Adverse Weather Flashcards
Exterior Inspection
1.Takeoff with light coatings of frost, up to 1/8 inch (3 mm) in
thickness, on lower wing surfaces due to cold fuel is allowable;
2.Thin hoarfrost is acceptable on the upper surface of the fuselage
provided all vents and ports are clear.
3.all leading edge devices, all control surfaces, tab surfaces,
upper wing surfaces and control surface balance panel cavities must
be free of snow, ice and frost.
Preflight Procedure - First Officer
after completing the normal Preflight Procedure -
First Officer:
PROBE HEAT switches………………………………………………….. ON
Verify that all probe heat lights are extinguished.
Engine Start Procedure
• If the engine has been cold soaked for one or more hours at ambient temp below -40°C, do not start or motor the engine.
• If the oil pressure remains above the normal range after the oil
temperature has stabilized within limits, shut down the engine.
• Display units may require additional warm-up time before displayed engine indications accurately show changing values. Display units may appear less bright than normal.
• A/I selected ON immediately after both engines are started Use wing anti-ice together with Engine A/I
•Normally the IDG’s stabilize within one minute, although
due to cold oil, up to five minutes can be needed to produce
steady power.
Takeoff - Wet or Contaminated Runway
• For wet runways, reduced thrust :fixed derate, assumed temperature method, or both is allowed
• For runways contaminated by slush, snow, standing water, or ice,
reduced thrust fixed derate only is allowed ( no ATM)
• Takeoffs are not recommended when slush, wet snow, or standing
water depth is more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) or dry snow depth is more
than 4 inches (102 mm).
Wing Anti-ice Operation
: Do not use wing anti-ice
The Airplane is Or will be protected by the application of Type II or Type IV fluid in compliance de-icing program.
Before Taxi Procedure
If there is snow or ice accumulation on the wing, consider delaying the flight control check until after de-icing/anti-icing is accomplished.
CAUTION: The flap position indicator and the leading edge
devices annunciator panel should be closely observed for positive movement. If the flaps should stop, the flap lever should be placed immediately in the same position as indicated.
Flaps ………………………………………………………………… Check F/O
Move the flaps from Flaps up to Flaps 40 back to Flaps up
Run Up
€ engine anti-ice is required and the OAT is 3°C or below
€ If airport surface conditions do not allow the engine thrust to increased to 70% N1, then set a thrust high as practical and time at that thrust level.
Run-up to a minimum of 70% N1 for approximately 30
seconds duration at intervals no greater than 30 minutes.
Flaps procedure concerning before taxi
Flaps ………………………………………………………………… Check F/O
Move the flaps from Flaps up to Flaps 40 back to Flaps up
(i.e., full travel) to ensure freedom of movement.
If taxi route is through ice, snow, slush or standing water in low
temperatures or if precipitation is falling with temperatures below
freezing, taxi out with the flaps up. Taxiing with the flaps extended
subjects the flaps and flap drives to contamination.
Call “FLAPS ___” as needed. C
Flap lever………………………………………..Set flaps, as needed F/O
Cold Temperature Altitude Corrections
Significant reaching -30 C
• no corrections are needed for reported temperatures above 0°C or if the airport temperature is at or above the minimum published temperature for the procedure being flown
• ATC assigned altitudes or flight levels should not be adjusted for
temperature when under radar control
• apply corrections to all published minimum departure, en route and
approach altitudes, including missed approach altitudes, according to
the table below. Advise ATC of the corrections
• MDA/DA settings should be set at the corrected minimum altitudes
for the approach
After Landing Procedure
*Do not retract the flaps to less than flaps 15 until the flap areas
have been checked to be free of contaminants.
*When engine anti-ice is required and the OAT is 3°C or below,
do an engine run up, as needed, to minimize ice build-up.
Shot down procedure
Stabilizer trim…………………………………….. Set 5 units C
Prevents melting snow and ice from running into the
tailcone. Excessive water in the tailcone can freeze and
lock controls.