attachment Flashcards
attachment definition
a deep and enduring bond that connects one person to another across time and space
who came up with the attachment theory
John Bowlby
instinctual infant responses
babies are primed to behaviour that elicits care from care givers
internal works model
mental representation of attachment figure, the self and the environment, cognitive aspect of attachment
stages of attachment
pre-attachment, attachment in the making, clear-cut attachment, formation of goal corrected partnership, middle-childhood to adolescence
0-8 weeks, behaviours for attention
attachment in the making
8 weeks - 6/7 months, discrimination between familiar and unfamiliar adults
clear cut attachment
7 months, caregiver is secure base for exploration of environment
formation of goal corrected partnership
2 -3 years, lessening of egocentricity, caregiver is not just for needs
define goal corrected partnership,
contact does not require an attachment figures physical presence
middle childhood to adolescents
lessening of proximity
attachment styles
secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant, disoriented
which attachment style was not by John bowlby
disorientated/ disorganised attachment style reference
main & soloman 1986; 1990
characteristics of secure attachment
child is confident af will meet their needs, child goes to af when distressed is quickly soothed and returns to exploration