Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
What kind of receptors are there at the neuromuscular junction?
Nicotinic receptors
How many different types of neurotransmitter are there in the somatic nervous system and what are they?
One- acetycholine
What is the purpose of the autonomic nervous system?
To ensure survival through maintenance of homeostasis and regulation of responses to changes in the environment.
Which branch of the nervous system is responsible for lens accomodation in the eye?
The autonomic nervous system.
Are there synapses in the autonomic system and why?
No, because the ANS needs to communicate with a large number of cells at once.
Are there ionotropic receptors in the ANS?
No, only metabotropic
What kind of receptors are there in the ANS; ionotropic or metabotropic?
The ANS controls the function of all organs in the body except…
The brain and skeletal muscle.
If the organs that are under control of the ANS are disconnected from neuron, can they continue to function?
Yes, they are connected to the ANS only to be regulated.
How many exit points are there for the parasympathetic nervous system?
Two, one is responsible for the urinary system, the male reproductive tract and the rectum. The other comes out straight from the hind brain and is responsible for all other organs.
How many exit points from the brain are there for the sympathetic nervous system?
In the ANS are the post-ganglionic neurons and pre-ganglionic neurons myelinated?
The pre-ganglionic neurons are myelinated and the post ganglionic neurons are not.
What are four major components of the ANS?
- Sensory afferent components
- Integrating centres (e.g. brain)
- Motor efferent components
What are the relative lengths of the post-ganglionic and the pre-ganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic nervous system?
Long pre-ganglionic neuron and short post-ganglionic neuron.
How is communication between neurons and target tissues different in the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems?
The communication is less discrete in the ANS as there are not 1:1 synaptic connections in the ANS. There are in the SNS.
Receptors of which nervous system are present on blood vessels?
Sympathetic nervous system only.
Which noradrenaline receptors cause relaxation?
Beta receptors
Which noradrenaline receptors cause contraction?
Alpha 1 receptors.
During the fight-flight response noradrenaline is released. How is redistribution of blood from achieve if only one neurotransmitter is used?
Different types of receptors ‘hooked’ to different secondary messengers
Alpha 1- constriction
Beta- relaxation
Is NO lipid or water soluble?
Lipid soluble
Which neurotransmitter is synthesised on demand and not stored in vesicles?
Nitric oxide
Which amino acid is a precursor of NO?
Is NO cause contraction or relaxation of smooth muscle?
Relaxation- inhibitor of smooth muscle contraction