AUD 2 - Other Reports Flashcards
Which four areas do auditors address in special consideration engagements?
1) Audits of f/s prepared in accordance w/ a special purpose framework
2) Audits of single f/s and specific elements, accounts, or items of a f/s
3) Reporting on compliance w/ aspects of contractual or regulatory requirements associated with audited financials
4) Engagements to report on summary f/s
What does OCBOA stand for?
Other comprehensive bases of accounting
If the special purpose f/s are prepared in accordance with a regulatory basis and intended for general use, should the auditor include an emphasis of matter or other matter paragraph?
EXPLANATION: Instead the auditor should express an opinion about whether the f/s are (1) fairly presented, in all material respects, in accordance with GAAP (2) prepared in accordance w/ the special purpose framework
Harris, CPA, has been asked to audit and report on the balance sheet of Fox Co., but not on the statements of income, RE, or CF. This audit will not be performed in conjunction with an audit of the complete set of f/s. Under these circumstances, ma y Harris accept the engagement?
EXPLANATION: Accept the engagement b/c such engagements merely involve special considerations in the application of US GAAS
When auditing a single f/s or a specific element of a f/s, the auditor should obtain an understanding of what three things?
- Purpose for which it is prepared
- Intended users
- Steps taken by management to determine that the applicable financial reporting framework is acceptable in the circumstances
Given an example of interrelated items
- sales and receivables
- inventory and payables
- fixed assets and depreciation
The auditor may only issue what type of assurance on compliance?
Negative assurance
EXPLANATION: We are “not” lawyers.
What are three key components in a separate report on compliance?
- Audited f/s
- Negative assurance
- Restricted use
An auditor may express an opinion on an entity’s A/R balance even if the auditor has disclaimed an opinion on the f/s taken as a whole provided what?
Report on A/R is presented separately from the disclaimer of opinion on the f/s
EXPLANATION: If the auditor has disclaimed an opinion on the f/s taken as a whole, the auditor may express an opinion on an entity’s A/R balance only if the special report on A/R is presented separately and the A/R balance does not constitute a major portion of the entity’s complete set of f/s
Financial info is presented in a printed form that prescribes the wording of the independent auditor’s report. The form is not acceptable to the auditor b/c the form calls for statements that are inconsistent with the auditor’s responsibility. What would the auditor most likely do under these circumstances?
Reword the form or attach a separate report
Field is an employee of Gold Co. Hardy, CPA, is asked to express an opinion on Field’s profit participation in Gold’s net income. Hardy may accept this engagement only if what?
Hardy also audits Gold’s income statement and balance sheet
F/s prepared in accordance with a comprehensive basis of accounting other than GAAP that are not suitably titled require what sort of opinion?
Qualified opinion with a basis for modification paragraph
A report on OCBOA f/s should include an _______ __ ____ paragraph stating the basis, referring to the footnote that describes it, and indicating that it is a non-GAAP basis.
Reports on special purpose frameworks are issued in conjuction with what?
Compliance w/ reporting requirements to be filed with a specific regulatory agency
CPAs can perform three levels of service w/r/t unaudited f/s of a nonissuer. What are these three levels?
- Preparation
- Review
- Compilation
In preparing financial statements, is the CPA giving any assurance?
No assurance
Since preparation is a non-attest service, does it require a determination of whether the accountant is independent of the entity?
What does SSARS stand for?
Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services
The Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA is the authoritative body designated to issue pronouncements in connection w/ the unaudited financial statements of _______.
Nonissuers (private companies)
What professional standard applies to reviews of interim financial info of nonissuers whose annual f/s are audited?
All SSARS engagements require a written agreement with management regarding engagement terms. What is this agreement called?
Engagement letter
For reviews only, the auditor should obtain sufficient, _______ evidence.
If the accountant is unable to include a “no assurance” statement on each page of the prepared f/s, the accountant should do one of what two things?
1) Issue a disclaimer OR
2) Perform a compilation engagement
What is included in a standard compilation report (Mr. Sag ceases to nag Ace)?
MR Management is responsible for the f/s
SAG Statements done according to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
CES Compilation engagement done according to SSARS
NAG Not an audit or a review
ACE Accuracy, completeness, and expression of opinion is not being done