Auditory System Flashcards
What is the measure of sound intensity?
*The intensity of a sound increases when the air is compressed more forcefully during the peak compression in each cycle, resulting in increased density of air.
*The perceptual correlate of intensity is called loudness; the larger the intensity, the greater the perceived loudness of the sound.
*Sound intensity is usually expressed on a logarithmic scale as decibels of sound pressure level (dB SPL).
*The amplitude of a sound in dB SPL (decibels Sound Pressure Level) is given by dB SPL = 20 log10[P1/P2] where P2 is a standardized reference pressure of 20 x 10-6 Newtons/m2 (set arbitrarily to the threshold pressure for human
hearing at 1000 Hz.)
What is the lower threshold for human hearing?
*by convention at 1000 Hz
*The amplitude of a sound in dB SPL (decibels Sound Pressure Level) is given by dB SPL = 20 log10[P1/P2] where P2 is a standardized reference pressure of 20 x 10-6 Newtons/m2 (set arbitrarily to the threshold pressure for human
hearing at 1000 Hz.)
What are the common comparisons for dB levels of 20, 40, 80, 140 and 180?
20- country at night 40 - quiet conversation 80 - busy street 140 - front row rock concert 180 - space shuttle launch at 150ft
What is the threshold for “danger zone” in dB?
120dB and above can cause permanent hearing loss
What is the absolute range of human hearing?
- 20Hz - 20,000 Hz
* Peak is 3k Hz (3kHz)
How do you determine the wavelength of sound?
wavelength (lambda) = velocity/frequency
*velocity assume to be 340m/s (speed of sound)
How do audiologists quantify hearing loss?
for each ear, and at different frequencies
- the smallest dB SPL that a subject can just detect (called the threshold).
- The most common cause of hearing loss is age. As we age it is very common to suffer a loss of high frequency hearing, or “presbycusis”.
- Loss of high frequency hearing becomes especially problematic for the perception of speech since fricative consonants (such as t, p, s, f) are distinguished by high frequency components that fall in the upper end of the human audiogram.
What does presbycusis mean?
age-related loss of hearing, particularly in the higher frequencies.
*makes it tough to hear consonants
What are the three divisions of the ear?
· external ear composed of the pinna and external auditory meatus (ear canal) bounded by the tympanic membrane
· middle ear cavity containing the ossicular chain or 3 middle ear bones, malleus, incus and stapes
*inner ear containing the cochlea and the semicircular canals (part of the vestibular system involved in detection of movement and maintaining balance to be discussed in later lectures)
Why does the middle ear function as an impedance matcher?
*normal air:water impedance would result in a -30dB sound loss with a direct tympanic membrane:inner ear fluid interface
- The middle ear alleviates the impedance mismatch between fluid and air in two ways.
- Pressure (P) is equal to force (F) divided by area (A), P = F/A. So you can increase the pressure reaching the inner ear by either increasing the force and/or by decreasing the area being pushed by the sound waves.
- First, the area of the tympanic membrane is ~20 times that of the stapes footplate. Thus, low amplitude vibrations falling onto the large tympanic area are concentrated into large amplitude motions of the much smaller stapes footplate.
- Second, the orientation of the middle ear bones confers a levering action resulting in a larger force (a gain of about 1.3:1).
- These factors together (1.3x20 = 26-fold gain in pressure, or 20*log10[26/1] = +28 dB) are sufficient to nearly overcome the otherwise severe acoustic impedance mismatch.
What is meant by conductive hearing loss?
When the mechanical transmission of sound energy through the middle ear is degraded it results in conductive hearing loss. Common causes are 1) filling of the middle ear with fluid during otitis media (i.e., ear infection); 2) otosclerosis, in which arthritic bone growth impedes the movement of the ossicles; 3) malformations of the ear canal (atresia), including “swimmer’s” and “cauliflower” ear; 4) perforation/rupture of the tympanic membrane; 5) interruption of the ossicular chain; 6) static pressure in middle ear. Losses of 10-60 dB can occur in these cases.
What are some common causes of conductive hearing loss?
Common causes are:
1) filling of the middle ear with fluid during otitis media (i.e., ear infection);
2) otosclerosis, in which arthritic bone growth impedes the movement of the ossicles;
3) malformations of the ear canal (atresia), including “swimmer’s” and “cauliflower” ear;
4) perforation/rupture of the tympanic membrane;
5) interruption of the ossicular chain;
6) static pressure in middle ear. Losses of 10-60 dB can occur in these cases.
What is meant by sensorineural hearing loss?
Sensorineural hearing loss occurs from damage to or the loss of hair cells and or nerve fibers.
How can you clinically separate sensorineural from conductive hearing loss?
You can see if they can hear a tuning fork on their head but not through the air
- The otolaryngologist can distinguish conductive hearing loss from sensorineural hearing loss by comparing the audibility of a 512 Hz tuning fork held in the air or pressed against the skull.
- Because, like fluid, bone has high input impedance the transfer of energy from the tuning fork through the bone to the fluid filling the inner ear is efficient. Thus, in conductive hearing loss the latter position (fork against bone) is effective at presenting sound by bone conduction, thus overcoming the conductive loss that pertains to air-borne sound.
