autonomic NS Flashcards
What is the autonomic nervous system
- involuntary
- fibres synpse once at a ganglion after they leave the CNS
- innervates smooth muscle/cardiac muscle/glands
What is the somatic nervous system
- conscious
- fibres do not synapse after they leave the CNS
- innervates skeletal muscle
Parasymathetic: cranial nerves above and sacral nerves below
- fibres are carried on the head of the cranial nerve
- 10th cranial nerve (V.N). Involved in regulation of heartrate
- sacral nerves supply lower abdomen and pelvis and involved in function of
Sympathetic N.S
- innervation of eye: fibres come out of the thoraco-lumbar spine. First synapse is along the sympathetic chain.
- post ganglionic fibres run in plexi
What is the name given to the systems working together
Symathopathic balance
Functuons of thr A.N.S
- thermoregulation
- exercise
What is the result of excessive stress on the sympathetic nervous system
- fight/flight response
- blood pressure rises
- parasympathetic: causes vasodilation/sexual arousal
- sympathetic are involved in femael o
Components of the ANS
- ) Parasymathetic
- cranial outflow
- sacral outflow - ) Sympathetic
- sympathetic chain T1-L2
- adrenal gland - ) Enteric N.S
Sympathetic fibre features
- uses AcH
- ones after use noradrnealin with unmyelinated postganglionic fibres
Parasympathetic fibre features
- ones using x in preganglionic fibres
- unemyelinated postganglionic fibres uses AcH
Names of it* 9.26
- coeliac plexus
- ciliary plexus
Symapthetic division
- white rami supply something??
- origin is T1-L2 from lateral grey horn of the spinal cord
Rabi communicates
- white fibrescarries a myelinated fibre to the sympathetic chain
- grey fibres carry it to the organ
The adrenal amplification system
- adrenal medulla is stimulated so you get release of adrenaline and noradrenaline
Enteric nervous system
- causes peristalsis to take place independently
Neurotransmiiters: symapthetic
- receptor for AcH in sympathetic chain is a nicotinic receptor
- after that it is noradrneline
Neurotransmitters: parasympathetic
- AcH at first ganglion
- same receptor: nictotinic
- post ganglion: also Ach whith a muscarinc receptor at the end point
- each receptor has a subtype
- in sympathetic:
1. ) alpha: alpha 1/2 (in blood vessels)
2. ) beta: 1 (on heart)/2 (on bronchi)/3
Inputs into the ANS
- ) Carotid receptors: controls circulation. They are in the bifurcation of the carotid bifurcation (the carotid body)
- ) Mechanoreceptors are also here
- ) Pressure receptors in the aortic arch
Inputs into the ANS
- ) Carotid receptors: controls circulation. They are in the bifurcation of the carotid bifurcation (the carotid body)
- ) Mechanoreceptors are also here
- ) Pressure receptors in the aortic arch
- integrated name: carotid baro-receptor reflex pathway
There is a brain stem pathway
Primary ANS disorders
- ) Acute: pan-dysantonomia with neurological features
2. ) Chronic: Parkinson’s/shy-Drager syndrome
Secondary ANS
1.) Metabolic: diabetes mellitus/chronic renal failure/chronic liver disease
Secondary ANS
- ) Metabolic: diabetes mellitus/chronic renal failure/chronic liver disease
- ) Inflammatory: Gullain-Barri syndrome
- ) Infectious: bacterial tetnus
- ) Neoplasia: brain tumour
Cardiovascular disorders
- postural hypotension
- tachycardia