Auto Flights Flashcards
Autopilot (A/P) Disengage Light
Illuminated (amber) –
flashing – A/P automatically reverts to CWS pitch or roll while in CMD.
Illuminated (red) –
• flashes and tone sounds when autopilot has disengaged.
• steady for any of following conditions:
• stabilizer out of trim below 800 feet RA on dual channel approach
• ALT ACQ mode inhibited during A/P go–around if stabilizer not
trimmed for single A/P operation
• disengage light test switch held in position 2
• automatic ground system tests fail.
Autopilot Disconnect Height
Manuel landing - 500 AAL
During instrument approach which is not a precision approach below the MDA or 50 ft below the DA.
Autothrottle ARM Mode
ARM mode provides is minimum speed protection in the event the airplane slows to minimum maneuver speed.
LNAV guidance
becomes active at 50 feet AGL if the active leg is within 3.0 NM and 5° of the runway heading.
Till 200’ only 8 deg Bank!
Transition to Manual Approach or Landing
the stabilizer is automatically trimmed an additional amount nose up below 400 feet RA. If the autopilots are subsequently disengaged, forward control column force may be required to hold the desired pitch attitude.
Note: If the autopilots are disengaged below 400 feet RA during a dual channel approach, be alert for a mistrim condition.
Auto Land
At 400 feet - Stabilizer is automatically trimmed nose up.
A/P’s disengage if FLARE is not armed by approximately 350 feet.
Raw Data Monitoring Requirements - Non-ILS
During localizer-based approaches; LOC, LOC-BC, LDA, SDF, and IGS, applicable raw data must be monitored throughout the approach.Checking raw data:
• selecting POS and comparing the displayed raw data with the navaid symbols on the map.
displaying the VOR and/or ADF pointers on the map display
Use of the POS function selectable on the EFIS control panel is the recommended method for making this comparison. The VOR and ADF pointers should be displayed on the map
LNAV - Non-ILS Approach
• No waypoints may be added or deleted between the FAF and the MAP If the approach to be flown is not in the database, another approach having the same plan view may be selected.
• If a waypoint is added to or deleted from a database procedure, FMC “on approach” logic is partially or completely disabled and the VNAV obstacle clearance integrity of the procedure may be adversely affected. If an additional waypoint reference is desired, use the FIX page and do not modify waypoints on the LEGS page.
•Due to potentially inadequate terrain clearance, manual waypoint entry should not be accomplished for RNAV or GPS approaches, nor should this method be used with VNAV after the FAF.
Note: VNAV PTH operation using speed intervention (as installed) is not available with manually entered waypoints
Final Approach using V/S
set the MCP altitude to the nearest 100 foot increment above the altitude constraint or MDA(H).
• the most accurate technique is to monitor the VNAV path deviation indication on the map display and adjust descent rate to maintain the airplane on the appropriate path. OR
• select a descent rate that places the altitude range arc at or near the step-down fix or visual descent point (VDP). This technique requires the step-down fix or MDA(H) to be set in the MCP and may be difficult to use in turbulent conditions.
Leaving the MDA(H),disengage the AP&A/T. Turn both F/Ds OFF, then place both F/Ds ON.
On the V/S approach, the missed approach altitude is set when 300 feet above the MDA(H) to use the guidance of the altitude range arc during the approach and to prevent altitude capture and destabilizing the approach.
AT Go-Around
- when descending below 2000 feet RA
- when above 2000 feet RA with flaps not up or G/S captured
- with or without the AFDS engaged.
With the first push of either TO/GA switch:
• A/T (if armed) engages in GA and advances thrust reduced go–around N1 produce 1000 to 2000 fpm rate of climb. A/T FMA indicates GA
• autopilot (if engaged) disengages
• pitch mode engages in TO/GA and the Pitch Engaged Mode
annunciation on the FMA indicates TO/GA
• F/D pitch commands 15 degrees nose up until reaching programmed
rate of climb. F/D pitch then commands target airspeed for each flap
setting based on maximum takeoff weight calculations
• F/D roll commands approach track .The Roll Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA is blank. In AP TOGA 2 LNAV: Above 50 feet AGL, LNAV will engage.
Single Engine F/D Go–Around
• F/D roll commands hold ground track at or below 50 feet AGL.
Above 50 feet AGL, LNAV will engage. The Roll Mode annunciation
will display LNAV engaged above 50 feet AGL.
• pitch mode engages in TO/GA and the Pitch Engaged Mode
annunciation on the FMA indicates TO/GA
• the F/D target speed is displayed on IAS/Mach display
• the F/D target speed is displayed on the airspeed cursor
• F/D pitch commands 13 degrees up. As climb rate increases, F/D
pitch commands maintain a target speed.
• if engine failure occurs prior to go–around engagement, then F/D
target speed is the selected MCP speed.
• if engine failure occurs after go–around engagement, then F/D target
speed depends on whether ten seconds have elapsed since go–around engagement:
Note: The target speed is never less than V2 speed based on flap
position unless in windshear conditions.
תקציר מה קורה ב TOGA
לחיצה 1: 1000-2000 ר\ד (מספיק ברוב המשקלים)
לחיצה 2: כוח מלא (תוספת למשקלים כבדים ו- WS)
MCP SPD BLNK (עם מנוע אחד המה’ “נפתחת” [ FCOM 4.20.23] ) ומוד LNAV כבה – פרט למטוסים עם LNAV ARM להל”ס שנצמד מעל ‘400 באוטומטי ובידני ב 50 רגל
שומר מה’ של מצב המדפים ב-MAX TO WEIGHT
שומר TRK אחרון [ FCOM 4.20.23]
FD’s יופיעו בלחיצת TOGA גם אם שניהם מופסקים
בגובה האצה- מקפלים מדפים( לא פותחים חלון מהי׳), אחרי שעלו בוחרים LVL CHGאו VNAV
מוד LAT מעל ‘400 – וניתן להצמיד ט”א (שניהים לא לפני ‘400)
עם שני מנועים- בגובה האצה לקפל מדפים (לפי המה’) ובסיום “ניקוי” לבחור מוד אנכי (LVL CHNG או VNAV)
עם מנוע אחד- יש להעלות BUG מה’ לטובת קיפול מדפים
The Altitude Alerting system is inhibited whenever
The wing flaps are extended past 25 or while the glideslope is
Auto Land
Wx predicament: 25 H/20 Cross/15 Bk
No wx: Only 20 Cross wind Limit