Atlantic Branch Flashcards
Atlantic terminal Brook 1 interlocking Brook 2 interlocking Nostrand Avenue East New York East New York interlocking R-Brook Boland's landing (for employees only) Dunton interlocking R-JCC Jay interlocking R-JCC JCC interlocking station Jamaica Hall interlocking R-JCC Locust Manor Laurelton Rosedale Valley stream Valley block and interlining station
Interlocking stations
- Brook interlocking station
- JCC interlocking station
- Valley interlocking station
Rules in effect
Brook to east New York 261-264 501-509 BD 400-412 EX 410 1W, 2E 400-412 EX 409 1E, 2W
East New York To Dunton 1,2 Trk
501-509 BD
400-412 EX 409 BD
Dunton to Jay 1-4 Trk and E/B Brooklyn freight
501-509 BD
400-412 EX 410 BD
Hall to Valley 1,2 Trk
501-509 BD
400-412 EX 409 BD
Rule 100 is in effect Brook to Valley
- Brook 1 interlocking
- Brook 2 interlocking
- East New York interlocking R-Brook
- Dunton interlocking R-JCC
- Jay interlocking R-JCC
- Hall interlocking R-JCC
- Valley interlocking
Block stations
Valley block station
Tracks other than main track equipped with third rail power
Atlantic terminal station tracks- 1-6
VD yard- all tracks
Dunton- westbound Brooklyn freight track
Signal to left of track governed
Hall – eastbound free standing position light home signal to the left of track governed 2nd Home signal east of Jamaica station on No.1 track at the Easterly limits of Hall interlocking.
Dual control switches
Signals used in Lieu of absolute block signals
Valley – eastbound pedestal home signals on No. 1 and No. 2 track at the east end of Valleystream station – flashing slow approach when routed for Ada verging movement to the west Hempstead branch and Far Rockaway No. 2 track
Maximum authorized speed
80 MPH passenger
45 mph freight
VD Yard
- East and Lay-up track north to south 1-4
- West and layup track 5, immediately to the south of track 5 is the switching lead track
- third rail all tracks
- automatic safety switches
- restricted speed not to exceed 5 mph
- contact Brook tower yardmaster – channel 1