Avian Flashcards
T/F: resources allocated for bacterial and viral defenses are lower in commercial birds than in self-selected or non-commercial birds.
this is because commercial breeds will be putting most of their resources into growing and reproducing, whereas non-commercial breeds do not have that responsibility and will have more resources towards fighting bacterial and viral pathogens.
To start with healthy poultry, what should you AVOID doing?
avoid bird swaps
avoid buying from neighbors unless sure of hx of dz
avoid feed and seed store “holiday birds” due to salmonellosis risk
What source should you buy your birds from?
NPIP certified sources
What is the NPIP?
a voluntary state-federal cooperative testing and certification program
test to ensure freedom from certain diseases (pullorum, fowl typhoid, salmonella enterica, mycoplasmosis, avian influenza)
how long should you quarantine new birds?
40-45 days
what is the BEST order of care?
- healthy young
- healthy old
- quarantined
- sick
_________ within housing keeps relative humidity <60% and ammonia and carbon dioxide levels will follow.
T/F: scratch is a sufficient diet for laying hens
false – scratch is good for normal behavioral purposes, but it is NOT enough for laying eggs or meat.
what type of diet is BEST for birds, especially if they are egg layers or meat producers?
a commercially produced diet
(ground corn soy)
T/F: rapid changes in diet and poor quality ingredients can lead to dysbiosis
T/F: pecking order influences feed and water intake.
can cause weight loss, feather loss, pendulous crop, etc.
what are the 7 major components of the preventative medicine program for poultry?
- start with good genetics
- start with healthy poultry
- maintain good biosecurity
- maintain healthy environment
- provide good nutrition
- maintain gut health & use therapeutics wisely
- vaccinate
List the 7 good biosecurity practices for poultry
- keep distance – isolate birds from visitors + other birds
- keep clean – prevent infectious agents from spreading
- dont haul dz around – clean vehicles, crates, equip.
- dont borrow dz – dont share tools, careful when obtaining birds from neighbors
- quarantine new birds – 40-45 days
- know warning signs of dz – to prevent spread
- get diagnosis – report unusual signs, unexpected deaths, high mortality, submit samples to state lab
What are the advantages to raising poultry in confinement?
better temperature control
protection from predators
What are the disadvantages to raising poultry in confinement?
gases (carbon dioxide and ammonia) can accumulate if ventilation is poor.
How can we control coccidiosis in poultry?
use coccidiostats in “shuttle programs”
- ionophores or chemical coccidiostats
What are the 4 major methods of vaccination for poultry?
- in-ovo (IO) using inovoject
- subcutaneous carousel in hatchery
- spray cabinets in hatchery or house
- Per os
others: IM (breast), SQ (neck), eye drop (ED), and wing web (WW)
What are the 7 reasons for vaccine failure?
- immunocompromised or subclinical disease
- inactivation of vaccine prior
- inactivation during
- delivery system malfunction
- suboptimal dosage**
- improper application (ELDU)
- evolution of target organism**
What are the 6 INNATE normal behaviors of birds?
- migration
- communal behavior
- territoriality
- courtship and mating
- nest building
- egg incubation and young-rearing
how is pecking order established and maintained within a flock of birds?
est. by age, color, size, etc. (depends on species)
if those who are higher in the pecking order die, the flock will look for another individual to replace said bird.
what would happen if pecking order was disrupted?
stress!! population stability is negatively impacted.
when pecking order is present, birds can “relax” when they know who is at the top and who is at the bottom. Alpha and Beta birds are at the top and they always mess with one another, but the Omega bird is at the bottom and every other individual takes their frustration out on this bird.
What are the rearing needs of a precocial species?
able to find food for themselves but are still protected by their parents
What are the rearing needs of a altricial species?
reared by parents until they fledge
What are the rearing needs of a parasitic-altricial species?
these species have other parent birds rear their young for them.
T/F: nest building is typically a shared responsibility among the parent birds
How long is courtship versus actual mating?
courtship – long and elaborate
mating –short
Who do birds exhibit aggression towards normally?
all animals (incl. other birds) entering their territory
or may be only toward other birds of same species
T/F: the robin flocks during the spring for migration, segregates and becomes extremely territorial during breeding season, and then flocks back together during fall migration
What are the GENERAL abnormal behaviors in birds that can be “sick bird” signs?
- increased / agitated vocalizations
- decreased vocalizations
- ruffled feathers, picking feathers, self-mutilation
- decreased food and water intake
- solitary
- unable to stand or fly
- somnolence when undisturbed, rouse when disturbed.
- chronic egg laying
psittacines have the mental age of 2 years old. They often experiment with undesirable behaviors in order to get attention from you.
What disorder are psittacines prone to?
obsessive compulsive disorders
What are the 6 undesirable behaviors?
- biting
- screaming
- physiological regurgitation
- preferential dieting
- mate aggression
- broodiness
Turkey nest boxes prevent which undesirable behavior?
describe how serology can help you design a vaccination protocol
rising titers = pathogen is one that you need to think about including in your vaccination program.