Attachment AO1 Flashcards
Caregiver interactions
- Reciprocity - respond + elicit responses, mother do 2/3 of the time
- Interactional synchrony - actions are simultaneous , Melzoff and Moore filmed responses parents given 1 out of 3 facial gestures, Isabella says high synchrony = better attachment
Stages of attachment
1) Asocial (few weeks) people & objects indifferent
2) Indiscriminate (2-7m) people better, no anxiety
3) Specific (7m) - sep anxiety, primary attachment figure
4) Multiple (1yr) - secondary attachments
Schaffer abd Emmerson - 60 glasgow babies, mother asked about anxiety, specific attachment with most interactive
Role of father
- 3% primary attachment
- 75% secondary attachment
- Grossman - fathers attachment is less important for adolescent attachment
- Father is for play and stimulation
Harlow and Lorenz
Harlow’s monkeys;
- 16 monkeys, wired vs cloth
- Scary situations (alone in strange place, loud noises)
- Monkeys deprives of mother = more aggressive adults
- Went to wired mother (comfort above food)
Lorenz imprinting;
- randomly divided clutch geese eggs
- 1/2 mother in natural environment
- 1/2 with lorenz in incubator
- Found critical period
- Glove - first movement so became attached (chickens)
Learning theory
- CC = caregiver (NS) + food (UCS) = caregiver (CS) + pleasure (CR)
- OC = crying gets response (food) negative reinforcement
- Hunger = primary drive
- Attachment = secondary drive (caregiver generalised to food)
Monotropic theory
- Law of continuity - constant care , better attachment
- Law of accumulated - safest dose is 0 dose (separation)
- Social releasers (smiling) - adult social interactions
- 1st attachment forms internal working model
Strange situation
1) Baby explores
2) Stranger enters
3) Caregiver leaves
4) Caregiver returns & stranger leaves
5) Baby alone
6) Stranger returns
7) Caregiver returns
- Secure (60-75%) , explores, moderate anxiety, accepts comfort on reunion
- Insecure avoidant (20-25%), no proximity or anxiety, accepts comfort on reunion
- Insecure resistant (3%), greater proximity, anxiety resists comfort
Maternal deprivation
- Separation - not physically present
- Deprivation - lack emotional care
- Critical period = 2 1/2 years
- 44 delinquent teens caught stealing and were interviewed
- 12/44 = affectionless psychology - experienced mother separation in 2 years
- 156 romanian orphans
- adopted before 6 months = IQ 102
- adopted after 2 years = IQ 77 (clingy)
- Used in strange situation with 95 children, only 19% securely attached
- Disinhibited attachment - friendly to strangers and well known
Influence on later relationships
- Securely attached less likely to be bullies
- 620 respondants to love quiz, secure respondants = long lasting relationships, avoidant = fear intimacy