Audit Final Review Flashcards
Are integrated audits required for nonissuers?
True or false.
The AICPA code of professional conduct governs any service that a member of the AICPA performs, including compilations and reviews.
True or false.
Rules surrounding independence applies to all AICPA members.
EXPLANATION: Rules surrounding independence do not apply to AICPA members not in public practice. Independence rules apply to AICPA members in public practice that perform audit and other attestation services.
True or false.
The AICPA code of professional conduct applies only to members of the AICPA in public practice.
EXPLANATION: The AICPA code of professional conduct applies to all AICPA members, although there are some differences in the applicability of specific rules.
Does a risk assessment based on the effective operation of IC involve performing more extensive tests w/ larger samples sizes than originally planned?
EXPLANATION: A risk assessment based on the effective operation of IC increases allowable detection risk, which reduces the required extent of substantive testing.
If the auditor’s risk assessment is based on the effective operation of IC, must the auditor test the controls to support that assessment?
Is the following explicitly included in an audit report expressing an unmodified opinion:
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the F/S
EXPLANATION: The auditor’s responsibility paragraph of the unmodified opinion audit report explicitly states that an audit includes performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the F/S.
Would an auditor express an unmodified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph added to the report for a justified change in accounting principle?
Would the auditor express an unmodified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph added to the report for an unjustified change in accounting principle?
EXPLANATION: An unjustified change leads to a qualified or adverse opinion.
Would the auditor express an unmodified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph added to the report for a justified change in accounting estimate?
EXPLANATION: A change in estimate does not require an emphasis-of-matter paragraph.
The PCAOB is subject to oversight by the ____, and only accounting firms registered with the PCAOB may prepare audit reports for SEC issuers.
Proper authorization of write-offs of uncollectible accounts should be approved in which department?
EXPLANATION: The treasurer has no billing responsibility, resulting in a better segregation of duty.
For the most effective IC, monthly bank statements should be received directly from the banks and reviewed by whom?
Internal auditor
EXPLANATION: The internal auditor generally is independent of other functions relating to cash.
True or false.
A report issued on significant deficiencies in IC noted during a F/S audit should contain a statement of compliance with laws and regulations.
EXPLANATION: No statement of compliance with laws and regulations is required in the report. The definition of material weaknesses, a restriction on the use of the report, and an indication that the purposes of the audit was to report on the F/S all should be part of the report.
The auditor concluded that the disclosures made in the F/S did not adequately inform F/S users about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Under these circumstances, what should the auditor issue?
Qualified (except for) or adverse opinion, depending on level of materiality
EXPLANATION: Improper disclosure of a going concern situation is a GAAP violation, so a qualified or adverse opinion should be issued.
Is “training” a principle of professional ethics for professional accountants under the Int’l Code of Ethics for assurance engagements?
EXPLANATION: The Int’l Code of Ethics for assurance engagements includes the following fundamental principles of professional ethics - integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, and professional behavior.
Is failure to return client records upon request considered an act discreditable to the profession (under AICPA Code of Professional Conduct)
Is negligence in preparing client records considered an act discreditable to the profession (under AICPA Code of Professional Conduct)?
Does a credit card balance of $9,999 impair independence?
EXPLANATION: A CC balance in excess of $10,000 impairs independence.
Adequate disclosure is _____ in the independent auditor’s report, but is not specifically mentioned.
True or false.
The independent auditor’s report states that an audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the F/S.
Audit objectives should be developed based on F/S _____.
True or false.
A purchase order is considered external evidence.
False; internal documentation
True or false.
A canceled check is considered internal documentation.
False; external evidence