ATI section 13: Médications for the Reproductive System Flashcards
Consider the following when providing client education and support regarding contraception
- Age and health status, including risk for STI
- Religion and culture
- Plans for future conception
- Frequency of intercourse
- Number of sexual partners
- Personal concerns about availability, spontaneity, ease of use
Ortho Evra
- Contraceptive patch
- Replace patch every 3 weeks
- Apply patch to buttocks, abdomen, upper torso, upper/outer arm
- period week 4
- Injection administered every 3 months during menstrual cycle
- use backup form of BC for 7 days after unprotected sex
- Fertility returns 1 yr after stopping
Emergency contraceptive
- Larger than normal dose of oral contraceptive
- Taken no longer than 72 hrs after unprotected sex
- 2nd dose repeated 12hr later
- Antiemetics may be needed
- Never use as primary method of BC
Nuva Ring
- Placed deep into the vagina once every 3 weeks
- One size fits most women
- If it falls out, rinse with warm water and return within 5 hr
- Remove ring during week 4, menses begins
Intrauterine device (IUD)
- Contraindicated with diabetes or PID
- High risk for infection
- May have cramping and heavier periods
- Hormonal effective up to 7 yrs
- Copper effective up to 12 yrs
- Monitor for signs of infection
- Verify string is present
Cervical cap
- Use with spermicide
- Fitted by prescriber
- Pap every 3 months
- Increased risk of vaginal infection
- Leave in place 6 hr after intercourse but not longer than 48 hrs
Cevical diaphragm
- Use with spermicide
- Fitted by prescriber
- Refitted after childbirth or weight gain/loss
- Leave in place 6 hr after intercourse
- Refit size with 10lb or more weight change
- Use with spermicide
- Protects against STDs
- Apply and remove correctly
- Use only water-soluble lubricants
- Available as: cream, foam, gel, suppository, film
- Should be used with barrier method
- Can insert up to 1 hr before intercourse
Nursing Interventions and Client Education
- Discuss conception and contraceptive plans with client to include reliability, benefits, and risks
- instruct client to maintain regular health screening visits
- Instruct client about measures to prevent PID, STIs
- Explain that contraceptive decisions may change over the life span
- Teach clients unreliable forms of BC including withdrawal, douching, and breastfeeding
- Cervical Ripening
- Cervidil (Cervical gel)
- genital herpes
- ruptured membranes
- placenta previa
Side/Adverse Effects:
- N/V
- Stomach/back pain
- Feeling of warmth in the vaginal area
Nursing Interventions and Client Education:
- Bed rest for 1-2 hr after insertion
- Record maternal vitals and fetal HR
- Monitor uterine contractions
- Remove by gently pulling the netted string and discard
- Oxytocin augmentation may be initiated as needed
- Assess Bishop score for 6 and greater to begin induction
Oxytocin (Pitocin)
Therapeutic Use
- Antepartum for contraction stress test (CST)
- Intrapartum for induction or augmentation of labor
- Postpartum to promote uterine involution
- Placental insufficiency
- Bishop score of 6 and greater when planning induction
Side/Adverse Effects:
- Intense uterine contractions
- Uterine hyperstimulation (contraction longer than 90 seconds)
- Uterine rupture
Nursing Interventions and Client Education:
- Administer secondary infusion via infusion pump for induction or augmentation
- Continuously monitor uterine contractions and fetal HR
- Discontinue oxytocin with any signs of uterine hyperstimulation
- Administer oxygen via face mask 10L for signs of hyper stimulation
- When used in postpartum, monitor client for signs of uterine bleeding
Methylergonovine (Methergine)
Therapeutic Use
-Postpartum hemorrhage
-Extreme caution with: hypertension, preeclampsia, heart disease, venoatrial shunts, mitral valve stenosis, sepsis, or hepatic or renal impairment
Side/Adverse Effects:
- Potent vasoconstriction
- Hypertension
- headache
Nursing Interventions and Client Education:
- Continuously monitor BP
- Assess uterine bleeding and uterine tone
-Act on uterine muscle to cease contractions
Therapeutic Use
-Stop preterm labor
- Terbutaline, ritodrine
- Nifedipine
- Magnesium sulfate
Terbutaline sulfate, ritodrine HCI
Side/Adverse Effects:
- Nervousness
- N/V
- Severe palpitations
- Chest pain
- Pulmonary edema
Nursing Interventions:
- Monitor contractions and FHT
- Monitor vitals
- Do not administer if pulse rate greater than 130/min or client has chest pain
Beta Blocking agent is antidote
Side/Adverse Effects:
- Hypotension
- Fatigue
- Flushing
- Uteroplacental perfusion complications
Nursing Interventions:
- Monitor BP
- Avoid concurrent use with magnesium sulfate
- Monitor contractions and FHT
- Prevent complications with hypotension
Magnesium sulfate
Side/Adverse Effects
- Warmth
- Flushing
- Respiratory depression
- Decreased urine output
- Pulmonary edema
Nursing Interventions
- Monitor vitals and DTRs
- Monitor magnesium levels (therapeutic range 4-8mg/dL)
- Administer via infusion pump in diluted form
- Use indwelling catheter to monitor urinary elimination
Administer calcium gluconate 10% if available for signs of toxicity
Antenatal steroids
Betamethasone (Celestone)
Therapeutic Use:
-Promote fetal lung maturity in preterm labor when delivery is likely
Side/Adverse Effects:
- Fluid retention
- Elevated BP
Nursing Interventions and Client Education:
- Administer 2 doses (usually IM) 24 hr apart (repeat doses not recommended)
- Provide emotional support to the family
Rho(D) Immune Globulin (RhoGAM)
Therapeutic Use:
-Rh factor incompatibility to prevent sensitization for subsequent pregnancies
- Confirm the mother is Rh-negative
- Never administer the IGIM full-dose or microdose products IV
- Never administer to a neonate
Nursing Interventions and Client Education:
-RhoGAM is administered as an injection after any event where fetal cells can mix with maternal blood