Autoflight Flashcards
The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) consists of
three Autopilot Flight Director Computers (AFDCs) and the Mode Control Panel (MCP).
he AFDS does not have direct control of the flight controls.
The autopilot controls the elevators, ailerons, flaperons and spoilers through the fly-by-wire system.
The only time the autopilot controls the rudder
is when LAND 3 or LAND 2 is annunciated during an automatic approach and landing.
On rollout, during an autoland, the autopilot will
control the nose wheel steering.
The Mode Control Panel (MCP)
provides control of the autopilot, flight director, and autothrottle system.
The pitch flight director bar will be removed when
the stall or overspeed protection functions are activated.
Land 3 downgrade to Land 2 is known as
Fail Operational
In some cases only 2 a/p’s are available
If system problem occurs before Land 3 ASA annunciation - there is no aural warning it is an advisory message only
Land 2 is Fail Passive
the level of redundancy is such that a single fault will not cause a significant deviation from the flight path.
If NO AUTOLAND occurs after LAND 2 or LAND 3 is annunciated,
it will be shown as an EICAS caution and the aural beeper will sound.
During an autoland approach and below 200 ft
if the message does not affect the safety of the flight, the aural alerts and master caution will be inhibited until after landing.
When on approach below 200 ft, all changes to the autoland status are inhibited. The only exception
for a change in ASA to NO AUTOLAND.
With the autopilot engaged, if a specific mode should become degraded
an amber line will be drawn through it.
THR is displayed when
the autothrottle is applying thrust to maintain the required vertical speed required by the pitch mode.
THR REF is displayed when
the thrust is set to the limit shown on the EICAS.
IDLE is displayed when
the thrust levers are moved to idle by the Autothrottle system.
HOLD is displayed when
the thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited. In this case, the pilot is able to set the thrust levers manually.
SPD is displayed when
the autothrottles are maintaining the speed displayed on the PFD.
The speed can be set from the MCP speed selector or from various pages on the CDU.
The autothrottle will not exceed
the operating speed or thrust limits displayed on the EICAS.
NAV engaged is displayed during different phases of flight. After take-off, LNAV engages if
above 50 ft RA and within 2.5 nm of the active route leg if the autopilot is not engaged
and at 200 ft RA if the autopilot is engaged.
HDG HOLD is displayed when
the HOLD switch under the HDG / TRK selector is pushed.
This allows the autopilot to hold the present heading or if pushed when in a turn, the autopilot will fly the heading reached after rolling wings level.
TRK SEL is displayed when
flying or turning to a track selected in the MCP.
TRK HOLD is displayed when
when the HOLD switch under the HDG / TRK selector is pushed.
This allows the autopilot to hold the present track or if pushed when in a turn, the autopilot will fly the track reached after rolling wings level.
During flight, if the autopilot or flight director is turned on and no roll mode has been selected,
attitude will be displayed and the AFDS will hold a bank angle between 5 ° and 30 ° and will not roll wings level.
If the bank angle was less than 5 ° when selected, the AFDS will return the plane to wings level and the FMA will display HDG HLD or TRK HOLD.
If the bank angle was greater than 30 ° when selected, the AFDS will return the plane to 30 ° of bank.
On the ground, there are two situations which will cause the TO/GA mode to be displayed.
The first is when either F/D switch is initially selected ON.
The other situation would occur if a takeoff is being completed without the aid of the flight directors.
If the flight directors are now required and the airspeed is greater than 80 kt, pushing either TO/GA switch will cause the flight directors to appear.
The TO/GA pitch and roll guidance will become active at lift-off.
In flight, TO/GA will be armed with
the flaps out of the UP position or at G/S capture on approach. In this situation, the TO/GA annunciation is not displayed.
n flight, TO/GA is engaged by pushing the TO/GA switch. The autopilot will enter the go-around phase and will
maintain the present ground track at mode engagement.
ROLLOUT is armed on an ILS approach using the autopilot when
below 1,500 ft RA. It engages below 2 ft RA.
ROLLOUT is engaged below 2 ft on landing. After touchdown, the autopilot will use the rudder and nosewheel steering to maintain the centerline.
The RESET MCP ALT is displayed
on the FMC when within 2 min of the T/D point.
VNAV ALT displays when
there is a difference between the VNAV profile and the MCP selected altitude.
Conversely for descent, if a lower altitude is not selected in the MCP at the top of the VNAV descent profile the FMA will change to VNAV ALT.
If the airplane is within 50 nm from the Top of Descent (T/D) point and a descent is required, first select a lower altitude.
Select 15,000 ft on the ALTITUDE selector and then push the ALTITUDE selector.
VNAV SPD will be displayed until the airplane intercepts the proper descent profile.
When the airplane intercepts the desired descent path, VNAV SPD will be replaced with VNAV PTH.
FPA is displayed by pushing the MCP V/S / FPA switch when FPA mode is selected. This will cause the FPA window to display the current Flight Path Angle
Pitch commands will maintain the Flight Path Angle selected in the window.
