Authors Part 2 Flashcards
Leader of the utilitarian reformers
Jeremy Bentham
Two type of anti - utilitarians
- Carlyle
Sartor Resartus - John Henry Newman
1870 - 1901 : decay of Victorian values
- Rudyard Kipling
- Jospeh Conrad
- swiburne — poems and ballads
- Browning — the ring and the book 📕
- Matthew Arnold — attacked the puritan
- Tennyson - maud
- Elizabeth Barrett browning — aurora leigh
Victorian novel 1st generation avec 1 œuvre chacun
- Charles dickens (1812): pickwick papers
- Elizabeth Gaskell : north and south
- charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre
- Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights
- George Eliot: middlemarch
- Wilkie Collins : the woman in white
- George Meredith
- William makepeace tackeray: vanity fairs
Anti realist element
Combine realism with gothic or melancholic element —- > Wilkie Collins
Novelist with most success representing contemporary
Anthony Trollope
Second generation of Victorian age + 1 oeuvre chacun
- Robert Louis Stevenson (1850)
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Thomas hardy (1840)
Far from the madding crowd
Jude the obscur - Joseph Conrad (1857)
Heart of darkness, lord Jim
Modern age : modernity and modernism 1900- 1930
A literary and artistic movement marked by a break from the past characterized by deep shifts in worldview.
Major works of modern age
Heart of darkness — Conrad
Interpretation of dreams — Freud
Theory of relativity — Einstein
Psychology of the unconscious— Jung
Definition of / stream of consciousness technique
A literary technique capturing real time thoughts, often fragmented and non linear
Pioneer : Dorothy Richardson
Pointed roofs
The modernist novel
- James Joyce
Dubliners — Ulysses - Virginia Woolf
Mrs Dalloway — the voyage out - D.H. Lawrence
Women in love — the rainbow 🌈
The importance of Irish drama — writers + œuvres
- Oscar Wilde (1854)
A doll’s house — lady Windermere’s fan - Shaw
Arms and the man — Candida - Synge
Riders to the sea — the playboy - yeats
The countess Cathleen
After WWII — theatre of the absurd def
A movement in drama emphasizing the absurdity of the human conditions between 1940 and 1960.
Non sens dialogue
Repetitive or meaningless action
Non realistic
Playwrights most associated with theatre of the absurd
- Harold Pinter / Nobel prize 🏆 2005
The room — the dumb water - Samuel Beckett //novel prize 🏆 1969
Waiting for gabot - Tom stoppard
The real inspector hound
Prose : anti- utopias def
Novels reflections dystopian themes
The angry young men def
Novels expressing discontent or anger against the establishment
Key authors - anti- utopians
- Huxley
Brave new world 🌎 - George Orwell
Nineteen eighty four - Anthony burgess
A clockwork orange
William Golding
Lord the files
The angry young men authors
- John Braine
A room at the top - Allan Sillitoe
A Saturday night and Sunday morning
J. R. R. Tolkien
Born in 1892
- the hobbit (1937)
- the lord of the rings (1950s)
7 key concepts of post modern
- Death of the grand narrative
- Metafiction
- Intertextuality
- Pastiche
- Hybridity
- Fragmentarism
- Dissolution of the I
Academic novels def + authors
Novelistic comedy written by university teachers
- David lodge : changing places
Nice work
- graham swift :
Magic realism
Combines realism + fantastic elements
- John Fowles :
The aristos
- Angela Carter
Nights at the circus 🎪
Authors metafiction + def
Many works that are called postmodern fountain metafictional elements
- A. S. Byatt
- umberto Eco
- John Irving
- Stephen king - misery
When a text is metafictional and refers to itself and others texts weaning the relationships between text and reality
Ex : Tim Burton : Mars attacks
Wells — the war of the worlds
Mixes various style and subjects without mocking the original
Julian Byrnes — Flaubert parrot combines
Narrative structure often discontinuous and fragmented
Dissolution of the I
Personal identity is uncertain and fluid
3 authors post modern novels
- John fowles
The French lieutenant’s woman 🧍♀️ - Graham swift — post modern realist
Waterland —- historical narratives - Julian Barnes
Flaubert’s parrot
Commonwealth writers
- Andre brink
A dry white season - Naipaul
India: a wounded civilization - C. Salmon Rushdie
Midnight’s children 👧
Oscar Wilde
- 1854 born in clerical family, Dublin
His prose - “the canterville Ghost 👻 “
- “the picture of Dorian Gray”
Became a book critic for : Pall Mall Gazette 🗞️
Imprisonment: accusation of homosexuality
Aesthetic movement