Audit 1 Flashcards
Auditor is responsible for
- C-ompliance with laws, regulations and ethics
- A-ppropriate competence and capabilities
- P-rofessional skepticism
- P-rofessional judgment
Reasonable assurance
- P-lan the work and properly supervise any assistants
- R-isks of material misstatements, fraud or error must be identified and assessed
- O-btain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
- M-ateriality levels get determined and applied
Inherent limitations
- Nature of Financial reporting and Audit procedures
2. Timeliness of financial reporting and the balance between Cost and Benefit
Auditors ultimately evaluate
- W-arranties
- I-ntangibles
- A-sset life/salvage value
- L-iabilities
- I-mpairment
- B-ad Debts
- Y-bought a letter
PCAOB consists of these types of members-ISSUERS
- 2- must be CPA’s, other 3 must not be CPA’s
- P-ublic accounting firms must register with PCAOB to audit public companies
- A-bought a letter
- C-an act as the chair of the board if they have not practiced for the last 5 years
- C-annot receive payments from public accounting firms
3 levels of auditing guidance
- SAS-AICPA Statements on Auditing Standards and PCAOB Auditing Standards-
- IP-Interpretive Publications
- OAP-Other Auditing Publications
Auditors should be alert for
- C-ontradicting audit evidence
- R-eliability of documents and responses to inquiries that may be used as audit evidence
- A-dditional audit procedures (because of circumstances) in addition to those required by GAAS.
- F-raud conditions(pressure, Rationalization, opportunity)
- T-bought a letter
- Fact
2. Appearance
Professional judgment is necessary when making decisions about
- M-ateriality
- A-udit risk
- J-udgments made by management in applying the applicable financial reporting framework
- E-vidence is sufficient, and appropriate that has been obtained
- C-onclusion based on the audit evidence obtained
- NET-The nature, extent and timing of audit procedures
Fair Presentation means
- D-isclosures are adequate
- I-nformation is: Relevant, reliable, comparable, and understandable
- E-ffect of material transactions and events is understood
- T-erminology is appropriate
- S-tructure is fairly presented
- F-/S represent the underlying transactions and events
- E-stimates are reasonable
- G-AAP application is consistent
Unmodified audit opinion
- Title-“Independent”
- Addressee(GR: not to management)
- Introductory Paragraph
- MR- Management’s Responsibility for the financial statements
- DIM-this responsibility includes: Design, Implementation, Maintenance
- Auditor’s responsibility(GAAS)
- Auditor’s Opinion(GAAP and other applicable Financial Reporting Frameworks)
- Emphasis of matter paragraph
- Other Matters paragraph
- Other reporting Responsibilities
- Signature of the auditor
- Auditor’s address
- Date of the audit report
Addressee is not to whom GENERALLY?
Auditor’s responsibility(GAAS)
a. R-esponsibility word in heading
b. E-xpress an opinion on the F/S based on the audit
c. P-lan the audit
d. P-erform the audit
e. O-btain audit evidence
f. R-isk, assement of the risk of material misstatement
g. T-est Internal Controls
h. S-tatements(F/S)- relevant to the entities preparation and fair presentation of the F/S
i. C-ontrol, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entities internal Control
j. R-easonableness of accounting estimates
k. A-accounting estimates
l. M-anagement, estimates made by management
m. E-valuating the overall presentation of the F/S
Auditor’s Opinion paragraph
A statement that :the F/S present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the entity as of the balance sheet date and the results of operations and its cash flows for the period then ended, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
“and the report of the other auditors”
Emphasis of matter paragraph MAY be necessary for
i. Uncertainty in situations
ii. Major catastrophe
iii. Related party transactions
iv. Subsequent events