AUD 1 - Audit Reports Flashcards
What is the purpose of an audit?
To provide f/s users with an opinion on whether the f/s are presented fairly in all material respects in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework
The audit function adds _______ to the financial statements.
What is management responsible for?
Financial statements AND
Internal controls
What is the auditor’s ultimate responsibility?
Attest function
What is defined as a high, but not absolute level of assurance?
Reasonable assurance
What at the inherent limitations of an audit?
1) Nature of financial reporting involves lots of judgement
2) Nature of audit procedures may not catch fraud or errors
3) Timeliness of financial reporting and the balance between the cost and benefit
What does GAAS stand for?
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
What does GAGAS stand for?
Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards
What does PCAOB stand for?
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Issuers consist of what type of companies?
Primarily public companies
If you are an issuer, do you have to comply with the PCAOB?
Public accounting firms must register with whom in order to audit a public company?
What are the overall objectives of the auditor?
To obtain reasonable assurance
To report on the f/s
What are five general requirements related to the conduct of an audit?
1) Professional skepticism
2) Independence in fact and appearance
3) Professional judgement
4) Sufficient appropriate audit evidence and audit risk
5) Compliance with GAAS
What are the three conditions of the fraud triangle?
An auditor should be independent in both _____ and _______.
Fact AND
True or false.
The auditor should exercise professional judgment in planning and performing an audit.
Albert violated GAAP but it was essential in order to fairly present. Is this acceptable?
Does weak internal control equal an adverse opinion?
A clean opinion = ?
Unmodified audit opinon
In an unmodified audit opinion, what paragraph follows the addressee?
Introductory paragraph
In an unmodified audit opinion, what paragraph follows the intro paragraph?
Management’s responsibility for the financial statements
What is management responsible for?
Management responsible for
Preparation and fair presentation of financial statements
Design, implementation, maintenance of IC
What is the auditor responsible for?
Responsibility Express an opinion Plan Performing procedures Obtain audit evidence Risks of material misstatement of the f/s Test internal controls Statements
Control Reasonableness Accounting estimates Management Evaluating overall presentation of f/s