The FLARE mode is armed and the FMA is displayed, when
LAND 3 or LAND 2 is annunciated on the PFDs.
At approximately 50 ft RA, the autopilots start the flare maneuver. FLARE replaces the G/S pitch FMA.
When autothrust is armed,
the Climb / Continuous (CLB/CON) thrust switch does not operate on the ground or below 400 ft on takeoff.

Provided the autothrottle is armed, pushing the A/T switch above 400 ft activates the autothrottle in the selected pitch mode.
The illuminated green bar in the switch indicates the autothrottle is active. With no mode selected, the SPD mode becomes active.
In order to use the TO/GA switches on takeoff,
the speed must be less than 50 kt and the flaps must be out of UP.
If the switch is not pushed below 50 kt, autothrottle operation will not be available until 400 ft altitude. In this case the thrust levers must be manually positioned.
LNAV and VNAV are disarmed if either switch is pushed above 80 kt.
TOGA on Takeoff below 400’
Once the aircraft has lifted off and still below 400 ft in HOLD mode, the pilot may wish to remove the displayed takeoff derate.
In this case, a TO/GA switch may be pushed to provide reference thrust (THR REF).
This will disarm the AFDS modes and, between 50 ft and 400 ft, will select the TO/GA roll mode.
With GA thrust limit displayed
this action activates the autothrottle in THR mode, disarms the AFDS modes and selects TO/GA roll and pitch modes.
A second push activates the autothrottles in the THR REF mode. Push a TO/GA switch.

Once the LOC and G/S have been captured, these modes can only be disengaged by
disconnecting the A/P and turning OFF both F/Ds,
selecting TO/GA for a go-around,
or, provided the aircraft is above 1,500 ft RA, by deselecting APP. In this case the roll and pitch modes will revert to the default values.
Should the autothrottle be used for a manual landing, the thrust will reduce to IDLE at 25 ft RA when
he flight director is OFF,
or the pitch mode is V/S, FPA, G/S,
or in any VNAV mode such as VNAV SPD, VNAV PTH, or VNAV ALT.
With the autothrottle armed, the autothrottle automatically activates
if: no autopilot or flight director is active, or
an autopilot or flight director is in VNAV XXX, FPA, ALT, or G/S, and:
the speed is less than a FMC calculated value for one sec,
the thrust is below reference thrust, the airplane altitude is above 100 ft RA on approach,
or the airplane barometric altitude is 400 ft above the airport on takeoff.
If making a descent in VNAV SPD mode, the autothrottle may
stay in the HOLD mode. In this case, it will not support stall protection.
The autothrottle does not need to be disconnected
in order to manually move the thrust levers.
After the thrust levers have been manually moved,
the Autothrottle system will then reposition them to comply with the active mode.
When in HOLD mode the Autothrottle system will not
reposition the thrust levers.
Automatic disconnect will also occur if the pilot
overrides the thrust levers during landing, after the autothrottle has begun to retard the thrust levers to idle.
Takeoff thrust is entered and verified
as is any assumed temperature and the required climb thrust.

In order to use the TO/GA switches on takeoff, the speed must be less than
50 kt.
The autothrottle activates at the thrust limit selected on THRUST LIMIT page.
If a switch is not pushed below 50 kt,
autothrottle operation will not be available until 400 ft altitude.
In this case the thrust levers must be manually positioned.
the autothrottle mode annunciation changes to HOLD.
At 80 kt
The thrust levers may now be manually positioned
and the Autothrottle system will not cause repositioning while HOLD is annunciated.
LNAV and VNAV are disarmed if
either switch is pushed above 80 kt.
The barometric altitude is recorded by the FMC as the airplane accelerates through
100 kt.
The recorded barometric altitude is used to engage VNAV,
enable autothrottle activation,
command acceleration for flap retraction,
and set climb thrust when appropriate.
LNAV engagement is not based on the recorded barometric altitude, but is based on
Radio Altitude after lift-off.
At lift-off, the roll command maintains
and the flight director commands a pitch to maintain
ground track
v2 + 15
If this speed is exceeded for more than 5 sec,
the target airspeed is reset to the current airspeed.
However, this new airspeed will not exceed V2 + 25.
With an engine failure on the ground, the pitch commands a target speed of
V2 or the airspeed at lift-off, whichever is greater.
If an engine failure occurs after lift-off the pitch command target speed is
V2, if the airspeed is below V2.
The commanded speed is the existing speed,
if the airspeed is between V2 and V2 + 15; or V2 + 15,
if the airspeed is above V2 + 15.
If LNAV has been armed, it engages at
50 ft RA. Roll then commands bank to track the active route.
If VNAV is armed, it engages at
400 ft above the runway elevation and commands the current airspeed.
The autothrottle activates in Thrust Reference mode.
When the acceleration height is reached, pitch commands the speed to
5 kt below the takeoff flap placard speed.
