Audit 4 Flashcards
Audit evidence is gathered throughout the audit (objective of substantive testing: detect material misstatements in F/S)
S-ubstantive procedures
O-ther audit procedures
R-isk assessment procedures
T-est of controls
Types of audit evidence
A-ccounting records
C-orroborating evidence(obtained through Observation, Inquiry, and Inspection)
E-lectronic: Evidence in Electronic Form
Types of Analytical Procedures
Comparisons of Financial data
Ratio Analysis
Steps in designing analytical procedures
- Determine procedures suitable for testing assertions
- Determine reliability of data
- Perform analytical procedures and compare the results
- Investigate the significant differences
Analytical procedures are More & Less reliable
More-I/S accounts are more predictable
Less-Accounts with management discretion are less predictable
Documentation required for Substantive Analytical Procedures
F-actors considered
E-xpectation of the auditor
A-dditional audit procedures performed
R-esults of such analytical procedures
Audit Terminology
F-oot (add down), crossfooting (add across), and recalculation-verify mathematical accuracy
I-nquiry-requesting info both internally and externally
C-onfirmation-specific type of inquiry from external 3rd parties
A-nalytical Procedures=look for unusual items
C-utoff Review
A-uditing related Accounts Simultaneously
R-epresentation Letter=conclusion of fieldwork
S-ubsequent Events review
Account Balances Assertions
C-ompleteness (all assets, liabilities and equity interests that should have been recorded have been)
V-aluation, Allocation, and Accuracy (amounts fairly and appropriately made, as well as adjustments)
E-xistence and Occurrence
R-ights and Obligations
Transactions and Events Assertions
C-ompleteness cutOff V-aluation, Allocation, and Accuracy E-xistence(B/S) and Occurrence(I/S) U-nderstandability and Classification (recorded in the proper accounts)
Presentation and Disclosure Assertion
V-aluation, Allocation, and Accuracy
R-ights and Obligations, and Occurrence (Disclose events and transactions that have occurred and pertain to the entity)
U-nderstandability (of the footnotes only) and Classification=clearly expressed)
Positive confirmations is best for
L-arge $ amounts
E-xpected errors/disputes
W-eak IC
Negative confirmations are used when
L-ow risk
E-xpect customer attention
S-mall balances
The accounting department (accounts payable) has 3 functions
R-ecord the payable
A-pprove the invoice for payment
P-ayment: Record the payment after it is approved by the Treasurer
Risk reduced by segregation of duties
7 cycles of auditing
P-P&E: acquisitions and disposals, and related depreciation expense
I-nventory: Perpetual, physical, and manufacturing
P-ayroll and personnel: payroll and personnel functions
E-xpenditure: purchases, payables, and cash disbursements
R-evenue: sales revenues, receivables, and cash receipts
I-nvestments: investments in debt and equity and the income received from investments
F-inancing: debt and equity financing, repayments, interest expense, and dividends