falcons to save them from extinction; also helped fund captive breeding and habitat construction for the California condor
other conservation successes
whooping cranes now have 2 overwintering populations; piping plovers and least terns