Auditory Mechanism Exam 1 Flashcards
Sequential Processing is:
Information flowing from one level to the next
Where is the peripheral auditory system located?
Temporal bone
Nearer the front of the body
At or near the tail, posterior part of the body
Nearer to the midline
Further back, nearer the rear of the body
On or toward the back
Near the front of the body- nose/mouth
What is the main job of the outer ear?
Collects acoustic energy, directs it to the middle ear
About how long is the External Auditory Meatus?
2.5-3 cm
The External Auditory Meatus is typically S shaped. True or False
Which frequency does the pinna work best around?
5000 Hz
In addition to collecting sound, what is another main function of the Outer Ear?
In which frequencies is the overall increase in the signal due to the functions of the outer ear?
3000-4000 Hz
When sound hits the tympanic membrane it is converted from acoustic to what type of energy?
Middle ear muscle, contracts in response to loud sounds
Area of the tympanic membrane that is more supportive, the membrane is stiffer here
pars tensa
Normally closed, opens when swallowing or yawning, equalizes pressure
eustachian tube
What is the ratio between the TM and the stapes footplate?
What is the total advantage of the middle ear impedance matching system?
33 dB
Name 4 portions of the Temporal bone
squamous, mastoid, petrous and tympanic portions
Does the Basilar Membrane respond to high or low frequencies at its base?
High Frequencies
How is frequency represented in the Traveling Wave?
The location of maximum displacement
Cylinder Shaped, expand and contract
Forms the floor of the cochlear duct
basilar membrane
Ovoid or flask shaped, stereocilia are U shaped
Which supporting cells support the Inner Hair Cells?
Phalangeal Cells