Atmospheric Pollution Flashcards
What is it?
-suspended particles from incomplete combustion
source of smoke
-diesel engines
-wild forest fires
toxic chemicals found in smoke
-heavy metals: aluminium, sulphur, lead
effects of smoke
-humans: respiratory problems, eye problems, bronchitis, lung cancer, COPD, carcinogenic (heavy metals)
-plants: particulates settle on leafs, block light, reduce photosynthesis, heavy metals toxic to plants
-non living organisms: particulates adhere to buildings, removal is difficult and expensive, produce more particulates, if in contact with other metals like sulphur can be corrosive
-climate/atmosphere: blocks our sun rays reaching earth, increases albedo due to particulates being flat reflect light
what is it?
-smoke and fog
-airborne particles and ground level ozone, from car exhaust, coal power stations, paint, cleaning solvents
how’s it formed?
-when sunlight hits chemicals in atmosphere, smog is formed.
-fog is formed when moist air is cooled and then gets lots of water droplets
-smog is formed when particulates are involved
-smoke in fog is held lower in the atmosphere, more likely to be inhaled
what increases smog?
-temperature inversion
-this is when overcoming air becomes warmer as the altitude increases
-this is created when:
-clear skys at night (no clouds)
-low winds (keeps cold air at low ground)
-in valley (traps)
-mist/fog in day (increases albedo)
Temperature inversion
-overcoming air is warmer than air below
-trapping pollutants
-caused by smog
what is it?
reactions with chemicals such as NOXs with light
pollutants involved with the formation
-NOXs from vehicle engines
-VOCs (hydrocarbon gases from petrol stations)
-O3 in the troposphere
chemical reactions
-NO2 + UV light
(UV light breaks bonds in NO2)
-forming NO + O
-O + O2 forms O3
-NO releases monoatomic oxygen (O)
which is reactive, unstable and reacts with other oxygens producing O2 and O3
-HC floating around near petrol stations
-PANS is formed: much bigger impact on respiratory problems then the other pollutants on their own
what other conditions stop pollutants from dispersing making them more dangerous?
-temperature inversion
-need to be in a low lying area
-cold temps
-low winds
-clear skys
How can we reduce chances of photochemical fog?
-vegetation/green barriers to absorb NO2
-fuel stations use activated carbon stations (absorb NOXs)
-low emission zones, can be fined for taking a car into a zone of NOXs
-provided insensitive for electric vehicles (cooler engine don’t produce NOXs)
-oxidise hydrocarbons producing CO2 and H2O
-catalytic converters
Acid precipitation
gases that cause acid rain
sulphur from combustion of coal, oxidised and turns into SOXs
reacts with water and produces acid rain H2SO4
Acid precipitation
direct effects on non living
-corrode buildings (limestone as alkali)
-any building that constrains limestone (concrete and cement, brick, metal work, pipelines, bridges, girders, pile ons)