AUTO Takeoff/Climb Flashcards
What FMA indications during T/O when thrust in
- CL - col. 1 blank
SET Warning on ECAM - FLX/MCT - MAN FLX (assuming flex
entered in TO PERF page
With no FLX TEMP col. 1 is blank and
What’s the status of A/THR System with thrust set to FLX/MCT or TOGA
Armed (blue A/THR)
What are the actions to tume the localizer for takeoff
None as long as the runway is loaded in FMS Flight Plan page
Indications in col. 3 after FLX/MCT or TOGA is selected during takeoff
- If no loc signal - line 1 is blank
2. If loc signal - RWY in col. 3 and yaw bars appear on PFD for steering cues
Altitude at which the NAV mode becomes active after Takeoff if the takeoff is made without a pre selected heading
What’s the initial lateral mode the aircraft flies after takeoff with a preselected heading and the action required for FD heading guidance at 400’
- RWY TRK(track at time of engagement. 30’)
2. Pull the HDG/TRK knob
What’s the expected speed during SRS vertical mode with good engines
V2 +10
How are the thrust reduction (THR RED) acceleration (ACC) altitudes inserted into the TO PERF page
Although default values appear during preflight, the actual values are up linked via the TDU process and thus overwrites the values in the THR RED/ACC field
When does the SRS vertical mode disengage and what very. Mode replaced it
- Automatically at acceleration altitude and reverts to CLB (or OP CLB if in HDG mode)
- ALT* or ALT CST* can engage if there is a low initial altitude set
- If flight crew engages a different mode
For a takeoff and initial climb for a NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, NAV armed.
What are the col. 1,2,3,5 indications
When put in TOGA
- MAN TOGA(boxed white)
- SRS (boxed green), CLB (blue)
- RWY (boxed green), NAV (blue)
- 1FD2 (white), A/THR(blue)
At 50’
- MAN TOGA (boxed white)
- SRS (green), CLB(blue)
- NAV (boxed green)
- 1FD2(white), A/THR(blue)
At thrust reduction and acceleration altitude
- MAN TOGA (boxed white), LVR CLB(white)
- CLB (boxed green), ALT(blue)
- NAV(green)
- 1FD2(white), A/THR(blue)
Thrust levers in climb detent
- THR CLB(boxed green)
- CLB(green), ALT(blue)
- NAV(green)
- 1FD2(white), A/THR(boxed white)
Indications in col. 1,2,3,5 for NADP2, TOGA thrust, NAV armed during takeoff and initial climb
Single engine???
Thrust in TOGA
- MAN TOGA (boxed white)
- SRS(boxed green), CLB(blue)
- RWY(boxed green), NAV(blue)
- 1FD2(white), A/THR(blue)
At 50’ RA
- MAN TOGA(boxed white)
- SRS(green), CLB(blue)
- NAV(green)
- 1FD2(white), A/THR(blue)
At thrust reduction altitude (1500’)
- MAN TOGA(boxed white), LVR CLB(white)
- SRS(green), CLB(blue)
- NAV(green)
- 1FD2(white), A/THR(blue)
After Thrust reduction(CLB detent)
- THR CLB(boxed green)
- SRS(green), CLB(blue)
- NAV(green)
- 1FD2(white), A/THR(boxed white)
After acceleration altitude (3000’) 1. THR CLB(boxed green) 2 CLB(boxed green), ALT(blue) 3. NAV(green) 5. 1FD2(white), A/THR(white)
What is the normal speed after passing through acceleration altitude up to 10K
Whatever is programmed but normally 250 knots
What pilot action can be taken to cause a pilot specified speed to become target speed after passing acceleration altitude
- By entering a speed into the PERF CLB page prior to entering the climb phase
- This has the same effect as the pilot selecting a speed on the FCU
What is preferred method to increase rate of climb during an Open climb or Managed climb
Selecting a lower speed will increase rate of climb in either mode