As flap retraction continues, acceleration is further commanded to 5 kt below the placard speed of the commanded flap position.
At the thrust reduction point, which may be either an altitude or a flap position, the FMC changes the thrust limit to
the armed climb limit (CLB).
When the flaps are up, acceleration continues to the VNAV climb speed.
This is the greater of
VREF + 80 kt, or the speed transition associated with the origin airport.
Glideslope captures when the intercept track angle is within
80 ° of the localizer course.
The localizer will only intercept on an angle of
120 ° or less.
Runway alignment is a sub mode of the approach mode. When crosswinds are present,
the approach crab angle is reduced at touchdown.
The runway alignment mode also compensates for a single-engine approach.
When more than 10 ° of crab angle is needed on approach, runway alignment occurs at
500 ft AGL.
When 5 to 10 ° of crab angle is needed on approach, the crab angle is initially reduced by establishing
a 5 ° sideslip at 500 ft.
This is followed by a second alignment at 200 ft AGL, where a second sideslip alignment increases the sideslip to further reduce the touchdown crab angle.
When less than 5 ° of crab angle is needed on approach, no runway alignment occurs until
200 ft AGL,
at which point a sideslip is introduced to align the airplane with the runway.
In the case of an engine failure prior to the approach, a sideslip is introduced at
1,300 ft AGL in order to establish a wings level configuration.
In the case of an engine failure during the approach, the wings level configuration is established
when the engine failure is detected.
The autothrottle begins retarding the thrust levers to idle between
25 and 50 ft RA for the flare. IDLE will be indicated on the FMA.
The rollout mode is armed when
LAND 3 or LAND 2 is annunciated on the PFDs and provides localizer centerline rollout guidance.
Rollout engages at less than
2 ft Radio Altitude and ROLLOUT replaces the LOC roll mode annunciation.
When the flaps are extended out of UP, or when the glide slope is captured, the thrust limit changes to
G/A and TO/GA mode will be armed for a possible missed approach. There is no indication of TO/GA mode being armed.
The TO/GA switches are inhibited when on the ground and enabled again when
in the air for a go-around or a touch and go.
During a go-around, the first push of either TO/GA switch causes:
he autothrottle changes to THR mode and thrust is increased to achieve a 2,000 ft/min climb,
the AFDS will increase pitch to hold the selected speed as the thrust increases,
and if the current airspeed remains above the target speed for 5 sec, the target speed is reset to the current airspeed.
Note that the reset to current speed will be to a maximum of the IAS / MACH window speed plus 25 kt.
The second push of either TO/GA switch causes
the autothrottle to engage in the THR REF mode to provide full go-around thrust. Push either TO/GA switch.
If an LNAV path is available, LNAV automatically arms and engages:
above 50 feet RA when the autopilot is not engaged, or above 200 feet RA when the autopilot is engaged.
At flap retraction altitude, the airspeed can be set to the minimum maneuvering speed for the desired flap setting.
After flap retraction,
select VNAV or FLCH for the desired pitch mode
In the event of a windshear,
push a TO/GA switch.
A pitch-up of 15 ° or slightly below the pitch limit, whichever is lower, will be commanded.
As recovery is underway, with the Rate of Climb increasing, the commands will change from pitch to airspeed control.
The greater of the current airspeed or the IAS / MACH window airspeed when TO/GA was engaged will be the selected target.
Similar to a normal go-around, if the current airspeed remains above the selected speed for 5 sec,
the selected airspeed is reset to current airspeed, up to a maximum of the IAS / MACH window speed plus 25 kt.
If TO/GA is selected with the autopilot not engaged, the pilot must manually fly the recovery by following the flight director commands.
The thrust levers must be advanced manually should the autothrottle not be armed.
Significant ILS signal interference may be present due to service vehicles or aircraft. This can be detected by the Autopilot Flight Director System.
The autopilot
disregards the ILS signal and remains engaged in an attitude-stabilizing mode based on inertial data when such interference is detected.
If the flight envelope is exceeded, an AUTOPILOT caution message and roll or pitch mode failures will alert the pilot and the autopilot
prevents further envelope violations.
An AUTOPILOT caution message displays when the autopilot is operating in a degraded mode,
the engaged roll and / or pitch mode may have failed or the autopilot has entered envelope protection.
An AUTOTHROTTLE L or R advisory message displays when
the affected autothrottle is OFF or has failed.
A NO AUTOLAND message appears when autoland is not available.
A caution message appears if a fault occurs after LAND 3 or LAND 2 is annunciated. It also appears when
the approach has been selected but does not engage by 600 ft AGL.
An advisory message appears if the fault occurs before LAND 3 or LAND 2 is annunciated.
A NO LAND 3 message appears when autoland system does not have
redundancy for triple channel autoland.
A caution message appears if a fault occurs after LAND 3 is annunciated.
An advisory message appears if a fault occurs before LAND 3 is annunciated.