Audilogy Terms Flashcards
What happens from week 4 to 8 gestation?
3 germ layers grow and develop landmarks which later develop into organs
What are the three layers called?
create the central and peripheral nervous system. Including the inner ear.
Heavily involved in bone ,cartilage, muscles
epithelia membranes of the digestive and respiratory system.
When is ear development complete?
20th week of gestation.
How long does the external ear continue to mature for?
age 9
- brain’s ability to reorganize itself.
- Forms new connections and pathways in response to sensory and motor input.
- Learning new skills or in creating new memories upon which to build additional behaviors.
Critical periods
first 2 or 3 years of life
Moro reflex
hear, arm and whole body startle reflex
Aural palpebral response
eye blink
Apgar score
At birth the newborn is graded for how sick or healthy he/she is at 1 minute and again at 5 minutes.
a completely filled in or closed external ear canal
multiple bony growths
single bony growth
Serous OM:
OM with fluid (effusion) that is clear and without pus or blood.
Adhesive OM
usually the result of chronic long term OM with a sticky effusion. Fibroblasts or fibers in it.
Shiny white deposits of hyalinized or calcified scar tissue.
leave a little pocket in this outer layer and the dead cells fall into it causing a skin filled cyst to grow into the middle ear.
Childhood Infections that can cause hearing loss.
Viral Diseases
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
may show normal hearing to pure tones or only a mild to moderate loss while having great difficulty understanding speech.
similar to CAPD
What age do you use behavioral observation?
What do you look for with behavioral observation
moro reflexes, aural, or any response
What age do you use Visual Reinforcement Audiometry?
6 months-2years
How does Visual Reinforcement Audiometry work?
- Condition child to turn his/her head to the right when a sound is presented from that side and to the left when coming from the left side.
- After the child is considered “conditioned” in that he/she consistently looks right and left, testing can commence.
- randomly choose right or left and reduce the stimulus in 10 or 15dB steps.
What age do you use conditioned play audiomtery?
2-4 yearrs
Types of Testing
behavioral observation reinforcement VRA Conditoned Play TROCA Speech Audiometry
2 types of speech audiomtery
Typanametry results
A-normal As-otosclerosis Ad-disarticulated ossicular chain B-fluid filled middle ear C-otitis media
measures the reflected sound under various air pressure placed on the outside of the eardrum.
Acoustic Reflex Thresholds
measures presence or absence of reflexes
Otoacoustic Emissions
measures sounds that come out of the ear from the inner ear.
failing those who should fail
passing those who should pass
False Positives
How often does the test identify normal hearers as being hearing impaired?
False Negatives (FN)
How often does the test falsely identify a hearing impaired child as being normal?
frequency of new outbreaks
What does JCIH reccomend ?
all infants should be screened using a physiologic test rather than a behavioral hearing test prior to 1 month of age.
Hearing aid styles
Which hearing aid style is besst for children?
What have probe microphone measurements done?
moved hearing aid fitting from art to science
What is validation?
the check of how child is doing with hearing aid
Forms of validation
Hearing threshold across frequencies
Most comfortable level (MCL)
uncomfortable loudness level
maximum output of hearing aid
Minimum age reccomendation of cochlear implants?
12 months
Educational Goals for the Child with Hearing Loss
- limited language skills
2. poor reading
rely on strict use of audition.
Educational methodologies
auditory-oral and auditory verbal methods visual oral speech reading ASL TC Cued speech
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
characterized by normal hair cell function and absent or abnormal nerve function t