Autonomic Pharmacology and Toxicology Flashcards
Which structure uniquely is sympathetic but uses Ach as its neurotransmitter?
Sweat glands!
Skeletal muscle also uses Ach.
What medication blocks the choline/sodium channel?
What medication acts as a blocker of the Ach carrier (VAT)?
Which autonomic receptors are found on the iris constrictor muscles?
Just think muscarinic is parasympathetic.
Which autonomic receptors are found on the dilator muscle?
Alpha 1
Which autonomic receptors are found in the ciliary muscle?
M3 and Beta 2
Which autonomic receptors are found on the ciliary body?
Alpha 2 B1 and B2
Which receptors act to slow down the heart via Gi/Go?
M2 receptors.
Serve to decrease heart rate, conduction velocity, atrial contraction and ventricular contraction.
What role do M3 receptors have in the bronchi and Bronchioles?
What about the bronchiolar submucosal glands?
Causes contraction and bronchospasm in bronchi and bronchioles.
Causes secretion and narrowing of the lumen in the lungs.
What effects does M3 have on intact endothelium vs damaged endothelium?
Intact endothelium will allow for relaxation.
If the vasculature is not intact it will lead to vasoconstriction.
What is the one muscle that does not relax in response to M3 stimulation?
Lower esophageal sphincter constricts.
Whats the Methacholine test?
This is a test to cholinergic hypersensitity within the bronchi. Stimulates bronchoconstriction.
The mushroom muscarine causes what disorders?
This is an extreemly strong ach agonists.
Look for a very wet appearance.
What is pilocarpine the drug of choice for?
This is the drug of choice for glaucoma!
What is unique about carbachol?
This is both a muscarinic agonist and a nicotinic agonist.
commonly used to treat glaucoma.