Attitudes Towards Pacifism Flashcards
Against pacifism - it won’t work as a national policy
It will only work if no one wants to attack your country, or the nation in dispute with is also committed to pacifism
Logical case against pacifism -
- The world isn’t perfect, war is not always wrong.
* State has a duty to carry out certain tasks in a Just War to protect citizens.
Logical against pacifism failing to serve country -
The pacifists refusal to fight doesn’t make them noble, they are failing to carry out a moral obligation. I.e. Conscientious objectors
Examples for pacifism:
Martin Luther King - used methods such as boycotts, speeches and marches (only worked because of media)
Oscar Romero - 3 years as Archbishop protesting against ruler of El Salvador, assassinated by government
Peace organisations -
The United Nations - UN soldiers not allowed to fight unless in self defence
Pax Christi - Tries to stop Arms Trade and educates people
Pacifist religious/normal groups -
Quaker are pacifist group and violence is wrong aim for nuclear free world
Roman Catholic Church peace cannot be obtained without safeguarding and respect for dignity of men
Conscientious Objectors in WW1 and WW2 refused to fight and got sent to prison there were reported 16,000 in WW1
For pacifism -
Cycle of violence. If we respond to violence with violence it only promotes more violence. Gandhi said “an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind”
For pacifism -
Ideological as love is greater than fighting
Pacifism Quotes -
“Blessed are the peacemakers”
“Love your enemies”
“Love thy neighbour”