Augmentative and Alternative Communication Flashcards
Three parts of an expressive channel
Message, feedback, and a channel of communication
Definition of AAC
A device, system, or strategy that seeks to compensate either temporarily or permanently for the impairment and disability patterns of individuals with expressive communication disorders
Aided AAC
Takes advantage of devices eg/ pictures photos written words, computer apps or speech generating devices
Unaided AAC
Gestures, facial express postures, that assist in the expression of language (does not include sign language)
___ out of 4 children diagnosed with ASD see impvorement after beginning AAC
Over ____% of parents of children with CP that used an AAC reported large benefits to the child
Those under ____ had a larger effect size than those over 18
AACs help facilitate
language development early on
T/F Can be used throughout an individuals life
Picture Exchange Communication System
What is a PEC
A board of a bunch of images a child can use to communication
What is the point of a PEC
Mainly a launchpad for other PECs
Speech Generating Devices
What is an SGDs
Kinda of like a PEC but on a digital device
Most standard form of aided AAC system and usually covered but public and private health insurance
When is an SGD most effective
When technology and instruction is used together
What other areas of language does it help
Comprehension of questions, comments, heuristics, and protests
Strengths of Aided AAC
Helpful for those that have difference between receptive and expressive language skills
Decreases challenging behavior
Not limited to one etiology: symptom based
Useful provided instructor is trained in how to implement
Weaknesses of aided AACs
Results shown are case studies not large samples
Expense can be a barrier
complex communication can be harder due to AACs having restricted options