Attitudes Flashcards
What are attitudes
Attitudes are the evaluations of people, objects and ideas
What are the three components of attitudes
1) Cognitive component
2) Affective component
3) Behavioural component
Is there a genetic component to attitudes
Small effect if there is any because of twin studies but not a major role
What is the cognitive component of attitudes
The thoughts and beliefs that people form about the attitude object
Affective component
People’s emotional reactions towards the attitude object
Behavioural component
How people act toward the attitude object
Cognitively based attitudes
An attitude based on their beliefs about the properties of the object; for example the objective merits or faults, listing plus and minus for a vacuum cleaner eg (how well it cleans up, how fast they charge, etc(
Affectively based attitudes
An attitude based more about your feelings and values than on their beliefs about the nature of the attitude object;;
could be based on your beliefs rather than facts or you like the taste of something thats bad for you or you pick this object for its aesthetic appeal
WHere do affective based attitudes come from?
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Beliefs and values
WHat is classical conditioning
Making an emotional response to a neutral stimulus by pairing the neutral stimulus with the emotional stimulus
Operant conditioning
The behaviors we choose are less or more frequent because of punishment or reward
Behaviourally based attitudes
An atittude based on observations of how one behaves toward an object
Similar to the self perception theory where we don;t know how we feel so we use behaviour to see how we feel
Explicit attitudes
We can easily report these and publicly endorse them
Implicit Attitudes
Attitudes that exist outside of conscious awareness
What are implict and explicit attidues rooted in
Explicit attitudes better reflect recent experineces and current attitudes whereas implicit can better predict their childhood experiences
Does attitude always predict behaviour
What factor affects whether our attitude predicts our behaviour
Attitude accessibility: the higher the accessibillity the better that attitude can predict behaviour
What is attitude accessibility
The strength of the association between an attitude object and a person’s evaluation of that object
How to measure attitude accessibility
The speed with which people can report how they feel about the object
The higher the accessibility the quicker it is for people to report, the opposite is true