Authoritarian vs. Democratic Flashcards
The process by which states build the institutions and processes needed to become stable democracies.
Features of Democratic Rule
fair and equal representatives, multiple diverse parties, protection of voting rights of indviduals, fair and equal political party competition, limits on the power of governments rights of the citizen protected by separate judiciary
Features of a state
Government, population, legitimacy, territory, sovereignty
Direct Democracy
system of government where all members of the community all take part in the decisions that affect them as a community (athenian democracy)
Criticism: Exclusive, low turnout, time-consuming, expensive, lack of permenent bureaucracy or coherent policy
Representative Democracy
system of government in whcih members of community elect people to represent their interests in making decisions for the community
Criticism: have many anti-egalitarian mechanisms, lower level of mental preformance, primitive
Liberal Democracy
A form of indirect democracy in which the scope of democracy is limited by constitutional protection of individual rights (associated with limited government, liberalism, civil liberties
Type of decision making rules: Concurrent Majority
More than one majority required
Type of decison making rule: Simple majority
More than half of those voting
Type of decision making rule: qualified majority
More than a simple majority usually two thirds
Type of decision making rule: Blocking minority
A minority is able to prevent a proposal from passing
Weighted Majority
A majority after adjusting votes for differences in voting power (e.g. shareholder votes)
Democratization 4 stages
Liberalization, Transition, Consolidation, Deepening
Features of Authoritarian Rule
- Poor rep. government and elections
- Weak political institutions and processes- centralization of power in hands of leader/elites
- Limited selection of political parties and rep
- Low opposition
- Limited/controlled media
Authoritarian Regime
based on submission, characterized by ruling elites, limited political pluralism, centralized political power, etc.
Hybrid Regimes
Systems which have appearances of being democratic, but institutions, processes, laws and policies are manipulated by rulers/ elite groups
Forms of authoritarian rule
Absolute monarchy ( Saudi Arabia, UAE), personal rule( former soviet republics, sub-saharan african states), ruling parties(Many african states), military governments(Less common today maybe myanmar), theocracy( rule of religious leaders) (Iran)
absolute form of authoritarian rule, total control exercised by leader, state, or party over all aspects of public and personal life ( Stalins USSR, North Korea)