Audit 5 Flashcards
Rules of properly applying statistical analysis
Rule1. Always assume that the population being sampled is normally distributed, that is, it can be described “normal,” or “bell-shaped,” curve.
Rule 2. For the estimates that the CPA makes about the population to have mathematical validity, the samples have to be unrestricted and randomly selected(NO BIAS an equal chance of being selected)
Rule 3. If the sample is large enough and is randomly selected, the sample will likely have the same statistical characteristics(mean and standard deviation) as the underlying population, i.e., it will be representative of the population
Rule 4. Standard deviation is a measure of “variability,” which refers to the range of values within the population.
Sampling concepts DO NOT apply to
R-isk assessment procedures performed to obtain an understanding of IC
A-nalysis of security and access controls
T-ests of automated application controls when effective general controls are present
S-ome tests related to the operation of the control environment or the accounting system
Steps when conducting an attribute sampling application
- O-bjective of the test gets defined
- P-opulation gets defined
- S-ampling unit gets defined
- A-ttributes of interest get defined
- S-ize of sample gets determined
- S-ample gets selected
- E-valuate the sample results
- F-orm conclusions about the IC tested
- D-ocument the sampling procedure
Size of sample gets determined step of when conducting an attribute sampling application conduct the following procedures
L-ow: Risk of assessing Control Risk(CR) too low
E-xpected deviation rate
T-olerable deviation
S-ize of population
Three commonly used classical variable sampling plans
Means-per-Unit Estimation
Ratio Estimation
Difference Estimation
Steps for substantive testing
- O-bjective of the test gets defined
- P-opulation gets defined
- U-nit(Samplinge) gets defined
- S-ize of the sample gets determined
- S-elect the sample
- E-valuate the sample results
- C-onclusions about the balances (or Transactions) tested are formed
- D-ocument the sampling procedure
Sample size will increase as the following increase (direct relationship)
E-xpected misstatement
S-tandard deviation(population variability)
A-ssessed level of risk
Sample size will decrease as the following increase (Inverse relationship)
Tolerable misstatement
Acceptable level of risk
Levels of deficiency
C-ontrol deficiency
S-ignificant deficiency
M-aterial weakness
Managers’ response includes
Plan to fix
Cost/Benefit-do not fix
Integrated audits-Auditor Requirements (Issuers and non-issuers)
The audit or examination of IC should be integrated with an audit of the F/S
Auditor should use the same control criteria to perform the audit or examination of IC as management uses for its evaluation of the effectiveness of the entity’s IC
Tests of Controls should be designed to provide sufficient appropriate evidence
Integrated Audits-Management Requirements (Issuers only) SOX
States management’s responsibility for establishing and maintaining an adequate IC structure and procedures for financial reporting
Contains an assessment, as of the end of the most recent fiscal year of the issuer, of the effectiveness of the IC structure and procedures of issuer for financial reporting
Integrated Audits- Management Requirements (NON-issuers only)
E-valuates the effectiveness of the entity’s IC suitable and available criteria
S-upports its assertion about the effectiveness of IC with sufficient appropriate evidence
A-ccept responsibility for the effectiveness of IC
W-ritten Provides a written assertion about the effectiveness of the entity’s IC in a report that accompanies the auditor’s report
Written Representations (issuers and non-issuers)
C-hanges States whether there were any significant changes to IC after the “as of” date of the report.
A-cknowledges its responsibility
F-raud Describes fraud resulting in material misstatement or fraud involving senior management or key employees
A-ssertion stated: States the assertion and specifies the criteria
N-OT rely: Affirms that management did not rely on the auditor’s procedures as the basis for the assertion
D-isclosed Confirms that all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses have been disclosed to the auditor
Controls that might address the Fraud Risk Assessment include controls over
S-ignificant transactions
P-eriod-end journal entries and adjustments
R-elated party transactions
U-nusual transactions
E-stimates: Significant management estimates