What are some causes of sensorineural hearing loss?
Common causes are
1) excessively loud sounds (iPod!!);
2) exposure to ototoxic drugs (diuretics, aminoglygocide antibiotics, aspirin, cancer therapy drugs); and
3) age (presbycusis).
What are the three compartments of the chochlea?
spirals of the cochlea showing the three compartments: the scala vestibuli, the scala media and the scala tympani
What do the IHCs do in the ear?
- the sensory cells of the hearing modality
- The business end of the cochlear compartments is the scala media and scala typmpani, which are separated by the basilar membrane (BM).
- Sitting within the scala media and on top of the BM is the organ of Corti, which contains the inner hair cells that transduce sound into electrical signals.
- The IHCs are attached to the BM due to their placement in the organ of Corti. Because of this, movements of this membrane (elicited by sound) are ultimately translated by IHCs into electrical signals. The mechanical properties of the BM play a key role in the discrimination of sound frequency.
Describe the movement of the basilar membrane during an oscillatory sound wave
During an oscillatory sound wave the BM will therefore move up towards the scala vestibuli during rarefaction and down towards the scala tympani during compression.
Describe the “tuning” of the basilar membrane using the piano analogy
Just as in a piano where the thinner less flexible strings vibrate to high frequencies, the BM vibrates best to high frequencies towards the base of the cochlea. In contrast, the thicker more flexible piano strings vibrate best to low frequencies, and the BM vibrates best to low frequencies at the apex of the cochlea.
What is the primary stimulus attribute that is mapped along the cochlea?
*sound frequency and intensity b/c of “tuning” of the BM and the IHCs
*IHC = inner hair cell
Each IHC will respond best to a certain frequency determined by the mechanical properties of the BM at that particular location. Thus the primary stimulus attribute that is mapped along the cochlea is sound frequency (and intensity).
Describe the transduction of the hair cell
- It is in IHCs where the conversion of mechanical vibration into membrane potential changes (“transduction”) takes place.
- From the apical surface of a hair cell projects an array of stereocilia
- The stereocilia within any single hair bundle vary in length. Movement of the bundle of stereocilia results in a change in the membrane potential of the hair cell.
- The hair cell normally has a membrane potential of about -50 mV.
- When the stereocilia bundle is pushed in the direction toward the longest stereocilia, the membrane potential becomes more positive (depolarizes);
- when the bundle is pushed in the direction toward the shortest stereocilia, the potential becomes more negative (hyperpolarizes)
- Note that the cell is never “at rest” (i.e. it does not rest at the K+ equilibrium potential, EK+, of -70 mV).
what is a common cause of congenital deafness?
A collapse of the
endocochlear potential due to a mutation in the gap junction subunit connexin 32, which is important in active transport of potassium in the stria vascularis, is the major cause of congenital deafness.
concerning potassium, what is the driving force for potassium influx/efflux at the apical membrane of the IHC?
Bending of the stereocilia results in altered gating of transduction channels located near the tips of the individual hairs. The transduction channel is a non-specific cation channel that is voltage-insensitive. A K+-rich fluid called endolymph fills the scala media and bathes the stereocilia on the apical end of hair cells. In contrast, the basal end of the hair cell is bathed by perilymph, a fluid with ionic composition similar to blood (high Na, low K+) that fills the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. Endolymph has high K+ and low Na+ concentration and is the only place in the body that contains such an unusual fluid. The stria vascularis, an epithelium on the side of the scala media actively pumps K+ into the endolymph maintaining a high K+ concentration. Active pumping of K+ by the stria vascularis results in a positive potential inside the scala media. This potential, the endocochlear potential, has a magnitude of +80 mV (endolymph positive with respect to perilymph).
*Since K+ is the major extracellular cation in endolymph, K+ influx underlies hair cell depolarization. Note that K+ moves into hair cells through open mechanotransduction channels (Fig. 6). Because external [K+]is roughly equal to internal [K+], EK is near 0 mV. The negative membrane potential of IHCs “pulls” K+ ions into the cell. The endocochlear potential provides further driving force for influx of K+ ions into the cell. In essence the endocochlear potential is added to the cell’s membrane potential so that the total driving potential across the stereocilia membrane is a whopping –130 mV (the membrane potential, -50 mV, minus the endocochlear potential, +80 mV). A collapse of the endocochlear potential results in sensorineural deafness because of the loss in driving force for transduction.
What happens when the stereocilia on the IHCs are opened?
Since K+ is the major extracellular cation in endolymph, K+ influx underlies hair cell depolarization.
- K+ moves into hair cells through open mechanotransduction channels
- Because external [K+]is roughly equal to internal [K+], EK is near 0 mV. The negative membrane potential of IHCs “pulls” K+ ions into the cell.
- The endocochlear potential provides further driving force for influx of K+ ions into the cell. In essence the endocochlear potential is added to the cell’s membrane potential so that the total driving potential across the stereocilia membrane is a whopping –130 mV (the membrane potential, -50 mV, minus the endocochlear potential, +80 mV).
- A collapse of the endocochlear potential results in sensorineural deafness because of the loss in driving force for transduction. A collapse of the