attachment Flashcards
stage three of attachment
specific, show separation and stranger anxiety. formed specific attachment
stage one of attachment
asocial, behaviour towards human and non human objects are similar, happier in the presence of humans, show preference for familiar adults
stage two of attachment
indiscriminate, recognise specific faces, preference for familiar adults, smile at anyone, prefer faces to non faces, accept comfort from any adult, do not usually show separation and stranger anxiety
stage four of attachment
multiple, form secondary attachment with familiar adults, use familiar adults as a secure base
four stages of attachment
schaffer and emerson findings
first attachment at around 6-8 months with person that was most caring towards the infant, by 40 weeks 80% had formed specific and 30% had formed multiple
schaffer and emerson procedure
60 children in glasgow, homes visited monthly, interactions between care giver and infant were observed and care giver was interviewed on infants behaviour
Grossman research into role of the father
quality of attachment with mother affects attachments in adolescence but quality of fathers play affected attachment in adolescence
Fields research into father as primary caregivers
filmed 4 month old infants interaction with primary caregiver mothers, primary caregiver fathers and secondary caregiver fathers and found primary caregiver fathers tended to smile more and hold hands with the infant
weaknesses of studies into attachment figures
confusing as different researchers want to find out different things so specific questions are answered but not the main question of ‘what is the role of the father’ and if they have a distinct role then why arent children without fathers different
weaknesses of studies into caregiver infant interactions
dont tell us the purpose of synchrony and reciprocity, can be easily observed but serve no purpose in the explanation of attachment, hard to know what is going on from the infants perspectives as what is being observed is merely hand movements or expressions
strengths of studies into caregiver infant interactions
often involve recordings which can be replayed and analysed which increases internal validity
bailey et al procedure and findings
99 mothers attachments to their babies and their attachment to their own mothers assessed. attachment with own mothers was assessed through questionairres, majority had same attachment with their mother as they did with their child
description of how two people interact. both infant and mother respond to each others signals and take in turns eliciting a response
when infant and caregiver reflect both the actions and emotions of each other and do so in a co ordinated way
meltzoff and moore
observed interactional synchrony in infants as young as 2 weeks old, adult displayed action or expression and childs response was filmed. association found between expression and response
schaffer and emerson findings of parent infant attachment
babies become attached to mothers first, form secondary attachments within a few weeks or months. 75% form attachment with father within 18 months
strenghts of romanian orphan studies
add to knowledge of effects of institutionalisation. led to improvement in child care. real life application. increased internal validity as didnt involve children that had experienced loss
weaknesses of romanian orphan studies
lacks external validity as was a bad and unique situation, not clear what long term effects are
disinhibited attachment
friendly and affectionate to new people which is unusual and may be explained as an adaptation to living with multiple caregivers
mental retardation
most showed signs of retardation but most adopted before 6 months caught up so can recover
attachment as secondary drive
primary is food and becomes generalised to the person supplying the food so they become the secondary drive as association is made between them and the satisfaction of food
strengths of studies of cultural variations
large samples so increases internal validity by reducing impact of anomalous results
weaknesses of learning theory and attachment
animal studies show animals do not necassarily form attachments with who feeds them, same must be true for humans, research from humans show feeding is not an important factor
strengths of schaffer and emerson study
good external validity as done in home, longitudinal study meant minimised effect of individual differences, good sample size
weaknesses of cross cultural variation studies
samples tend to be unrepresentative as they are between countries not cultures, method of assessment is biased, designed around british theory, may not measure attachment but rather temperament