Atypical Sex Chromosome Patterns Flashcards
Which gender does klinefelter’s syndrome affect?
Which gender does Turner’s syndrome affect?
If someone has klinefelters syndrome what would their sex chromosomes be?
(Usually male sex chromosomes are XY)
If someone has Turner’s syndrome what would their sex chromosomes be?
(Females usually have XX)
Klinefelters affects 1 in ? Males
?= 600
Turners affects 1 in ? Women
?= 5000
List the physical characteristics of a male with klinefelters
Reduced body hair
Breast development
Rounded body
List the physical characteristics of a female with Turner’s syndrome
Webbed neck
Shield chest
Narrow hips
List the psychological characteristics of a male with klinefelters
Poor language and problem solving skills
Lack of interest in sex
List the psychological characteristics of a female with Turner’s syndrome
High reading ability
Reduced spatial memory
Socially immature
How does research into atypical sex chromosome patterns support the nature nurture debate? (AO3)
When comparing people who have these syndromes and normal people we can identify differences between the two groups. Therefore, it will be logically inferred it has a biological basis as a result of abnormal chromosomes.
Describe the counter evidence for supporting the nature side of the debate (AO3)
The correlation may not mean causation
It may be that the environment and social influences are responsible for differences in behaviour. Therefore, wrong to assume all down to nature.
Explain how research into atypical sex chromosome patterns has a real world application (AO3)
Continued research into atypical sex chromosome patterns is likely to lead to earlier diagnosis. An Australian study into 87 people with klinefelters syndrome diagnosed from an early age. This was shown to benefit them as they could manage their syndrome from an earlier age.