Audiology: Exam 2 Flashcards
What is a pure tone threshold?
The lowest level at which a person responds to a tone
At how many frequencies is a pure tone threshold taken?
It is obtained at different frequencies to determine whether hearing loss is present
How can pure tones be obtained?
1 - air conduction
2 - bone conduction
What is used during air conduction?
headphones, insert phones, or speakers
What is used during bone conduction?
A bone conduction oscillator that is placed on either mastoid or head
What is the method used during pure tone testing?
You can either have the patient do a hand raise, press the button, or says “yes”
What is a true response?
The client accurately responds - they hear it, raider their hand or they don’t hear it and don’t raise their hand
What is a false response?
They inaccurately respond - they hear it and don’t raise hand or they don’t hear ir and raise hand
What is a positive response?
A response that you heard it (hear it and raise hand; tinnitus - hear own and raise hand; vibrating and raise hand but don’t really hear it; IA - raise hand because the good ear heard it)
What is a negative response?
When you don’t respond (faking it, misunderstood, asleep, too young, hearing tinnitus)
What is a true positive response?
when they accurately say they heard it
What is a true negative response?
when they accurately don’t respond
What is a false positive response?
inaccurately responded - said they heard it when they didn’t
What is a false negative response?
inaccurately say they didn’t hear sound (faking it, did not understand directions, sleeping)
Where do you start for the beginning of an evaluation?
ASHA says to begin at 30dBHL at 1000Hz or a level a person can hear
How long should you present the tone during an evaluations?
One to two seconds in duration
For the start of an evaluation, if the patient does not respond at 30dBHL, what should you do?
Increase to 50dBHL and increments of 20dBHL until you receive a response.
When do you begin a threshold search?
When the patient responds to the first tone
What is the ascending-descending approach?
When you are searching for threshold, we use the down 10dBHL, up 5dBHL method.
When a patient responds to the initial tone, what do you do?
You drop 10dBHL until you get no response
What do you do after you drop 10dBHL and get no response?
You ascend 5dBHL until you get a response
What is the lowest level at which a patient responses?
You must repeat the down 10, up 5 until the patient responses 2 or 3 times, giving you the lowest level
What frequencies are tested for air conduction?
1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 1000, 500, 250
Also inter-octaves: 750, 1500, 3000, 6000
What frequencies are tested for bone conduction?
1000, 2000, 4000, 500, 250
Sometimes 6000
Also inter-octaves: 750, 1500, 3000
What is the symbol on the audiogram for the left ear, air conduction?
What is the symbol on the audiogram for the right ear, air conduction?
What is the symbol on the audiogram for the left ear, air conduction?
What is the symbol on the audiogram for the left ear, bone conduction?
What is the three frequency pure tone average?
the average of the thresholds at 500, 1000, and 2000Hz
What is the two frequency pure tone average?
the average of the two best threshold of 500, 1000, and 2000Hz
How do you interpret an audiogram?
You look at each ear separately and you describe: degree of hearing loss, nature of hearing loss, and audiometric configuration
What are the degrees of hearing loss?
normal, slight (children only), mild, moderate, moderately-severe, severe, and profound
What is a normal degree of “hearing loss?”
What is a mild degree of hearing loss?
What is a moderate degree of hearing loss?
What is a moderately-severe degree of hearing loss?
What is a severe degree of hearing loss?
What is a profound degree of hearing loss?
What is the nature of hearing loss based on?
presence or absence of air-bone gap
What is a normal hearing loss?
When the BC agrees with AC and both are within normal limits
What is a conductive hearing loss?
When the BC is within normal limits and AC shows a loss
What is sensorineural hearing loss?
When the BC agrees with the AC and both show a hearing loss
What is a mixed hearing loss?
When the BC shows a loss but AC also shows loss even greater than BC
What are the audiogram configurations?
Flat (each threshold is within 10dB), gradually sloping, steeply sloping or markedly sloping, rising, and ski-slope or precipitously sloping
What are the ASHA guidelines for a pure tone screening?
Test frequencies 1000, 2000, and 4000Hz at 25dBHL (adults)
What does a failure of a pure tone screening consist of?
A lack of response to any one frequency in either ear